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Kakao, Growth of new mobile business next year(Hyundai Motor Securities)

입력: 2020- 12- 22- 오후 10:23
© Reuters.  Kakao, Growth of new mobile business next year(Hyundai Motor Securities)

This article is translated by AI company Flitto and Infostock Daily using neural machine translation technology.

Kakao CI

[Infostock Daily= Reporter An Hoe Hyun] Hyundai Motor Securities predicted on the 22nd that Kakao will continue to accelerate as a mobile platform amid expected strengthening of new businesses such as finance, mobility and subscription economy next year. Investment opinion 'Buy' and target stock price of 425,000 won were maintained, respectively.

Hyundai Motor Securities expects Kakao's consolidated sales in the fourth quarter to rise 46.1% on-year to 1.24 trillion won and operating profit to 145.8 billion won during the same period, up 83.2% Both Bizboard and Commerce in Talkbiz continue to grow at a high rate, and sales growth of nearly 50% is expected following the third quarter.

It is predicted that profits will continue due to overwhelming growth of around 40%, focusing on advertising, finance and content, and the achievement of BEP(break-even point) by major subsidiaries.

Next year, it is expected to make an annual operating surplus in Pay and Mobility and develop a subscription economy business model in the early stages of introduction.

Reporter An Hoe Hyun ahh@infostock.co.kr

최신 의견

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