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  종목명 현재 금리 국가
크로아티아 국립은행 (CNB)

The Croatian National Bank is the central bank of the Republic of Croatia. The Natio...

5%  크로아티아
키르기스공화국 국립은행 (NBKR)

The status, objectives, functions, powers and principles of organization and activity...

7.5%  키르기스스탄
키프로스 중앙은행

The Central Bank of Cyprus was established in 1963, shortly after Cyprus gained its i...

0%  키프로스
타지키스탄 중앙은행 (NBT)

The National Bank of Tajikistan is central issuance reserve bank of the Republic of T...

13%  타지키스탄
탄자니아 은행 (BOT)

The Bank of Tanzania is the central bank of the United Republic of Tanzania. It is re...

7.58%  탄자니아
태국 은행 (BOT)

The Bank of Thailand was first set up as the Thai National Banking Bureau. The Bank o...

2.25%  태국
통가 국립준비은행 (NRBT)

The National Reserve Bank of Tonga is the central bank of Tonga. The Reserve Bank is ...

0%  통가
투르크 메니스탄 중앙은행

The Central Bank of Turkmenistan is the national bank of Turkmenistan. It is located ...

0%  투르크메니스탄
튀니지 은행

The Central Bank of Tunisia's general assignment is to preserve price stability. In t...

6.75%  튀니지
터키 중앙은행 (CBRT)

The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey is the central bank of Turkey and is found...

45.00%  튀르키예
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