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상세 정보

The National Bank of Tajikistan is central issuance reserve bank of the Republic of Tajikistan and it is ownership of the Republic of Tajikistan. The National Bank of Tajikistan is underreporting of Majlisi Oli Majlisi Namoyandagon of the Republic of Tajikistan (lower chamber of Parliament). NBT is independent legal entity and for its purposes can establish institutions, having the rights of legal entity to acquire buildings, constructions or other property necessary for its activities. The National Bank of Tajikistan is not responsible for liabilities of the Republic of Tajikistan committed without the consent of the National Bank of Tajikistan. The Government guarantees the protection of titles of the National Bank of Tajikistan and can not confiscate its property, funds and money or reduce its statutory fund.

총재: Shirinov Abdujabbor

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