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  종목명 현재 금리 국가
트리니다드토바고 중앙은행

The Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago was established by an Act of Parliament on De...

3.5%  트리니다드 토바고
파나마 국립은행

The National Bank of Panama is one out two government owned banks in Panama. As of Ja...

0%  파나마
파라과이 중앙은행 (BCP)

The Central Bank of Paraguay is Paraguay's highest monetary authority, and the countr...

0.75%  파라과이
파키스탄 국영은행 (SBP)

The State Bank of Pakistan is the central bank of Pakistan. While its constitution, a...

7.5%  파키스탄
파퓨아뉴기니아 중앙은행

Bank of Papua New Guinea's main function is to issue currency and to act as the banke...

7%  파푸아 뉴 기니
페루 중앙준비은행 (BCRP)

The Central Reserve Bank of Peru is the Peruvian central bank. It mints and issues me...

6%  페루
포르투갈 은행

The Banco de Portugal, today an integral part of the European System of Central Banks...

0%  포르투갈
폴란드 중앙은행 (NBP)

The National Bank of Poland is the central bank of the Republic of Poland. Its tasks ...

5.75%  폴란드
프랑스 은행

The Banque de France is the central bank of France; it is linked to the European Cent...

0%  프랑스
피지 연방준비은행 (RBF)

The Reserve Bank of Fiji (RBF) is the central bank of the Pacific island country of F...

0.25%  피지
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