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  종목명 현재 금리 국가
우크레니아 국립은행 (NBU)

The National Bank of Ukraine is a legal entity with separated property, which is the ...

15.50%  우크라이나
유럽중앙은행 (ECB)

The European Central Bank (ECB) is one of the world's most important central banks, r...

2.65%  유로 지역
이라크 중앙은행 (CBI)

The primary objectives of the Central Bank of Iraq is to achieve, maintain domestic p...

6%  이라크
이란이슬람공화국 중앙은행 (CBI)

"BANK MARKAZI JOMHOURI ISLAMI IRAN" is the central bank of the Islamic Republic of Ir...

0%  이란
이스라엘 은행 (BOI)

The Bank of Israel was founded on August 24, 1954, when the Knesset passed the Bank o...

4.50%  이스라엘
이집트 중앙은행 (CBE)

The Central Bank of Egypt is the central bank of Egypt. The bank's paid-up capital is...

27.25%  이집트
이탈리아 은행

The Bank of Italy is the central bank of the Republic of Italy and part of the Europe...

0%  이탈리아
인도 연방준비은행 (RBI)

The Reserve Bank of India was established on April 1, 1935 in accordance with the pro...

6.25%  인도
인도네시아 은행 (BI)

Bank Indonesia is the central bank of Indonesia. It was founded on 1 July 1953 from t...

5.75%  인도네시아
일본 은행 (BOJ)

The Bank of Japan is the central bank of Japan. The Bank is often called Nichigin for...

0.50%  일본
애플로 로그인
구글 계정으로 로그인
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