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  종목명 현재 금리 국가
엘살바도르 중앙준비은행

The Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador is the central bank of El Salvador, which con...

0%  엘 살바돌
영국은행 (BOE)

The Bank of England is, despite its name, the central bank of the whole of the United...

4.50%  영국
예멘 중앙은행

The Central Bank of Yemen was established in 1971. When the northern and southern sec...

0%  예멘 아랍 공화국
오만 중앙은행 (CBO)

The Central Bank of Oman is responsible for maintaining the stability of the national...

1.5%  오만
오스트리아 국립은행 (OeNB)

The Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) is the central bank of the Republic of Austr...

0%  오스트리아
온두라스 중앙은행 (BCH)

By tradition, the Central Bank of Honduras has been a leader and pioneer institution ...

5.5%  온두라스
조단 중앙은행 (CBJ)

The Central Bank of Jordan's main duties include the release and distribution of the ...

3.75%  요르단
우간다 은행 (BOU)

The Central Bank of Uganda is 100% owned by the Government of Uganda, but is not a go...

9.75%  우간다
우루과이 중앙은행 (BCU)

The Central Bank of Uruguay (1967) issues currency (the Uruguayan peso), regulates fo...

9.25%  우루과이
우즈베키스탄 중앙은행 (CBU)

The Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan represents a centralized control syste...

14%  우즈베키스탄
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