종목명 | 현재 금리 | 국가 | |
슬로바키아 국립은행
Národna banka Slovenska (NBS) is the central bank of Slovakia and a member of the Eur... |
0% | 슬로바키아 | |
슬로베니아 은행
The Bank of Slovenia is the central bank of the Republic of Slovenia. It was establis... |
0% | 슬로베니아 | |
시리아 중앙은행
The Central Bank of Syria was established by Legislative Decree No. ( 87 ) dated 28/3... |
0% | 시리아 아랍 공화국 | |
시에라리온 은행
The Bank of Sierra Leone issues the country's currency, known as the Leone. The bank ... |
9.5% | 시에라 리온 | |
싱가포르 통화청
The Monetary Authority of Singapore is the central bank of Singapore. It was set up i... |
0.06% | 싱가폴 | |
아랍에미리트 연합국 중앙은행
The Central Bank formally commenced its functions on 11 December 1980 in pursuance of... |
5.15% | 아랍 에미리트 | |
아루바 중앙은행
The Central Bank of Aruba (the Bank) started its operations on January 1, 1986, when ... |
3% | 아루바 | |
아르메니아 중앙은행은
The Central Bank of Armenia is a legal entity, the sole founder of which is the Repub... |
6.5% | 아르메니아 | |
아르헨티나 중앙은행
The Central Bank of Argentina, also known as the “BCRA”, was established on May 28th,... |
60% | 아르헨티나 | |
아이스랜드 중앙은행
The Central Bank of Iceland is an independent institution, owned by the Icelandic sta... |
6.50% | 아이슬란드 |