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SK Choi Tae-won, "Use Covid-19 as a New Opportunity for Growth"

입력: 2020- 09- 23- 오전 12:49
© Reuters.  SK Choi Tae-won, "Use Covid-19 as a New Opportunity for Growth"

This article is translated by AI company Flitto and Infostock Daily using neural machine translation technology.

[Infostock Daily=Reporter Park Jeong-Do] Choi Tae-won, chairman of SK Group, emphasized that Covid-19 should be an opportunity for new growth. In an e-mail to SK employees on December 22, Chairman Choi Tae-won said, "The unpredictable changes in the management environment and the emergence of a new ecosystem from Covid-19 have become inevitable." We should not assume or give in to the unfamiliar and rough environment as a crisis, "He said.

Chairman Choi said, "The changed environment also requires the power of thought." In this regard, it is now a new rule, not an option, that companies add more empathy and sensitivity than social responsibility. It is said that it emphasizes the transition of the idea of ​​not being passively dragged into the changed environment but rather as a new opportunity.

He also said, "We are already establishing a financial story management and methodology based on ESG (environment, society, and governance) as a new principle of corporate management." "It is not only showing the same number of sales or operating profit, but also recognizing the performance, stock price, and dreams that we are pursuing as one of the most powerful and only survival laws."

Chairman Choi has been sharing his management philosophy with his employees in a face-to-face manner, such as conducting a 'happiness talk' in the town hall meeting method. This year, we are continuing communication through e-mail or in-house intranet considering the Covid-19 situation.

Lastly, Chairman Choi recommended 'Plastic Ocean' as a documentary recommended for Chuseok holidays to employees. "I hope you get inspiration for ESG (in documentary)," he said. Earlier, he posted a video on the SK Careers channel, which comforts and encourages job-seekers the day before.

Reporter Park Jeong-Do newface0301@naver.com

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