Sejong University to Host 4th International Student Job & Startup Fair (ISF)

입력: 2024- 11- 01- 오후 07:55
© Reuters.  Sejong University to Host 4th International Student Job & Startup Fair (ISF)

[인포스탁데일리=박상철 기자]

ISF International Student Job & Startup Fair

제 4회 외국인유학생 취창업페어 포스터(사진=세종대학교 제공)

Sejong University (President Jonghwa Eom) will co-host the 4th International Student Job & Startup Fair (ISF) with Siganmedia Co., Ltd.’s Job Center (CEO Ocean Yang) on Thursday, November 7, from 9 AM to 4 PM at the Convention Hall, Gwangaeto Building (B2), Sejong University.

This event is supported by a diverse range of partners, including the Korea Management Association International, ISIC, LiveWith, YellowPunch, and Stuvisor, all contributing to the shared goal of fostering international talent in Korea.

Aligned with the government’s initiative to promote employment opportunities for international students in Korea, Sejong University has hosted the ISF in partnership with the Job Center since last year. The event has seen over 100 participating companies, such as The Shilla Hotel, Andaz Seoul Gangnam, Park Hyatt Seoul, and Fairmont Yeouido, along with attendance from more than 1,500 international students, many of whom have secured positions through these efforts. Interest continues to grow from major corporations like Hanwha and Hyosung, as well as from global startups seeking entrepreneurial talent. Collaboration with Kyung Hee University’s Campus Town project has also enabled support for international student startups, further enhancing opportunities for entrepreneurial engagement. The ISF aims to advance the global presence of Korean universities, working in partnership with university offices, including external relations, international affairs, and international education institutes.

Jeong Hun Han, Director of Sejong University’s One Stop Service Center, commented, “Sejong University has made significant strides in global university rankings, placing in the 201-250 range in the 2025 THE World University Rankings, 396th in the 2025 QS World University Rankings, and 241st in the 2024-2025 US News & World Report rankings. As part of the government’s goal to attract 300,000 international students by 2027, Sejong has set an ambitious target of enrolling 6,000 international students and is actively preparing various support programs to achieve this.”

Ocean Yang, CEO of Job Center, added, “With Korea’s birth rate falling to around 230,000 in 2023, the partnership between companies and universities under the Ministry of Education’s initiative to attract 300,000 international students has become essential. We hope this job fair will play a vital role in furthering this mission.”

International students currently enrolled in Korean universities or holders of the D10 (job-seeking) visa can register for the event free of charge through the Job Center website.

박상철 기자

인포스탁데일리에서 읽기

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