UPDATE 1-PM Abe says North Korean missile launch grave threat to Japan

입력: 2017- 04- 29- 오후 07:26
UPDATE 1-PM Abe says North Korean missile launch grave threat to Japan

(Adds quotes, context)
By William James and Guy Faulconbridge
LONDON, April 29 (Reuters) - North Korea's decision to
test-fire a ballistic missile represents a grave threat to
Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said in London on Saturday,
calling on the United States and China to keep up pressure on
North Korea test-fired a missile shortly after U.S.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned that failure to curb
Pyongyang's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes could lead
to "catastrophic consequences".
"Despite strong warnings by the international community,
North Korea today went through its ballistic missile launch. It
is a grave threat to our country. This is absolutely not
acceptable. We strongly condemn such acts," Abe told reporters,
speaking through a translator in London.
U.S. President Donald Trump has said a major conflict with
North Korea was possible and that military options remain on the
Russia and China have warned against the use of military
Abe said further provocation by North Korea was "fully
conceivable", calling for solidarity from the international
"We'd like to maintain a close coordination with the United
States, our ally, to maintain a high state of alert. We'd like
to be water-tight to ensure safety for our citizens," he said.
Trump has praised Chinese President Xi Jinping for his role
in trying to calm the situation in North Korea. Abe welcomed
Trump's engagement with Xi and said the role of China was
extremely important.
"As prime minister I am focusing on China's response," he
said. "China, I hope, will play a constructive role ... it is my
high expectations that China will perform its role properly."

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