⭐ 2025년 1월 최신 AI 추천 주식을 확인하고 여러분의 포트폴리오에 강력한 활기를 더하세요!종목 확인하기

英 의회 신임 결정 후 메이 총리의 성명서 전문

입력: 2019- 01- 17- 오전 09:23
© Reuters.  英 의회 신임 결정 후 메이 총리의 성명서 전문

1월17일 (로이터) - 英 의회 신임 결정 후 메이 총리의 성명서 전문

"On a point of order, Mr Speaker, I am pleased that this House has expressed its confidence in the Government tonight.
I do not take this responsibility lightly. And my Government will continue its work to increase our prosperity, to guarantee our security, and to strengthen our Union.
And yes, we will also continue to work to deliver on the solemn promise we made to the people of this country to deliver on the result of the referendum, and leave the European Union.
I believe this duty is shared by every member of this House. And we have a responsibility to identify a way forward that can secure the backing of the House.
To that end, I have proposed a series of meetings between senior parliamentarians and representatives of the Government over the coming days.
And I would like to invite the leaders of parliamentary parties to meet with me individually, and I would like to start these meetings tonight.
Mr Speaker, the Government approaches these meetings in a constructive spirit and I urge others to do the same.
But we must find solutions that are negotiable and command sufficient support in this House.
And, as I have said, we will return to the House on Monday to table an amendable motion and to make a statement about the way forward.
The House has put its confidence in this Government. I stand ready to work with any member of this House to deliver on Brexit, and ensure that this House retains the confidence of the British people."


최신 의견

리스크 고지: 금융 상품 및/또는 가상화폐 거래는 투자액의 일부 또는 전체를 상실할 수 있는 높은 리스크를 동반하며, 모든 투자자에게 적합하지 않을 수 있습니다. 가상화폐 가격은 변동성이 극단적으로 높고 금융, 규제 또는 정치적 이벤트 등 외부 요인의 영향을 받을 수 있습니다. 특히 마진 거래로 인해 금융 리스크가 높아질 수 있습니다.
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