Sejong University to Co-Host the 5th Stuvisor International Education Forum

입력: 2024- 11- 01- 오후 07:55
© Reuters.  Sejong University to Co-Host  the 5th Stuvisor International Education Forum

[인포스탁데일리=박상철 기자]

the 5th Stuvisor International Education Forum(SIEF KOREA 2024)

(사진=세종대학교, Sejong University)

Sejong University (President Jonghwa Eom) will join Stuvisor (CEO Ocean Yang) in co-hosting the 5th Stuvisor International Education Forum on Thursday, November 7, from 2 PM to 6 PM at the Gwangaeto Building, Sejong University.

This forum is dedicated to identifying strategic solutions to achieve the Ministry of Education’s vision of attracting 300,000 international students by 2027 and establishing Korea as one of the world’s top 10 study destinations.

The program will open with a welcome address and a presentation on Sejong University aims to attract 6,000 foreign students by Hyung Wook KIM, Dean of International Affairs at Sejong University. Subsequent sessions will feature insights from distinguished experts:

- Hyo Goo Yuk, Chief of the Career Services, Sejong University, on “Support for employment and entrepreneurship for foreign students, present and future”

- Jeong Hun Han, Director of the One-Stop Service Center, Office of International Affairs, Sejong University, on “Efficient management of international students”

- Young Jae Kim, Vice Director of the Office of International Affairs, Yeungnam University, on “Current status and recruitment strategies of local universities”

- Bo-kyung Kim, Deputy General Manager at Hanyang University ERICA, on “Know-how on attracting international students and managing agencies through global agencies”

- Jung Sup Kim, Director of the Institute of International Education, Kyung Hee University, on “Current status and future of international students in Korean language international education”

Ocean Yang, CEO of Stuvisor, commented, “Since the launch of the K-Conference in 2011, we have brought together international affairs professionals from over 80 Korean universities and experts from more than 30 countries. This fifth international education forum will address the theme ‘Finding Solutions to Attract 300,000 International Students by 2027,’ convening experts from Sejong University, Kyung Hee University, Yeungnam University, Hanyang University, and other leading institutions to share practical insights on recruitment, admissions, management, and support for international students.”

Sejong University has distinguished itself in global rankings, currently placed in the 201-250 range in the 2025 THE World University Rankings, 396th in the 2025 QS World University Rankings, and 241st in the 2024-2025 US News & World Report rankings. In alignment with the government’s goals, Sejong University has set an ambitious target of 6,000 international students and is preparing a range of support initiatives to enhance their experience.

Hyung Wook Kim, Dean of International Affairs at Sejong University, remarked, “Sejong University recognizes the various challenges involved in expanding our global presence and managing a growing international student body. We are committed to supporting this forum as an opportunity to collaborate with experts from Korean universities and relevant organizations to develop effective solutions.”

The 5th Stuvisor International Education Forum, officially sponsored by Sejong University, will gather experts from international affairs, external cooperation, international education, Korean language institutes, and embassies nationwide. Invited participants can register for free via the official Stuvisor website.

박상철 기자

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