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Horizon Active Risk Assist® Fund Investor Class (ARANX)

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23.81 -0.37    -1.53%
10/01 - 닫음. USD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 1.28B
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Horizon Investments
자산등급:  주식
Horizon Active Risk Assist N 23.81 -0.37 -1.53%


이 페이지에서 Horizon Active Risk Assist® Fund Investor Class에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. ARANX의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

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주소 Suite 225
Charlotte,NC 28277
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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Zachary F. Hill Portfolio Manager 2022 now
전기 Mr. Hill is part of the Investment Management division at Horizon Investments focusing on and providing investment insight on a broad range of asset allocation decisions from a global macro and derivatives perspective. Prior to joining Horizon in 2019, Mr. Hill served as a Senior Portfolio Analyst for Cold Spring Asset Management in New York from July 2016 to January 2017 and was a director within the foreign exchange option trading group at Wells Fargo in New York from 2010 to 2016. Mr. Hill began his career at Wachovia, acquired by Wells Fargo in 2008, in Charlotte in the FX Division. Mr. Hill holds a BA in Economics and a BA in Physics from the University of Virginia. Mr. Hill is also a CFA ® Charterholder.
Michael Dickson Director 2018 now
전기 Dr. Dickson serves as Head of Portfolio Management and in this role oversees all investment strategies managed by Horizon. He also conducts research on the development of quantitative methods and strategies that support Horizon’s investment process and new product development. His research is published in scholarly journals and he frequently speaks on these topics at industry conferences. In previous roles at Horizon, he served as Director of Structured Financial Solutions and as a portfolio manager with an emphasis on retirement income and protection strategies. Dr. Dickson specializes in the areas of empirical asset pricing, portfolio construction, and factor models. Both during and after his Ph.D. studies he taught undergraduate and graduate school coursework in finance and portfolio management at UNC Charlotte. Prior to earning his Ph.D. he worked in financial analysis support roles at Premier, Inc. and Global Compliance. Dr. Dickson received his BS in Chemistry from Winthrop University and both an MS in Economics and Ph.D. in Finance from UNC Charlotte.
Scott E. Ladner Associate 2014 now
전기 Mr. Ladner serves as Chief Investment Officer and is the Chair of the Investment Committee for Horizon. In these capacities, he oversees all aspects of the Investment Management division for the firm. He also provides the Investment Management division with Macro analysis and interpretation of global derivatives, credit, foreign exchange, equity, and funding markets. His previous roles at Horizon included Head of Risk and Director of Quantitative & Alternative Strategies. Prior to Horizon, Mr. Ladner was a founder of Charlotte Global Advisors and Principal Guard, LLC. Mr. Ladner helped to launch an equity index volatility and dispersion trading unit at PEΔK6 Investments in Chicago, a proprietary listed option and volatility trading firm. Previously at First Union/Wachovia, Mr. Ladner founded and ran the equity swap and forwards portfolio while also managing equity option and volatility portfolios. He also co-founded and managed the Risk Arbitrage and Special Situations portfolio.Mr. Ladner then managed the swaption and cap/floor portion of the bank’s interest rate derivatives portfolio. Mr. Ladner received his BA in Economics and Russian Language & Literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Josh Rohauer Co-Portfolio Manager 2018 2022
전기 Josh Rohauer – Portfolio Manager (Active Risk Assist Fund, Defined Risk Fund, Multi-Asset Income Fund, Defensive Fund and ESG Fund) Josh Rohauer is part of the investment strategies team at Horizon Investments focusing on Fixed Income and Options strategies. Prior to joining Horizon Investments in 2017, Mr. Rohauer attended the University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s electrical engineering program from 2014 through 2017 and worked at Nathan Hale Capital’s residential mortgages department.. Prior to that, Mr. Rohauer worked in the Sales and Trading division of Investment banking at Wells Fargo. Over 14 years at Wells Fargo, Mr. Rohauer worked within Municipal Derivatives, Fixed Income Options and Commercial Mortgage trading. Mr. Rohauer received a BS in Business Administration with a focus in Economics and a minor in math from Alfred University.
Robbie J. Cannon President, CEO, co-Founder, Managing Member 2014 2018
전기 Mr. Cannon is the president and CEO of Horizon Investments, LLC, an SEC registered investment advisor based in Charlotte NC. His firm specializes in active asset allocation, retirement income and principal protection. During his tenure which began in 1999, Horizon has grown from a small retail RIA firm to a multi-billion dollar third party investment management group with a national footprint of independent broker dealers and institutional clients. His career in finance began in 1994, and has encompassed various aspects of portfolio management including asset allocation, equity analysis and risk management. He graduated from Furman University and lives in Charlotte, NC. He is a national speaker on topics from asset allocation and risk management to market dynamics. He has led his firm to be nationally recognized for revenue growth.
Kevin W Blocker Portfolio Manager 2014 2018
전기 One of the original developers of the firm’s investment process, Mr. Blocker specializes in quantitative analysis and portfolio construction using traditional and alternative investment strategies. As a member of the firm’s Investment Committee, Mr. Blocker is responsible for screening investment opportunities and portfolio optimization. Mr. Blocker received a BA and BS in mathematics, computer science, and Spanish at Wofford College. Mr. Blocker also holds the CAIA designation. Before Horizon, Mr. Blocker played shortstop for the Colorado Rockies organization.
Ronald B. Saba Portfolio Manager 2014 2018
전기 Mr. Saba has more than twenty years of experience performing fundamental research and managing equity portfolios. He joined Horizon Investments in 2009 and is responsible for all fundamental equity research. Prior to joining Horizon, Mr. Saba was Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer of Charlotte Capital, LLC from 1999 through 2006, where he was lead portfolio manager for the firm’s two institutional investment products.
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