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First Foundation Fixed Income Class Y (0P00002PBO)

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11.140 -0.010    -0.09%
03/01 - 닫음. USD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 33.68M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
자산등급:  채권
Highland Fixed Income Fund Class Y 11.140 -0.010 -0.09%

0P00002PBO 개요

이 페이지에서 First Foundation Fixed Income Class Y에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. 0P00002PBO의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Intermediate Core-Plus Bond

총 자산




개시 날짜

1993년 11월 29일


주소 Suite 700
Irvine,CA 92612
United States
전화 949-622-3713
팩스 949-622-3773

최고 경영진

종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Jim Garrison Portfolio Manager 2022 now
전기 Jim Garrison is a portfolio manager at First Foundation Advisors. Mr. Garrison is part of the investment team. He is a member of FFA’s Investment Committee, where he assists in shaping the portfolio investment process and overall asset allocations. Mr. Garrison also provides research and recommendations of third-party equity investment opportunities. Prior to joining FFA in 1999, Mr. Garrison worked as an internal audit consultant for Arthur Andersen, LLP. Mr. Garrison earned a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Managerial Economics from the University of California, Davis and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
Eric Speron Portfolio Manager 2022 now
전기 Eric Speron is a portfolio manager at First Foundation Advisors(FFA). Mr. Speron is part of the investment team. He is a member of FFA’s Investment Committee, where he assists in shaping the portfolio investment process and overall asset allocations. Mr. Speron also provides research and recommendations of third-party equity investment opportunities. Prior to joining FFA in 2007, Mr. Speron worked at Credit Suisse First Boston and JPMorgan. Mr. Speron earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Georgetown University and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
Calvin Jones portfolio manager 2020 now
전기 Calvin Jones, CFA, is a portfolio manager of Highland Fixed Income Fund and a Managing Director of Fixed Income at FFA. Mr. Jones is a senior member of the FFA investment management team and is responsible for working closely with FFA’s financial advisors to develop investment strategies utilizing income assets to help clients achieve their financial goals. In his role, Mr. Jones serves on the company’s Investment and Asset Allocation committees and is responsible for leading and overseeing the firm’s fixed income assets. Mr. Jones joined FFA in 2011. His previous experience at ProShare Advisors included trading and analysis in global equity and derivatives markets for the world’s largest manager of leveraged and inverse funds. Mr. Jones earned a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the University of Pittsburgh and a Master of Science in Mathematical Finance degree from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Los Angeles.
John Hakopian Portfolio Manager 2014 2022
전기 Mr. Hakopian is Portfolio Manager and President of First Foundation Advisors (“FFA”) and a Director of First Foundation Inc. and First Foundation Bank. Mr. Hakopian oversees the vision, strategy, operations and development of the investment management service for FFA. Having been with FFA since its inception in 1990, Mr. Hakopian has been closely involved in developing and delivering the firm’s investment services. He became President in 2009. Mr. Hakopian earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics in three years from the University of California, Irvine and an MBA in Finance from the University of Southern California.
Susan King Riechel Managing Director 2014 2017
전기 Ms. Riechel is Managing Director of Fixed Income Investments at First Foundation Advisors (“FFA”). Ms. Riechel joined FFA in 2010. Ms. Riechel is responsible for directing the firm’s actively managed fixed income strategy for high-net-worth individuals, foundations, endowments and retirement funds. In her role as managing director, she oversees the firm’s taxable and non-taxable fixed income investments. Ms. Riechel has over thirty years of experience in investment management and banking. Prior to joining FFA, she was Managing Director - Fixed Income at Covington Capital Management in Los Angeles from June 2009 until September 2010. Formerly, Ms. Riechel was also Managing Director at Columbia Management, a successor firm to U.S. Trust Company where she was Managing Director, Head of Fixed Income serving offices on the west coast. Ms. Riechel started her investment management career at First Interstate Bank where she was Director of Institutional Asset Management - Fixed Income. She began her banking career at Lloyds Bank PLC, New York and was formerly the head of global funding at Security Pacific Bank. Ms. Riechel graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from University of New Hampshire, Durham. She holds an MBA with a concentration in Finance and Banking from the Lubin School of Business at Pace University.
Mark H. Johnson Senior Vice President 2007 2014
전기 Mark Johnson, CFA, is a Senior Managing Director of State Street Global Advisors (“SSGA”) and SSGA Funds Management, Inc. and Head of Portfolio Management of the investment management group. He is co-responsible for managing all actively managed fixed income strategies as well as the insurance general account product offering. Mr. Johnson joined SSGA through its acquisition of GE Asset Management Incorporated (“GEAM”) in July 2016. Prior to joining SSGA, Mr. Johnson had served in various senior investment roles at GEAM since 2002.
William M. Healey Senior Vice President 1993 2014
전기 William M. Healey is a Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer – Core Fixed Income Investments of GEAM. He joined GEAM in 1996 as a portfolio manager. He became Vice President in June 2001, Senior Vice President in January 2007 and Chief Investment Officer – Core Fixed Income Investments in April 2012. Prior to joining GEAM, Mr. Healey spent over 10 years in the fixed income group at MetLife.
Vita Marie Pike Senior Vice President 2005 2014
전기 Vita Marie Pike is a Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer – Risk Assets Fixed Income Investments of GE Asset Management. She has served on the portfolio management team for the Income Fund since June 2004. Ms. Pike Joined GE in January 2001 and GEAM in January 2002 as a Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager and became Senior Vice President in November 2010 and Chief Investment Officer – Risk Assets Fixed Income Investments in April 2012. Prior to joining GEAM she was with Alliance Capital for over nine years serving in a number of different capacities including portfolio manager.
Paul M. Colonna President 2005 2013
전기 Paul M. Colonna is the President and Chief Investment Officer – Fixed Income and a Director at GEAM. Mr. Colonna joined GEAM in February 2000 as a portfolio manager and since January 2005, he has led the team of portfolio managers for the Income Fund and ST Interest Fund. Mr. Colonna became President — Fixed Income in March 2007. Prior to joining GEAM, Mr. Colonna was a senior portfolio manager with the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, overseeing the Mortgage Investment Group.
Lewis Tatananni Senior Corporate Trader 2007 2010
전기 Tatananni is a senior corporate trader at GE Asset Management. He joined GE Asset Management in October 2002 and was responsible for executing the interest rate derivative hedging programs for GE Asset Managements insurance clients. Tatananni joined GE in 1999 as an associate at GE Capital Treasury and was responsible for debt origination and derivative execution.
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