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Guggenheim Alpha Opportunity Fund Class A (0P000036RS)

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21.950 +0.320    +1.48%
26/09 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 2.99M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Guggenheim Investments
자산등급:  주식
Guggenheim Alpha Opportunity Fund Class A 21.950 +0.320 +1.48%

0P000036RS 개요

이 페이지에서 Guggenheim Alpha Opportunity Fund Class A에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. 0P000036RS의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Long-Short Equity

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2003년 07월 07일


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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Farhan Sharaff Assistant CIO, Equities 2015 now
전기 Farhan Sharaff has served as a Portfolio Manager for each Fund since 2017. He is Assistant Chief Investment Officer, Equities, Senior Managing Director and Portfolio Manager of Guggenheim Partners. Mr. Sharaff joined Guggenheim Partners in May 2009. Mr. Sharaff has more than 30 years of experience in investment research and investment management. Prior to joining Guggenheim Partners, he was a Partner and Chief Investment Officer at MJX Capital Advisors, a wealth management firm focused on providing advice and investment management for its clients, especially in the traditional and alternative asset classes and Guggenheim Investments plc. Prior to that, Mr. Sharaff served as the global Chief Investment Officer at CIGNA Corporation, Zurich Scudder Investments and Citigroup. In all of the above engagements, Mr. Sharaff was responsible for research, investment management, product development and investment risk management. He was also a member of the business management teams at Citigroup and Zurich Scudder. Mr. Sharaff has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Aston (U.K.) and an MBA in Finance from the Manchester Business School (U.K.). In addition, Mr. Sharaff sits on boards of CITIC Capital Asset Management, Clarfeld Financial Advisors, and Guggenheim Global Investment plc.
Burak Hurmeydan Director 2015 now
전기 Burak Hurmeydan, Ph.D., is a Director and Portfolio Manager of Guggenheim Partners. Dr. Hurmeydan joined Guggenheim in 2011 as an Analyst of Quantitative Strategies. Before joining Guggenheim, he was a Quantitative Risk/Research Analyst with Citadel Asset Management from 2008 to 2009. He earned his B.S. in Economics from Eastern Mediterranean University and an M.S. degree in Economics from Louisiana State University. Dr. Hurmeydan earned a Ph.D. in Economics with a specialization in Financial Econometrics from Louisiana State University.
Samir Sanghani - 2015 now
전기 Samir Sanghani’s responsibilities include equity portfolio management, research, and development of strategies as head of the Quantitative Strategies Group in Santa Monica. He also leads a team of fundamental sector analysts covering US equities. Prior to joining Guggenheim in 2008, he was portfolio manager of a value/opportunistic equity hedge fund. Mr. Sanghani also served as VP of Operations and Chief Compliance Officer at a multi-manager hedge fund firm offering fundamental and quantitative equity long/short strategies. Prior to this, he was a Management Consultant for six years at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Mr. Sanghani holds a B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Rice University and an MBA from M.I.T. Sloan School of Management. He has earned the right to use the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation and is a member of the CFA Institute.
Jayson B. Flowers Senior Managing Director 2015 2020
전기 Jayson B. Flowers joined Guggenheim Partners in 1998 and serves as the Head of Guggenheim’s Equity and Derivative Strategies where he manages the portfolios, risk, and trading across the Equity, Derivatives, Managed Futures, and Commodity Strategies. His investment experience ranges in expertise from Managing Portfolios and Risk on Structured Product Investments, Global Equity Arbitrage, Alternatives, and Asset Backed Strategies, to Trading U.S. Government Agencies, Foreign Sovereign Debt, Commodities, Managed Futures, Currencies, and Derivatives. Prior to Guggenheim, Mr. Flowers was a founding partner of Adventure Capital, a Venture Capital and Merchant Banking company. Previously Mr. Flowers was at Credit Suisse First Boston, Dominick & Dominick Inc., and Coopers & Lybrand. Mr. Flowers holds a B.A. in Economics from Union College.
Ryan A. Harder Graduate Trainee Risk Management 2010 2015
전기 Ryan earned a BA in Economics, with honors, from Brock University in Ontario, Canada, and a M.Sc. in International Securities, Investment and Banking form the ICMA Centre, University of Reading, in the United Kingdom. He is a CFA Charterholder.
Michael P. Byrum Vice President 2010 2015
전기 Michael P. Byrum, CFA, Senior Vice President—Mr. Byrum has been associated with the Security Investors since 1993. Mr. Byrum was the inaugural portfolio manager for many of the Rydex products, including the Rydex leveraged and inverse funds, sector fund lineup and alternative investment portfolios. Today, Mr. Byrum continues to play an instrumental role in product development and investment strategy at Guggenheim Investments and oversees the trading, research and portfolio management activities of the quantitative strategies team, which focuses on target beta, alternative and asset allocation strategies. He is the chairman of the Investment Strategy Committee and is a member of the Risk Management Committee and Credit Review Committee. Prior to joining the Security Investors, Mr. Byrum served in a brokerage capacity with Money Management Associates, the registered investment advisor to Rushmore Funds, Inc. He earned a B.S. in finance from the Miami University of Ohio. He also has earned the right to use the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation and is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Washington.
Michael J. Dellapa Director 2010 2014
전기 Dellapa joined Rydex Investments in 2000 as a research analyst and was promoted to portfolio manager in 2003. In 2005, Dellapa became director of investment research and in 2007 became the director of Alternative Investment Strategies. Prior to joining Rydex Advisors, LLC, Mr. Dellapa worked as an equity analyst for Invista Capital and systems analyst for Accenture. He holds an engineering degree from the University of Maryland and MBA from the University of Chicago. Previously, he was owner/consultant of Dellapa Consulting Inc. as well as a senior consultant and an analyst at Andersen Consulting. Dellapa holds the Charted Financial Analyst designation.
Charles F. Craig Portfolio Manager 2008 2013
전기 Charles F. Craig III, CFA - Chuck has more than 12 years of investment management experience. Prior to joining the firm, he was an equity analyst at Providian. In addition to experience in equities research and trading, Chuck has worked in futures trading for RQSI, a hedge fund located in Louisville, KY, and financial planning analysis for American Express. Chuck holds an M.B.A. from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University and a B.A. in Economics from the University of Louisville. While at the University of Louisville, Chuck was named the Carl E. Abner Outstanding Senior in Economics. He has earned the right to use the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the Louisville Society of Financial Analysts.
William H. Jenkins Co-Founder 2003 2013
전기 Bill has more than 40 years of investment management experience. Before co-founding the firm in July 1997, he spent 15 years with Providian Corporation as their equity portfolio manager. From 1988 to 1991, in addition to his equity portfolio management responsibilities, Bill was also head of new asset and liability strategies for Providian. Prior to Providian, Bill worked as a portfolio manager/analyst at McGlinn Capital, Delaware Investment Advisors and Mellon Bank and Trust. At McGlinn Capital he also served as head of marketing. Bill earned his M.B.A. from New York University in 1968 and his B.A. from Grove City College in 1967. He has earned the right to use the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the Louisville Society of Financial Analysts.
Yon Perullo Senior Analyst/ Portfolio Manager 2008 2012
전기 Yon Perullo, Senior Quantitative Analyst of the Investment Manager, Mr. Perullo is responsible for risk management analysis and the imple­mentation of quantitative research methods for the Funds. In 2007, Mr. Perullo joined Security Global Advisors, LLC (which was merged with and into the Investment Manager as of January 2011). From 2004 to 2007, Mr. Perullo was co-founder and portfolio manager at Nascent Strategies, LLC, a hedge fund that specialized in quantitative market neutral investing, where he was directly responsible for building the quantitative screening and risk manage­ment models employed by the fund. From 1998 to 2004, Mr. Perullo served as Vice President of Quantitative Analytics at FactSet Research Systems where he directed the global sales and development of FactSet’s suite of quantitative products, including alpha modeling, portfolio simulation and risk analysis. Mr. Perullo holds a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry from the University of Rhode Island and is a Chartered Financial Analyst charterholder.
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