종목명 | 현재 금리 | 국가 | |
조지아 국립은행
The National Bank of Georgia is the central bank of Georgia. Its status is defined by... |
9.5% | 그루지야 | |
네팔 중앙은행
The Nepal Rastra Bank ,established in 1956, is the central bank of Nepal. It supervis... |
5% | 네팔 | |
뉴질랜드 연방은행
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is the central bank of New Zealand and is constituted... |
4.25% | 뉴질랜드 | |
중화인민공화국 중앙은행(대만)
According to the Central Bank of China Act, the Bank's operational objectives include... |
2.000% | 대만 | |
마카오 통화청
The Monetary Authority of Macao is a regulatory institution established on December 2... |
2.25% | 마카오 | |
말레이시아 네가라 은행
Established on 26 January 1959 under the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 1958 (Revised -... |
3.00% | 말레이시아 | |
몰디브 통화청
The Maldives Monetary Authority was established on 1st July 1981, and is endowed with... |
0% | 몰디브 | |
몽골리아 은행
The Bank of Mongolia is the central bank of Mongolia. The legal grounds of the centra... |
6% | 몽골 | |
미얀마 중앙은행
The Central Bank of Myanmar is the central bank of Myanmar (formerly Burma). It was e... |
7% | 미얀마 | |
바누아투 연방준비은행
The Reserve Bank of Vanuatu is the Central Bank of the Republic of Vanuatu. Vanuatu a... |
0% | 바누아투 | |
방글라데시 은행
Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of the country, was established as a body corporate... |
6.75% | 방글라데시 | |
베트남 중앙은행
The State Bank of Vietnam is a ministry-level body under the administration of the go... |
6.5% | 베트남 | |
부탄 로열통화청
The Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan (RMA) was established under the Royal Monetary... |
0% | 부탄 | |
브루나이 금융통화위원회
BCMB was established on 1st February 2004 pursuant to Section 3(1) of the Currency an... |
0% | 브루나이 | |
사모아 중앙은행
The Central Bank of Samoa is the nation's reserve bank and, as such, it acts as banke... |
5% | 사모아 | |
솔로몬제도 중앙은행
Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) was established in February 1983 under the Cen... |
13.42% | 솔로몬 제도 | |
스리랑카 중앙은행
The Central Bank of Sri Lanka is the monetary authority of Sri Lanka. It was establis... |
4.5% | 스리랑카 | |
싱가포르 통화청
The Monetary Authority of Singapore is the central bank of Singapore. It was set up i... |
0.06% | 싱가폴 | |
아르메니아 중앙은행은
The Central Bank of Armenia is a legal entity, the sole founder of which is the Repub... |
6.5% | 아르메니아 | |
아제르바이잔 중앙은행
The Central Bank of Azerbaijan is the central bank of Azerbaijan, emitting Azerbaijan... |
6.25% | 아제르바이잔 | |
아프가니스탄 중앙은행
The Afghanistan Bank is the central bank of Afghanistan. It regulates all the banking... |
15% | 아프가니스탄 | |
우즈베키스탄 중앙은행
The Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan represents a centralized control syste... |
14% | 우즈베키스탄 | |
인도 연방준비은행
The Reserve Bank of India was established on April 1, 1935 in accordance with the pro... |
6.50% | 인도 | |
인도네시아 은행
Bank Indonesia is the central bank of Indonesia. It was founded on 1 July 1953 from t... |
5.75% | 인도네시아 | |
일본 은행
The Bank of Japan is the central bank of Japan. The Bank is often called Nichigin for... |
0.50% | 일본 | |
The People's Bank of China is the central bank of the People's Republic of China with... |
3.10% | 중국 | |
카자흐스탄 국립은행
The National Bank represents, within the limits of its authority, the interests of th... |
9.25% | 카자흐스탄 | |
캄보디아 국립은행
The National Bank of Cambodia, located in Phnom Penh, is the central bank of Cambodia... |
0% | 캄보디아 | |
키르기스공화국 국립은행
The status, objectives, functions, powers and principles of organization and activity... |
7.5% | 키르기스스탄 | |
타지키스탄 중앙은행
The National Bank of Tajikistan is central issuance reserve bank of the Republic of T... |
13% | 타지키스탄 | |
태국 은행
The Bank of Thailand was first set up as the Thai National Banking Bureau. The Bank o... |
2.25% | 태국 | |
통가 국립준비은행
The National Reserve Bank of Tonga is the central bank of Tonga. The Reserve Bank is ... |
0% | 통가 | |
투르크 메니스탄 중앙은행
The Central Bank of Turkmenistan is the national bank of Turkmenistan. It is located ... |
0% | 투르크메니스탄 | |
파키스탄 국영은행
The State Bank of Pakistan is the central bank of Pakistan. While its constitution, a... |
7.5% | 파키스탄 | |
파퓨아뉴기니아 중앙은행
Bank of Papua New Guinea's main function is to issue currency and to act as the banke... |
7% | 파푸아 뉴 기니 | |
피지 연방준비은행
The Reserve Bank of Fiji (RBF) is the central bank of the Pacific island country of F... |
0.25% | 피지 | |
필리핀 중앙은행
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas is the central bank of the Republic of the Philippine... |
2% | 필리핀 | |
한국 은행
The Bank of Korea was originally established with a capital of 1.5 billion won, all o... |
3.00% | 한국 | |
호주 연방준비은행
The Reserve Bank of Australia came into being on 14 January 1960 as Australia's centr... |
4.35% | 호주 | |
홍콩 통화청
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) was established on 1 April 1993 by merging th... |
0.86% | 홍콩 |