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상세 정보

BCMB was established on 1st February 2004 pursuant to Section 3(1) of the Currency and Monetary Order, 2004 which was formally known as Brunei Currency Board (BCB), which was formed on 12th June 1967. BCMB is the sole authority to issue currency notes and coins in Brunei Darussalam and also functions to maintain external reserves to safeguard the international value of the Brunei Dollar and to promote monetary stability in Brunei Darussalam. The Board, chaired by the Minister of Finance, oversees the management of BCMB. The Chief Executive Officer, who heads the management of BCMB, also acts as the secretary to the Board.

총재: His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah

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