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SunAmerica Series Trust SA JPMorgan Diversified Balanced Class 3 (0P00003DXX)

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19.160 -0.030    -0.16%
05/09 - 닫음. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 301.72M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  AIG
자산등급:  주식
SunAmerica Series Trust Balanced Portfolio Class 3 19.160 -0.030 -0.16%

0P00003DXX 개요

이 페이지에서 SunAmerica Series Trust SA JPMorgan Diversified Balanced Class 3에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. 0P00003DXX의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Allocation--50% to 70% Equity

총 자산




개시 날짜

2002년 09월 30일


주소 Harborside Financial Center, 3200 Plaza 5
Jersey City,NJ 07311
United States
전화 +1 8008588850

최고 경영진

종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Gerhardt (Gary) P. Herbert Portfolio Manager 2021 now
전기 Mr. Herbert has been an employee of JPMIM and the Head of GTAA and Diversified Strategies in the U.S for MAS since 2020Gary is a portfolio manager and head of global credit. Gary joined Brandywine Global in March 2010, bringing with him over 20 years of high yield experience. Previously, Gary was a Managing Director, Portfolio Manager with Guggenheim Partners, LLC (2009-2010); a Managing Director, Portfolio Manager with Dreman Value Management, LLC (2007-2009); and an Executive Director, Portfolio Manager (1999-2007) and Associate (1994-1998) with Morgan Stanley Investment Management.
Morgan M. Moriarty - 2019 now
Jeffrey A. Geller Managing Director 2019 now
전기 Jeffrey Geller, CFA, managing director, is a Chief Investment Officer of Multi-Asset Solutions, where he is responsible for investment oversight of all mandates managed in New York. This includes providing oversight with respect to manager and strategy suitability and fit and ensuring that the team's asset allocation views are reflected appropriately across a diverse set of mandates. Jeff is also a portfolio manager for less constrained multi-asset class portfolios as well as portfolios with alternatives exposure. Before joining the firm in 2006, Jeff was director of Hedge Fund Investments at Russell Investment Group and served as chairman of the Firm's hedge fund investment committee. Prior to that, he was a senior partner at Credit Suisse Asset Management's BEA Associates unit where he had responsibility for managing equity, currency overlay and relative value arbitrage strategies. Jeff earned a Bachelor of Arts in Government from Clark University and an M.B.A. in Finance from the University of Chicago Graduate School Of Business. He is a CFA charterholder and is Series 24, 7, and 63 licensed
Michael Feser Executive Director 2016 2022
전기 Michael Feser, managing director, is a portfolio manager on the Multi-Asset Solutions team based in New York. In this role, Michael is responsible for managing portfolios and expanding the Multi-Asset Solutions team’s capabilities in the sub-advisory segment. A particular area of focus is the design and management of risk/volatility controlled investment strategies. In addition, Michael also serves on JPMAM’s long-term capital markets assumptions committee and advises clients on investment strategy design and strategic asset allocation issues. An employee since 1994, Michael has more than two decades of markets, multi-asset and fixed income research and investment experience. Previously, Michael served as the Global Investment Director of Global Investment Management Solutions, where he oversaw the investment activities of the group’s portfolio managers, new product development and worked with the Funds’ boards globally. Prior to this, Michael held a number of roles across global investment management, including leading Multi-Asset Solution’s quantitative research and portfolio management team, and heading fixed income quantitative research and portfolio management functions in London. Michael obtained an M.A. in business administration from the University of Cologne. He is a CFA charterholder and is Series 3, 7 and 63 licensed.
John R. Speer - 2018 2021
전기 John Speer, CFA, executive director, is a portfolio manager on J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s Multi-Asset Solutions team based in New York. He is responsible for portfolio construction, tactical asset allocation, and manager selection across both traditional and liquid alternative asset classes. As a portfolio manager for the Advisory model portfolios for over a decade, John oversees more than $7.5 billion in assets under supervision from Wealth Managers, Broker Dealers and Registered Investment Advisors covering risk based tactical, outcome-oriented, and total return strategies. Prior to focusing on the models business, he also managed multi asset portfolios for institutional clients including public pensions and insurance companies. An employee since 2007, John previously worked in the Private Bank at J.P. Morgan doing portfolio construction and quantitative analysis for ultra-high net worth individuals, endowments, and foundations. As a part of these efforts, he built custom asset allocations to complement concentrated stock or private business holdings for clients. John holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Computer Science from the College of the Holy Cross and is a CFA® charterholder.
Nicole Goldberger Vice President 2019 2019
전기 Nicole is a Portfolio Manager and Head of Growth Portfolios within the Investment Solutions team, based in New York. She is responsible for the management and investment oversight of all growth portfolios globally. In January 2020, Nicole joined UBS Asset Management from JPMorgan Asset Management's Multi-Asset Solutions team, where she was the lead portfolio manager responsible for managing Global Tactical Asset Allocation (GTAA) and balanced portfolios for institutional and retail clients. Prior to that, Nicole was a portfolio manager for a range of different multi-asset class solutions, including flexible total return portfolios with private markets, diversified benchmark-aware mandates, 529 age-based portfolios, inflation aware multi-strategy funds, liability-driven investment (LDI) portfolios and target date funds. Having spent over 16 years at JPMorgan, Nicole also focused on manager selection and portfolio construction across both traditional and alternative asset classes. Nicole is a CFA charterholder. In 2019, Nicole was named by Citywire as one of the best 30 female fund managers in the world.
Eric J. Bernbaum Executive Director 2015 2019
전기 Eric J. Bernbaum, Executive Director, CFA, is a portfolio manager within JPMorgan’s Multi-Asset Solutions Group and has responsibility for portfolio construction and the implementation of tactical asset allocations across JPMorgan’s Multi-Asset Solutions Group. Mr. Bernbaum joined JPMorgan in 2008. Eric holds a B.S. in Applied Economics and Management with a concentration in Business and Finance from Cornell University.
Patrik Jakobson Managing Director, Portfolio Manager 2006 2019
전기 Patrik Jakobson, managing director, is a client portfolio manager in Multi-Asset Solutions, based in New York. Patrik focuses extensively on asset allocation solutions with institutional clients and is a member of the Global Strategy team which establishes broad macroeconomic themes that are reflected across all portfolios managed globally by the team. An employee since 1987, Patrik was previously an equity and balanced portfolio manager, and prior to that he was a research analyst specializing in the retailing industry in corporate finance. He earned a BA in Economics from Harvard University and an MBA in Finance from the Wharton School. Patrik is Series 24, 7, and 63 licensed.
Maddi Dessner Managing Director 2006 2018
전기 Mrs. Dessner is a CFA charterholder. Mr. Feser, Managing Director of JPMorgan, joined the firm in 1994 and is a Portfolio Manager on the Multi-Asset Solutions team based in New York. Ms. Dessner holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
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