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Strategic Advisers International Fund (FILFX)

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11.73 +0.05    +0.43%
17/01 - 닫음. USD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 23.36B
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Fidelity Investments
기준통화:  MSCI EAFE Net
자산등급:  주식
Strategic Advisers International 11.73 +0.05 +0.43%


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2006년 03월 23일


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최고 경영진

종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Wilfred Chilangwa Portfolio Manager 2006 now
전기 Since joining Fidelity Investments in 1997, Mr. Chilangwa has worked as a senior fund analyst, an international strategist, and portfolio manager.
John Curtin Portfolio Manager 2022 2024
전기 John Curtin joined Fidelity Investments in 2000. He has worked as a team leader/research analyst and portfolio manager.
Kenneth McAtamney Partner 2018 2018
전기 Ken McAtamney, partner, is the head of the global equity team and a portfolio manager for William Blair’s International Growth, Global Leaders, International Leaders, and Emerging Markets Leaders strategies. Ken is also a member of the Investment Management leadership team. He was previously co-director of research and a mid-large-cap industrials and healthcare analyst. Before joining William Blair in 2005, Ken was a vice president at Goldman Sachs and Co., where he was responsible for institutional equity research coverage for both international and U.S. equity. Before that, he was a corporate banking officer with NBD Bank. Ken received a B.A. from Michigan State University, and an M.B.A. from Indiana University.
Victoria J. Higley Portfolio Manager 2016 2018
전기 Victoria Higley, ASIP, is an investment officer and institutional equity portfolio manager at MFS Investment Management® (MFS®). In her role, she participates in the research process and strategy discussions, assesses portfolio risk, customizes portfolios to client objectives and guidelines and manages daily cash flows. She is also responsible for communicating investment policy, strategy and positioning. Victoria joined MFS in 2011 in her current role. Before that she spent three years at Fidelity International as a UK institutional client director and 14 years at UBS Asset Management as a UK institutional client director, pan‐European equity analyst and UK portfolio manager. She began her career in the financial services industry in 1994. Victoria holds a bachelor’s degree from Durham University. She is a regular member of the CFA Institute and an Associate of the CFA Society of the UK (ASIP).
Ellen Lee Director 2015 2018
전기 Ms. Lee is a director and fundamental portfolio manager at Causeway. She joined the firm in August 2007 and has been a portfolio manager since January 2015. During the summer of 2006, Ms. Lee interned at Tiger Asia. From 2001 to 2004, Ms. Lee was an associate in the mergers and acquisitions division of Credit Suisse First Boston in Seoul. From 1999 to 2000, she was an analyst in the mergers and acquisitions division of Credit Suisse First Boston in Hong Kong.
John C. Capeci Portfolio Manager 2015 2018
전기 John helps oversee all elements of Arrowstreet's portfolio management and production processes, including incorporating new research and implementation initiatives. John was the Director of Research at PanAgora Asset Management from 1998 to 1999. John’s areas of responsibility included overseeing PanAgora's quantitative research program and supervising an internal research staff responsible for the development and refinement of the firm’s forecasting models. In addition, he coordinated collaborative efforts between internal research staff and the external academic advisory council. John’s previous positions at PanAgora included Senior Investment Manager, where he managed several U.S. Equity portfolios, as well as Research Manager, where he developed and enhanced forecasting models for a wide range of quantitative investment strategies. Prior to joining PanAgora in 1994, John was an Assistant Professor of Economics at Brandeis University where he taught courses in Finance, Statistics, Public Finance, and Managerial Economics. Previously, John was a lecturer in the Economics Department at Princeton University. John received a Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton University in 1990, and an A.B. from Harvard University in 1984.
Tuomo Vuolteenaho Portfolio Manager 2015 2018
전기 Tuomo works with John Campbell and Peter Rathjens to advance Arrowstreet's research agenda, focusing on new signals and strategies based on both academic public-domain and proprietary quantitative research. Prior to joining Arrowstreet on a full-time basis, Tuomo held a position as an Associate Professor of Economics at Harvard University. Simultaneously with his Harvard appointment, Tuomo also served as a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Tuomo's industry experience includes several years of consulting while at Harvard. In addition to working with Arrowstreet, he has advised other asset management organizations, such as a European private fund, a Finnish mutual-fund family, and other investment managers. Tuomo graduated from The University of Chicago Graduate School of Business with a doctoral degree in finance in 2000.
Manolis Liodakis Portfolio Manager 2015 2018
전기 Manolis Liodakis, Ph.D., Partner and Portfolio Manager of Arrowstreet Capital, L.P. and holds a seat on the firm’s Investment Committee. He has held these positions since August 2012. Dr. Liodakis is responsible for many of the functions associated with the day to day implementation of Arrowstreet’s investment strategies. Prior to Arrowstreet, Dr. Liodakis served in various roles at Citadel Asset Management most recently as Managing Director, Global Equities Hybrid Strategies. In addition, he has substantial sell side research experience. He worked for seven years at Citigroup in London, where he was Head of European Quantitative Equity Research and was recognized as Best Quantitative Analyst by Institutional Investor from 2004 to 2008. He has also worked in quantitative research groups at both Morgan Stanley and Salomon Brothers. Manolis received a Ph.D. in Finance from City University, London in 1999 and an MBA in Finance from the University of Birmingham in the UK in 1996. Manolis graduated from Athens University of Economics & Business in 1994 with a B.S. in Economics and Business.
Peter L. Rathjens Investment Committee Chairman 2015 2018
전기 Peter has the overall responsibility for Arrowstreet's investment products and chairs the firm’s Investment Committee. From 1998 to 1999, Peter was the CIO, and from 1995-1999, the Director of Global Investments at PanAgora Asset Management. Prior to that, he directed PanAgora’s research team since 1992. Peter started his career at Colonial Asset Management. His previous work experience includes jobs at Data Resources and Lehman Bros.Peter’s academic career included positions as an Instructor at Princeton University and as an Assistant Professor and Adjunct Professor at Brandeis University.
Pablo de la Mata Investment Officer 2014 2018
전기 Pablo De la Mata is an investment officer of MFS Investment Management® (MFS®) and a non-U.S. equity research analyst responsible for identifying the most attractive investment opportunities in his assigned universe - health care, technology and the automotive sector within capital goods. Mr. De la Mata works closely with portfolio managers to ensure ideas are properly positioned within the portfolios. He is based in MFS’s London office but works primarily from his home in Portugal. Pablo joined MFS in 2008.
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  • 풍성한 대화 나누기.
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