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PGIM Income Builder Fund-Class A (PCGAX)

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10.24 +0.05    +0.49%
11/10 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 134.84M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Prudential Funds (PGIM Investments)
자산등급:  주식
Prudential Income Builder A 10.24 +0.05 +0.49%


이 페이지에서 PGIM Income Builder Fund-Class A에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. PCGAX의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Allocation--50% to 70% Equity

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주소 One Seaport Plaza
New York,NY 10292
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전화 +1 8002251852

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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Marco Aiolfi Portfolio Manager 2022 now
전기 Marco Aiolfi, PhD is a Managing Director and Head of PGIM Quantitative Solutions' Multi-Asset team. In this capacity, he spearheads the group's strategic initiatives and is responsible for portfolio management and product development of the multi- asset platform. Prior to his current role, Marco was the Head of Systematic Multi-Asset Strategies, overseeing research, development and portfolio management of systematic total and absolute return investment solutions. Before joining PGIM Quantitative Solutions, Marco was a Lead Portfolio Manager and Researcher for GTAA and volatility strategies for the Quantitative Investment Strategies team at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, and a Principal at Platinum Grove Asset Management. Previously, Marco was a research scholar at the University of California, San Diego, and a visiting scholar at the International Monetary Fund. Marco's articles have appeared in several journals including the Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Financial Econometrics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Investment Management and the Journal of Portfolio Management. He earned a BA in economics and a PhD in economics from Bocconi University in Italy.
Peter Vaiciunas Senior Investment Associate 2018 now
전기 Peter Vaiciunas, MBA, CFA, is a Vice President and Portfolio Manager for QMA working within the Global Multi-Asset Solutions team. In this capacity, he is responsible for portfolio management, analysis, and economic and market valuation research. Prior to joining QMA, Mr. Vaiciunas served as an Investment Analyst for Memorial Sloan Kettering's endowment fund. Previously, he held roles at ITG Investment Research and Liquidnet Inc. in New York as well as Speakeasy Investment Group in Toronto. Mr. Vaiciunas received his Bachelor of Commerce from University of Toronto and his MBA from McMaster University, DeGroote School of Business. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
Rory Cummings Portfolio Manager 2014 now
전기 Rory Cummings, CFA, is a Vice President and Portfolio Manager for QMA working within the Global Multi-Asset Solutions team. In this capacity, he is responsible for portfolio management, analysis, and economic and market valuation research. Prior to his current role, Rory served as a Client Relations Specialist covering a variety of institutional clients. He earned a BA in finance from Seton Hall University and an MBA in financial markets and corporate finance from the New York University Stern School of Business.
Shaun Hong Managing Director 2014 now
전기 Shaun Hong is an income and infrastructure portfolio manager as well as a research analyst covering global telecommunication and energy infrastructure. Shaun joined Jennison in 2000 when Prudential's (now PGIM) public equity asset management capabilities were transferred to the firm. At Prudential, his coverage included power, natural gas, and telecommunications industries. Shaun received a BS in industrial management from Carnegie Mellon University and is a CFA charterholder.
Ubong (Bobby) Edemeka Managing Director 2014 now
전기 Bobby Edemeka is an income and infrastructure portfolio manager, and a research analyst covering global utilities, and energy infrastructure. Before joining Jennison in 2002, Bobby was a sell-side research analyst on the US Power & Utilities team at Goldman Sachs. Prior to that, he was an analyst on the global utilities team of SSB Citi Asset Management Group, a division of Citigroup. Bobby began his career as an analyst for the Prudential Utility Fund (now PGIM Jennison Utility Fund) at Prudential Investments (now PGIM Investments). He earned a BA in government from Harvard University.
Edward L. Campbell Portfolio Manager 2014 2023
전기 Edward L. Campbell, CFA, is a Managing Director and Portfolio Manager for PGIM Quantitative Solutions working within the Global Multi-Asset Solutions team. As the Director of Dynamic Asset Allocation, he is responsible for portfolio management, analysis, and economic and market valuation research, and he oversees a team of investment professionals. Ed also represents the firm through appearances in major media outlets, most notably as a regular guest on CNBC’s Squawk Box. Prior to joining PGIM Quantitative Solutions, Ed served as a Portfolio Manager and Senior Analyst for PGIM Investments’ Strategic Investment Research Group (SIRG). Previously, Ed was a Partner and Vice President at Trilogy Advisors. He earned a BS in economics and international business from The City University of New York and an MBA in finance, global business and organizational leadership from the New York University Stern School of Business.
Daniel Cooney Securities Analyst 2018 2020
전기 Daniel Cooney, CFA, is an Executive Director and Portfolio Manager assisting in the investment management and operations of PGIM’s Global Real Estate Securities portfolios focusing on North American public securities. His responsibilities include fundamental investment research, securities analysis and assisting in portfolio management. Mr. Cooney joined Prudential in 2013 from RREEF, where he worked as a securities analyst in the global securities team. Prior to RREEF, Mr. Cooney worked as a Senior Equity REIT analyst at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods (KBW) in New York. Mr. Cooney is a member of the CFA Institute (CFA) and the New York Society of Security Analysts (NYSSA). Mr. Cooney earned a bachelor's degree in economics from Trinity College and is a CFA charter holder.
Mariusz Banasiak Senior Portfolio Manager - Local Currency & Blend 2017 2020
전기 Mariusz Banasiak is a Principal and Portfolio Manager for PGIM Fixed Income, responsible for developing emerging markets currency strategy. Prior to assuming his current position, Mr. Banasiak was a Vice President for PGIM Fixed Income’s Emerging Markets Debt Team, responsible for developing portfolio strategies on USD sovereign and local emerging market yield curves and currencies in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region. Previously, Mr. Banasiak was an Analyst for emerging market debt portfolios in the Portfolio Analyst Group of PGIM Fixed Income. Earlier, he was responsible for risk analysis and performance attribution for the firm’s proprietary portfolios. Mr. Banasiak joined PGIM Fixed Income in 2004.He received a BS in Finance from Rutgers University and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
Stephen J. Maresca Portfolio Manager 2016 2020
전기 Stephen Maresca is a master limited partnership portfolio manager and an income and infrastructure research analyst covering midstream and energy infrastructure and MLP companies. Before joining Jennison in 2014, Stephen was with Morgan Stanley where he was a managing director and equity research analyst covering MLPs and diversified natural gas. Prior to that, he was a director and research analyst on the MLP and natural gas equity research team at UBS. Stephen began his financial services career as a treasury funding analyst with PaineWebber. He received a BS in accounting from Providence College. Stephen is a CFA charterholder.
Kwok Wing Cheong Executive Director 2015 2020
전기 Kwok Wing Cheong, CFA, is an Executive Director and Portfolio Manager for PGIM Real Estate and is responsible for the management of the group's public securities investments in Asia. He has spent more than 20 years in the industry as a portfolio manager and equity analyst. Prior to joining Prudential, Mr. Cheong was with HSBC Global Asset Management where he was responsible for their Singapore and Thailand dedicated country fund and was part of the team overseeing the HSBC Asia Ex-Japan mandate. Between 1991 and 2005, Mr. Cheong was an equity analyst at UBS Securities, Merrill Lynch and OUB Securities. He holds a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) from Curtin University (Australia), is a CFA charterholder and a Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA).
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