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Optimum Large Cap Value Fund Institutional Class (OILVX)

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20.39 +0.15    +0.74%
04/10 - 닫음. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 1.84B
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Delaware Funds by Macquarie
자산등급:  주식
Optimum Large Cap Value Instl 20.39 +0.15 +0.74%


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Large Value

총 자산




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주소 Delaware Funds by Macquarie
United States
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최고 경영진

종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Jeff Agne Managing Director 2020 now
전기 Jeff is a Portfolio Manager on the Great Lakes Advisors Fundamental Equity Large Cap Value and Focused Large Cap Value strategies. Jeff joined Rothschild & Co Asset Management US in 2015 and has been in the industry since 2001. Previously, he served as a co-portfolio manager for the Global Focus strategy at PineBridge Investments. He was also an Equity Research Analyst at Banc of America Securities and Schwab Soundview Capital Markets, and a Consultant for FactSet Research Systems. Jeff earned a BS from the University of Vermont and an MBA from New York University's Stern School of Business.
Katherine A. Cannan Associate 2019 now
전기 Katherine Ann Cannan - Investment Officer - Portfolio Manager - As an Equity Portfolio Manager, responsible for buy and sell decisions, portfolio construction, risk control and cash management. Participates in the research process and strategy discussions. - Joined MFS in 2013; previous positions include Equity Research Analyst; MFS Summer Intern. - Previous experience includes 2 years as Associate at Thomas H. Lee Partners; 2 years as Analyst at Goldman, Sachs & Co.. - Northwestern University, Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa - Harvard Business School, Master of Busi
Paul Roukis Managing Director 2016 now
전기 Paul is a Portfolio Manager on the Great Lakes Advisors Fundamental Equity Large Cap Value and Focused Large Cap Value strategies. Paul joined Rothschild & Co Asset Management US in 2005 and has been in the industry since 1992. Previously, Paul was a research analyst for more than 12 years with Sidoti & Company, Schroders, NatWest Securities and Value Line. Paul earned a BBA from Hofstra University and is a CFA® charterholder.
Nevin P. Chitkara Investment Officer 2006 now
전기 Nevin Chitkara is an investment officer of MFS Investment Management (MFS®) and a portfolio manager of the firm's value, total return, and global total return portfolios. Prior to being named portfolio manager in 2006, Nevin was an equity research analyst specializing in the business services, cellular telephone, and telephone services industries. Nevin joined MFS in 1997. Previously, he served on the corporate audit and business development staffs of General Electric Co.
Steven R. Gorham Portfolio Manager 2003 2020
전기 Steven R. Gorham, CFA, is an investment officer of MFS Investment Management® (MFS®) and a portfolio manager of the value and global balanced portfolios of our mutual funds, variable annuities, and institutional investment products. Steve joined MFS in 1989 as a teleservices representative and became a member of the Financial Advisor Division sales desk in 1991. In 1992 he joined the Equity Research Department, and he became a research analyst in 1993 and an investment officer in 1996. He was named portfolio manager in 2000.
Chris R. Kaufman Managing Director 2016 2020
전기 As we previously communicated to our clients, our Large Cap Value co-portfolio manager Chris Kaufman has been on medical leave since late 2019. As Chris’ medical leave continues, he is no longer participating in the investment team’s activities. Paul Roukis, who has been a co-portfolio manager for the Large-Cap Value portfolios along with Chris for the past 15 years, continues to have primary responsibilities for the Large-Cap Value strategy. Paul has been with the company since 2005 and in the industry since 1992.
Randell Cain Founder, CEO, CIO, Portfolio Manager 2010 2016
전기 Randell (“Randy”) A. Cain, Jr., CFA is the founding partner of Kerusso Capital Management (KCM), CEO, CIO, and portfolio manager. Prior to founding KCM, Randy amassed over 25 years of investment experience working as an equity portfolio manager or analyst at firms such as Sustainable Insight Capital Management, Herndon Capital Management, NCM Capital Management, JP Morgan, and TradeStreet Investment Associates (now part of Bank Of America). Randy received an MBA from Harvard Business School, a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science from Morehouse College. He earned the CFA designation in 1997. Randy also holds a Master of Divinity degree from Hood Theological Seminary and is in the process of earning his Doctor of Ministry degree from Duke Divinity School. Randy serves as the Pastor of Zion Memorial Missionary Baptist Church and serves his community in a variety of board activities.
Diane E. Jaffee Group Managing Director 2005 2010
전기 Ms. Jaffee is the Senior Portfolio Manager for the TCW Relative Value Large Cap, TCW Relative Value Dividend Appreciation, and TCW Relative Value Mid Cap strategies and funds. She joined TCW through the acquisition of SG Cowen Asset Management in 2001. She had been a Senior Portfolio Manager at Cowen Asset Management since 1995 and continues in that role at TCW. She has nearly 40 years of investment experience. Before joining Cowen, she was Vice President and Portfolio Manager at Kidder, Peabody & Co from 1986 to 1995. Prior to that, she was Vice President at Lehman Management Company from 1985 to 1986 and an Equity Analyst with Prudential Insurance from 1982 to 1985. In 2007, Ms. Jaffee was named the Separately Managed Accounts Award winner in the Large Cap Equity category by Standard & Poor’s and its award partners Prima Capital and Investment Advisor magazine. The TCW Relative Value Large Cap, Dividend Appreciation, and Mid Cap mutual funds have been each awarded Wall Street Journal’s “Category Kings” in their respective categories, multiple times in 2012, and the TCW Dividend Appreciation Fund was ranked the #1, top performing fund among Lipper Equity Income Funds for 2012. In 2013, the TCW Relative Value Large Cap mutual fund was ranked #1 fund for the first quarter and the #6 fund for the one-year period ending March 31, 2013 among Large Cap Value peers, while the Dividend Appreciation Fund ranked #2 for the quarter and #3 for the one-year period ending March 31, 2013 among Equity Income peers. Ms. Jaffee holds a BA in Economics from Wellesley College (1982). She has completed post-graduate work in Finance and Accounting at Rutgers University Graduate School of Management and is a CFA charterholder. Ms. Jaffee is also a member of the New York Society of Security Analysts, the Economic Club of New York, and the CFA Society.
Vince Vizachero Vice President 2003 2005
전기 Vizachero is a vice president and portfolio manager of Morgan Stanley Investment Advisors Inc., his employer since 2001. Prior to joining the firm, he was an analyst at Fidelity Investments. He is a member of the Association of Investment Management and Research and the Houston Society of Financial Analysts.
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