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Virtus AlphaSimplex Managed Futures Strategy Fund Class A (AMFAX)

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8.72 -0.07    -0.80%
04/10 - 닫음. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 57.64M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Natixis Funds
자산등급:  기타
Natixis ASG Managed Futures Strategy A 8.72 -0.07 -0.80%


이 페이지에서 Virtus AlphaSimplex Managed Futures Strategy Fund Class A에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. AMFAX의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Managed Futures

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주소 Greenfield, MA, 01301
Greenfield,MA 01301
United States
전화 +1 8002431574

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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Kathryn M. Kaminski Portfolio Manager 2018 now
전기 Kathryn M. Kaminski joined AlphaSimplex in 2018 and currently serves as Chief Research Strategist. Dr. Kaminski has served as co-portfolio manager of AlphaSimplex Managed Futures Strategy Fund since 2018 and AlphaSimplex Global Alternatives Fund since 2020. Prior to joining AlphaSimplex, Dr. Kaminski was a visiting scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (“MIT”) Laboratory for Financial Engineering. Prior to this, she held portfolio management positions as a director, investment strategies at Campbell and Company and as a senior investment analyst at RPM, a CTA fund of funds. Dr. Kaminski earned a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Operations Research from MIT.
John C Perry Portfolio Manager/Analyst 2017 now
전기 As a Senior Research Scientist, Portfolio Manager at AlphaSimplex, Dr. Perry focuses on research and portfolio management. Dr. Perry joined AlphaSimplex in 2012. Dr. Perry has served as co-portfolio manager of the AlphaSimplex Managed Futures Strategy Fund since 2017 and the AlphaSimplex Multi-Asset Fund since 2020. Prior to this, he worked for Soros Fund Management, where he researched and developed quantitative equity trading strategies and risk models. Previously, he worked on the proprietary trading desk at J.P. Morgan. Dr. Perry earned a B.S. in Computer Engineering from the University of Utah, an M.S. in Management and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT. His dissertation provided new insights into the neuroeconomics of market makers..
Philippe P. Lüdi Senior Research Scientist, 2014 now
전기 Philippe P. Lüdi, CFA®, joined AlphaSimplex in 2006 and currently serves as Senior Research Scientist, focusing on global macro strategies as well as system engineering. Dr. Lüdi received the equivalent of an M.A. in Molecular and Computational Biology from the University of Basel in 2000, followed by an M.S. in Statistics in 2002 and a Ph.D. in Bioinformatics in 2006, both from Duke University. Dr. Lüdi holds the designation of Chartered Financial Analyst®.
Alexander D. Healy Chief Investment Officer 2014 now
전기 Alexander D. Healy joined AlphaSimplex in 2007 and currently serves as Chief Investment Officer. Dr. Healy has served as co-portfolio manager of the AlphaSimplex Global Alternatives Fund and AlphaSimplex Managed Futures Strategy Fund since 2014. Dr. Healy received an A.B. in Mathematics and Computer Science in 2002 and a Ph.D. in Theoretical Computer Science in 2007, both from Harvard University. His doctoral research focused on the uses of randomness in algorithms and cryptography, and introduced novel approaches to generating pseudo-random numbers together with new applications of these methods.
Robert S. Rickard Portfolio Manager 2010 now
전기 As a Portfolio Manager at AlphaSimplex, Mr. Rickard is responsible for managing the cash portion of the firm’s strategies. He has over 25 years of industry experience. Mr. Rickard joined AlphaSimplex in 2015. Prior to this, Mr. Rickard served as the Senior Vice President, Head of Portfolio Management and Trading, and Portfolio Manager at Reich & Tang Asset Management, LLC. Rickard focused on the management of short-term assets at Reich & Tang from 1992 to 2015. Mr. Rickard began managing the money market portion of AlphaSimplex’s products while at Reich & Tang Asset Management, and continues that work at AlphaSimplex. Mr. Rickard earned a B.S. in Accounting from Siena College and an M.B.A. from Pace University.
Robert W. Sinnott Senior Research Scientist, Portfolio Manager 2012 2019
전기 As a Senior Research Scientist and Portfolio Manager at AlphaSimplex, Mr. Sinnott serves as a co-portfolio manager for the AlphaSimplex Managed Futures Strategy. In this role, he is focused on portfolio management, applied research, and overall capability development. Mr. Sinnott joined AlphaSimplex in 2009. He specializes in trend-following, term-structure, and pattern-based trading strategies, as well as trade execution optimization. He holds two patents in risk-managed index design. Mr. Sinnott earned both an A.B. and an A.M. in Statistics from Harvard University, where he focused on statistical machine learning, capital markets, and time series analysis. Mr. Sinnott is also a CAIA® Charterholder.
Andrew W. Lo Chairman and Chief Investment Strategist 2010 2018
전기 As Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Investment Strategist of AlphaSimplex, Dr. Lo directs the research agenda and, together with Chief Investment Officer Dr. David Modest, heads the research team. Dr. Lo also chairs the Investment Committee, which is responsible for vetting, approving, and documenting all investment strategies as well as assessing performance results and proposing and implementing design changes. He is also a permanent member of the Risk Committee and serves as a co-portfolio manager of certain mutual funds advised by AlphaSimplex. Dr. Lo has over 30 years of industry and academic experience. Prior to founding AlphaSimplex in 1999, Dr. Lo developed trading technologies and investment models for large financial institutions on a consultative basis. In addition to his AlphaSimplex responsibilities, Dr. Lo is the Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management and director of MIT’s Laboratory for Financial Engineering. Dr. Lo has authored numerous journal articles and published several books, including Hedge Funds: An Analytic Perspective (2008), A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street (1999), and The Econometrics of Financial Markets (1997). Dr. Lo earned a B.A. in Economics from Yale University as well as an A.M. and a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University.
Peter A. Lee Co-Portfolio Manager 2014 2017
전기 Peter A. Lee joined AlphaSimplex in 2007 and currently serves as Senior Research Scientist for hedge fund strategies. Mr. Lee received an A.B. in Applied Mathematics with a secondary field in Economics from Harvard University in 2007 as well as an S.M. in Operations Research from MIT in 2016. His master’s thesis presented a novel technique for constructing sparse high-dimensional Gaussian models.
Jeremiah H. Chafkin CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2010 2014
전기 Mr. Chafkin serves as Chief Investment Officer of AssetMark, Inc. Previously, Mr. Chafkin was a portfolio manager and CEO at AlphaSimplex Group, a liquid alternative asset management specialist. He joined AlphaSimplex in 2007 from Natixis Global Asset Management, where he served as President and CEO with responsibility for all of its affiliated managers in the United States and Asia. Prior to Natixis, Mr. Chafkin was with the Charles Schwab Corporation as a member of its Executive Committee. At Schwab, Mr. Chafkin headed the asset management and mutual fund divisions before serving as President of Schwab Advised Investing, overseeing equity research, mutual fund ratings, and all direct advisory services for retail clients. Before Schwab, Mr. Chafkin spent 15 years in senior management roles at Bankers Trust Company, most recently as CEO of Structured Investment Management and previously as COO of U.S. Asset Management, Chairman and President of Japan Bankers Trust Company, and Co-Head of Fixed Income. Mr. Chafkin earned a B.A. in Economics from Yale University and an M.B.A. in Finance from Columbia University.
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