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NYLI Epoch Global Equity Yield Class I (EPSYX)

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21.84 +0.07    +0.32%
13/01 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 582.23M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
자산등급:  주식
MainStay Epoch Global Equity Yield I 21.84 +0.07 +0.32%


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Michael Jin Managing Director, Portfolio Manager and Sr Research Analyst 2024 now
전기 Michael is a portfolio manager and senior research analyst for TD Epoch’s Shareholder Yield investment strategies. Prior to joining the firm in 2010, Michael was a Research Analyst at AllianceBernstein. Prior to AllianceBernstein, Michael worked as a corporate finance consultant at McKinsey & Company and as a process engineer at Praxair where he received four U.S. patents. He received his MBA from the University of Chicago, an MS from SUNY at Buffalo and an MS from the University of Notre Dame, and completed his undergraduate courses at the University of Science and Technology of China.
Lin Lin Portfolio Manager & Quantitative Research 2024 now
전기 Lin is the Head of Quantitative Research and a portfolio manager for TD Epoch. Prior to joining TD Epoch in 2017, Lin was a vice president and equity strategist on the Global Quantitative Research team at Morgan Stanley, where she helped launch their global quantitative product and published research on a variety of topics, including stock selection and ESG investing. Before that, she was an assistant vice president and senior research analyst on the Quantitative Research and Portfolio Strategy team at Sanford C. Bernstein. Lin began her career as a consulting associate at FMI Corp. Lin has a B.A. in Economics from Nanjing University, and an M.A. in Economics from Duke University.
Kera Van Valen Managing Director, Portfolio Manager and Senior Research Analyst 2014 now
전기 Kera is the lead portfolio manager for TD Epoch's Shareholder Yield strategies. Prior to joining the Shareholder Yield team, Kera was an analyst within the Quantitative Research and Risk Management team. Before joining the firm in 2005, she was a portfolio manager of Structured Equities and Quantitative Research at Columbia Management Group where she was responsible for the day-to-day management of two index funds. She also worked at Credit Suisse Asset Management. Kera received her BA in Mathematics at Colgate University and her MBA at Columbia University, Graduate School of Business.
William W. Priest CEO and Portfolio Manager 2009 now
전기 Bill is Vice-Chair of Wealth, responsible for chairing TD's Wealth Strategy Committee created to develop TD Wealth's long-term corporate strategy. Bill is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of TD Epoch and a portfolio manager for the company's high net worth clients. Prior to co-founding Epoch in 2004, Bill was a Co-Managing Partner and portfolio manager at Steinberg Priest & Sloane Capital Management, LLC for three years.
John M. Tobin Managing Director, Portfolio Manager and Senior Research Analyst 2014 2024
전기 John is a portfolio manager for TD Epoch's Shareholder Yield strategies. Prior to joining the firm in 2012, John taught undergraduate economics as a lecturer at Fordham University. Before that he spent four years at HSBC Global Asset Management as a senior research analyst and almost twenty years at Credit Suisse Asset Management where he was a senior research analyst for the U.S. High Yield Bond team. Previously he worked at Bankers Trust Company where he began his career. John received AB, AM and PhD degrees in Economics from Fordham University.
Michael A. Welhoelter Director 2009 2024
전기 Mike is the Chief Administrative Officer, Co-Chief Investment Officer and Head of Risk Management for TD Epoch. Mike is responsible for integrating risk management into the investment process. Prior to joining the company in 2005, he was a director and portfolio manager in the Quantitative Strategies Group at Columbia Management Group, Inc. Before that, Mike was at Credit Suisse Asset Management Group (“CSAM”), where he was a portfolio manager in the Structured Equity group. Before joining CSAM, he was a portfolio manager and quantitative research analyst at Chancellor/LGT Asset Management.
Eric L. Sappenfield Managing Director 2009 2017
전기 Eric is a portfolio manager for Epoch’s Equity Shareholder Yield strategies. Prior to joining Epoch in 2006, he was a research analyst at Spear Leeds & Kellogg where he was responsible for credit/risk assessment. Previously, he was a senior analyst at Steinberg Priest & Sloane Capital Management, LLC focusing on high yield bonds and equities of leveraged companies. Eric’s additional experience includes senior analytical roles at The Carlyle Group, Travelers, and Bankers Trust. Eric holds a BA degree from Stanford University and an MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management.
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  • 의견은 한글로 작성해주세요.


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