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JNL/PPM America Total Return Fund Class A (0P0000HRYT)

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13.100 +0.010    +0.08%
18/10 - 닫음. USD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 599.12M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Jackson National
자산등급:  채권
JNL/PPM America Total Return Fund Class A 13.100 +0.010 +0.08%

0P0000HRYT 개요

이 페이지에서 JNL/PPM America Total Return Fund Class A에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. 0P0000HRYT의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Intermediate Core-Plus Bond

총 자산




개시 날짜

2008년 12월 29일


주소 P.O. Box 30389
Lansing,MI 48909-7889
United States
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최고 경영진

종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Jon Nelson - 2024 now
전기 Jon Nelson is a vice president and portfolio manager on the total return team at PPM America, Inc. (“PPM”). He is responsible for investment and allocation decisions for the firm's core plus fixed income and investment grade credit plus strategies, which are managed on behalf of investors globally. In addition, he is responsible for making investment recommendations for the firm's other total return strategies. Prior to his current role, Jon was a credit analyst on the fixed income team at PPM and was responsible for the credit coverage and investment recommendations for the metals and mining, building products and homebuilding sectors. Prior to joining PPM in 2023, Jon was an analyst at DoubleLine. He earned a bachelor's degree in finance from the University of Minnesota. Jon is a CFA® charterholder.
Joshua Settle Senior Managing Director 2021 now
전기 Josh Settle is a senior managing director and portfolio manager on the fixed income team at PPM. He is responsible for investment and allocation decisions for the firm’s core plus fixed income strategy, which is managed on behalf of investors globally. Prior to his current role, Josh was a senior managing director and head of credit trading, responsible for overseeing a team of credit traders and for trade execution in the utility, retail, consumer goods, leisure, services, healthcare, taxable municipals and CDX/ETF industries. Prior to joining PPM in 2010, he was a Corporate Bond Portfolio Manager in the Fixed Income, Long Duration division of the Northern Trust Global Investments business unit.He joined Northern Trust in 2003, as part of the GOLD Program, Global Opportunities in Leadership Development, an enterprise-wide leadership development program designed to prepare young professionals. The Program focuses on Northern Trust’s product and service offerings, client focus and commitment to quality. Josh earned a bachelor’s degree in finance and economics from the University of Iowa. He is a CFA charterholder and a member of the Investment Analyst Society of Chicago.
Michael T. Kennedy Portfolio Manager 2009 now
전기 Mike Kennedy is a senior managing director and portfolio manager on the total return fixed income team at PPM. He is responsible for investment and allocation decisions for several of the firm’s fixed income strategies, including core plus fixed income, credit, long short credit, and strategic income which are managed on behalf of institutional and retail investors globally. Prior to joining PPM in 2006, Mike was a senior vice president and portfolio manager for Columbia Management Group (formerly Stein Roe & Farnham) where he managed fixed income mutual funds and institutional client portfolios. Previously, he worked as the assistant director of portfolio management for Homewood Federal Savings & Loan. Mike earned an MM from Northwestern University and a BS in business administration from Marquette University. He is also a CFA® charterholder.
Sau Mui Portfolio Manager 2020 2021
전기 Based in Chicago, Sau is a portfolio manager on global, short duration, and US high yield strategies. Prior to joining Aviva Investors, Sau was a portfolio manager for PPM America in Chicago where she managed the firm’s core plus and credit-plus strategies on behalf of investors globally. Before assuming that role in 2019, Sau was a senior credit research analyst with the same firm, responsible for researching global investment grade and high yield Corporates in the financials sector. Her prior experience includes positions as a credit research analyst with Harris Associates and as a high yield research associate with Putnam Investments. Sau holds a Bachelor’s degree from Cornell University with a major in Hotel Administration and a minor in Real Estate, and a Master of Business Administration degree, with Honors, from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business with concentrations in Accounting, Economics and Behavioral Science. She is also a CFA® charterholder and a member of the CFA Society of Chicago.
Erica Lankfer - 2018 2019
전기 Erica Lankfer is a vice president and portfolio manager on the total return fixed income team at PPM America, Inc. (PPM). She is responsible for investment and allocation decisions for several of the firm’s fixed income strategies, including core plus fixed income and credit which are managed on behalf of institutional and retail investors globally. Prior to joining PPM in 2011, Erika was an associate in the Financial Services Group for PricewaterhouseCoopers LLC where she was responsible for audit procedures and valuation services. Erica earned an MBA in finance and economics from the University of Chicago and a BS in finance and accounting from Miami University (Ohio). She is also a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
Mark Redfearn - 2018 2019
전기 Mark Redfearn is a senior managing director and portfolio manager on the fixed income team at PPM America, Inc. (PPM). Prior to joining PPM in 2002, Mark was a corporate bond portfolio manager for Van Kampen Funds. Previously, he worked for Van Kampen Funds’ risk management group. Mark earned a master’s degree in public affairs from Indiana University and a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science from Miami University (Ohio). He is a CFA® charterholder.
Matthew Willey Member 2018 2019
전기 Matt Willey is a senior managing director and portfolio manager on the total return fixed income team at PPM. He is responsible for investment and allocation decisions for several of the firm’s fixed income strategies, including core plus fixed income and credit which are managed on behalf of institutional and retail investors globally. Prior to joining PPM in 2003, Matt was an audit manager at Ernst & Young LLP where he focused primarily on the financial services industry. His client base was composed largely of hedge funds, banks and insurance companies. Matt earned a master’s in financial mathematics from the University of Chicago and a BA in accounting from Ohio University. He is also a CFA® charterholder and a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
Anthony Balestrieri Vice President 2015 2019
전기 Anthony Balestrieri joined M&G in 2020 and is President and Chief Investment Officer, M&G Investments (Americas). Before joining M&G, Anthony was Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer of the total return team at PPM America. He was responsible for overseeing and leading several portfolio management, research and trading teams, including total return fixed income, public equity, high yield, bank loan, fixed income research, and public fixed income trading teams. Prior to joining PPM in 2003, Anthony was the head of institutional fixed income at Merrill Lynch Investment Managers and a senior vice president in charge of the short-term strategies group at Mitchell Hutchins Asset Management.
Matthew Willey Member 2008 2015
전기 Matt Willey is a senior managing director and portfolio manager on the total return fixed income team at PPM. He is responsible for investment and allocation decisions for several of the firm’s fixed income strategies, including core plus fixed income and credit which are managed on behalf of institutional and retail investors globally. Prior to joining PPM in 2003, Matt was an audit manager at Ernst & Young LLP where he focused primarily on the financial services industry. His client base was composed largely of hedge funds, banks and insurance companies. Matt earned a master’s in financial mathematics from the University of Chicago and a BA in accounting from Ohio University. He is also a CFA® charterholder and a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
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  • 대화를 독점하지 마십시오열정과 소신에 감사드립니다. 다만 다른 분들에게도 자신의 생각을 표현할 기회를 드리고자 합니다. 의견은 간결하고 사려 깊게 제시하시고 다른 사람이 불편해 할 수 있음으로 같은 의견을 되풀이하지 마시기 바랍니다. 이야기나 포럼을 독차지하는 사람에 대한 불만이 접수될 경우, 해당 사이트에서 그 사람을 금지할 수 있습니다.
  • 의견은 한글로 작성해주세요.


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0P0000HRYT 코멘트

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유저님의 부정적인 댓글 내용으로 인해, 유저님은 더이상 댓글을 작성하실 수 없게 되었습니다. 유저님의 계정 상태는 관리자가 검토할 예정입니다.
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