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Ninety One Global Strategy Fund - European Equity Fund A Inc EUR (0P00015HKD)

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29.890 +0.100    +0.34%
22/01 - 닫음. EUR 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 513.09M
종류:  펀드
시장:  룩셈부르크
발행자:  Investec Asset Management Luxembourg S.A.
ISIN:  LU1194089030 
자산등급:  주식
Investec Global Strategy Fund European Equity Fu 29.890 +0.100 +0.34%

0P00015HKD 개요

이 페이지에서 Ninety One Global Strategy Fund - European Equity Fund A Inc EUR에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. 0P00015HKD의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Europe Large-Cap Blend Equity

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2015년 02월 27일


주소 2-4 Avenue Marie-Thérèse, Luxembourg, L-2132
Luxembourg, L-2132
전화 +352 28 12 77 20

최고 경영진

종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Adam Child - 2022 now
전기 Adam is assistant portfolio manager for the International Dynamic Equity strategy within the 4Factor team at Ninety One. He joined the firm from BNP Paribas Investment Partners, where he was a junior portfolio manager for the Asian SRI Equity strategy based in Hong Kong. Prior to that he worked as an analyst in European and Global Equity teams at Fortis Investments. Adam graduated from St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, with a Master’s degree in History, and is a CFA® Charterholder.
Ben Lambert Portfolio Manager 2022 now
전기 Ben is a portfolio manager in Ninety One’s 4Factor team and is based in London. He co-manages the European Equity and International Equity strategies. Prior to joining the firm Ben was a senior portfolio manager responsible for Europe/Sustainable Equity at Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) where he developed and co-managed the plan’s European equity allocation. In 2018/19 Ben also took on the role of Head of Sustainable Investing overseeing and implementing transformative changes to the plan’s ESG approach. Most recently, Ben was portfolio manager for a dedicated sustainable equity strategy where he built up an impressive track record over the last three years. Before CPPIB, Ben was a portfolio manager at Och-Ziff Capital Management and with Odey Asset Management. Ben graduated from Bristol University with a Bachelor’s degree in Politics and French.
Ken Hsia - 2012 2023
전기 Ken is the portfolio manager for the European strategies at Ninety One. Ken joined the firm in 2004 from MoVa Investment Partners, a hedge fund, where he was portfolio manager and co-founder. He was involved in managing a portfolio focused on European small and mid-cap stocks. Prior to that, Ken spent eight years at Fidelity Investments as an equity analyst covering a range of sectors including UK and European auto components, construction, non-food retail and utilities, and was assistant fund manager on the UK Recovery Trust (now renamed UK Aggressive). Ken graduated from Oxford University with a Doctorate in Organic Chemistry. He is also an associate member of the UK Society of Investment Professionals (UKSIP) and a CFA® charterholder.
Nigel Hankin Portfolio Manager 1985 2012
전기 Nigel is co-portfolio manager for the Global Endurance Equity Strategy in the 4Factor team at Investec Asset Management. He joined Investec Asset Management from Mirabaud, where he was tasked with the launch of a new global equity research product for the firm. Nigel has a wide variety of experience managing equities and developing products, most recently as deputy head of the global equity team of RCM. He was also one of the founders of Draycott Partners, where he played a key role in building its US business and managed European equities for the company after its sale to Alliance Capital Management International. Nigel started his career at Royal London as a European equity portfolio manager, where he launched a retail European equity product. He graduated from Oxford University with a first class degree in Modern History and Economics in 1985.
Jacob Robbins - 2007 2011
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