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Threadneedle Emerging Market Bond Fund Institutional Gross Accumulation USD (0P0000I582)

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3.99 -0.00    -0.03%
27/09 - 닫음. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 1.83M
종류:  펀드
시장:  영국
발행자:  Threadneedle Investment Services Ltd
ISIN:  GB00B1XK5Q40 
자산등급:  채권
Threadneedle Emerging Market Bond Fund Institution 3.99 -0.00 -0.03%

0P0000I582 개요

이 페이지에서 Threadneedle Emerging Market Bond Fund Institutional Gross Accumulation USD에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. 0P0000I582의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Global Emerging Markets Bond

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2007년 07월 25일


주소 London EC4N 6AG
Zurich,London 8002
전화 +41 44 208 37 37
팩스 +41 44 208 35 00

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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Henry Stipp Head of Emerging Market Debt, EMEA 2012 now
전기 Henry Stipp is the Head of Emerging Markets Fixed Income, joining Threadneedle in 2001. Henry is the leading Portfolio Manager for a diverse range of Absolute return, Local and Hard Currency fixed income portfolios. He started his career in Brazil in 1991 with CSFB – Garantia at the Open-Market Trading Desk and has also worked for Modal Bank¹ initially as a chief economist and then as Head of Research. Henry also worked as a professor of macroeconomics at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Henry holds a BSc in economics (Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro), a MSc (distinction) in macroeconomic policy in emerging markets (DPPC-UK) and a PhD in economics (University of London).
Zara Kazaryan Portfolio Manager 2014 2015
전기 Zara Kazaryan joined Threadneedle in 2012 as a portfolio manager in the Emerging Market Fixed Income team. She generates emerging market investment ideas for the wider investment team. Prior to joining the company, Zara worked as a portfolio manager at Alcantara Asset Management, a specialist EM fund. Prior to that Zara worked at Merrill Lynch in the EM Debt origination team and for Biochem Invest in Russia focusing on private equity investments. Zara gained an MBA from the University of Cambridge in 2005 and holds an MA in Economics from Plekhanov Academy of Economics in Russia.
John Peta Vice President 2012 2014
전기 John Peta joined Threadneedle Investments in October 2012 John is responsible for a variety of strategic initiatives across the emerging market business, including a focus on local currency debt strategy. Before joining Threadneedle, John was head of emerging market debt at Boston-based Acadian Asset Management, having joined the firm in 2007. He has over 20 years’ experience in fixed income and sovereign analysis, and has extensive expertise in EM local currency debt covering over 30 countries including frontier markets. He graduated in 1981 from South Dakota State University with a degree in Civil Engineering and has an MBA (Hons) from the University of Washington in 1986. He is also a CFA Charterholder.
James (Jim) R. Cielinski Global Head of Fixed Income 2012 2012
전기 In his role as Global Head of Fixed Income, Jim Cielinski is responsible for the overall management of the fixed income business, including investment process, product development and investment strategy. He also manages the Threadneedle (Lux) Global Opportunities Bond Fund and is a key participant in the firm’s asset allocation process. Before joining the company, Jim spent 12 years at Goldman Sachs, leaving as Head of Global Credit – Investment Grade. He has also held senior investment roles at Utah Retirement Systems and Brown Brothers Harriman. Jim graduated from the University of Utah in 1983 with a BSc in Finance and gained an MBA from New York University in 1988. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the CFA Society of the UK.
Richard House Portfolio Manager 2008 2012
전기 Richard House is a portfolio manager in the emerging markets fixed income team. Prior to joining Threadneedle in 2007, he worked for Wadhwani Asset Management as an EM portfolio manager/trader. He has also worked for HSBC as a portfolio manager responsible for a listed EM debt fund and at Lombard Odier as an EM analyst/portfolio manager. Richard holds a BSc in economics and computer science from the University of Sunderland and an MSC in finance and investment from the University of York
Paul Murray-John Portfolio Manager 1997 2008
전기 Murray-John joined LGT Asset Management as a trader in 1993, and became a portfolio manager in 1994. Previously, he spent a year as an analyst with Bloomberg, and four years as an investment manager with Robert Fleming & Co. Murray-John was born March 3, 1965 in Malaya, now part of Malaysia. He enjoys canoeing, motorbiking, and playing the clarinet in his spare time.
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  • 의견은 한글로 작성해주세요.


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