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Grandeur Peak Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund Institutional Class (GPEIX)

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12.18 0.00    0%
22/11 - 닫음. USD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 284.65M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Grandeur Peak Funds
자산등급:  주식
Grandeur Peak Emerg Mkts Opps Instl 12.18 0.00 0%


이 페이지에서 Grandeur Peak Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund Institutional Class에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. GPEIX의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Diversified Emerging Mkts

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주소 1290 Broadway, Suite 1100
Denver,CO 80203
United States
전화 855-377-7325

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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Liping Cai Portfolio Manager 2018 now
전기 Ms. Cai has been a portfolio manager for the Grandeur Peak Global Reach Fund since 2015 and for the Grandeur Peak Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund since 2018, and is also a Sr. Research Analyst at Grandeur Peak Global Advisors, with a specialty focus on the health care sector globally. Ms. Cai joined Grandeur Peak in 2013. She spent the previous six years on the equity research team at William Blair & Company specializing in the healthcare, retail, and the real estate sectors, and most recently heading up the firm’s China-based research team. From 1999-2006, Ms. Cai worked in the healthcare field for Fair Isaac Corporation (Health Care Strategy Consultant), Abbott Laboratories (Senior Market Analyst), Biogen Idec (Summer Marketing Associate), and Genentech, now Roche (Research Associate).
Blake H. Walker CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2013 now
전기 Blake H. Walker is the Chief Investment Officer and Executive Vice President for Grandeur Peak Global Advisors. Before co-founding Grandeur Peak Global Advisors in 2011, Mr. Walker was a portfolio manager co-managing two funds at Wasatch Advisors. Mr. Walker joined the research team at Wasatch Advisors in 2001. Mr. Walker has a B.S. in Accounting from Brigham Young University. He is originally from Toronto, Canada. Mr. Walker speaks French and lived in France for two years.
Stuart Rigby Research Analyst 2017 2023
전기 Mr. Rigby is a Sr. Research Analyst at Grandeur Peak Global Advisors, with a specialty focus on the technology sector globally. Mr. Rigby joined Grandeur Peak in 2012 after receiving an MBA from Cornell University. During his graduate program he interned at Epic Ventures and Opteris. Prior to that, Mr. Rigby spent two years as a product manager at Alliance Health Networks (social internet) and four years as a software engineer at lntelisum (3D software).
Randy E. Pearce CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2017 2018
전기 Mr. Pearce, CIO and Portfolio Manager, has been a senior research analyst at Grandeur Peak Global Advisors, with a specialty focus on the financial sector, since the firm’s inception in 2011. Prior to Grandeur Peak, Mr. Pearce was a junior and later senior research analyst at Wasatch Advisors from 2005-2009. In 2010, Mr. Pearce interned at Thornburg Investment Management as a global equities analyst while earning his MBA. Mr. Pearce has a B.A. in Business Administration from the University of Utah and an MBA from the University of California at Berkeley. He holds the CFA designation, having passed each of the three levels on his first attempt. Mr. Pearce speaks Portuguese and lived in Brazil for two years.
Zachary D Larkin Senior Research Analyst 2016 2017
전기 Mr. Larkin is a Sr. Research Analyst and Assistant Director of Research at Grandeur Peak Global Advisors. Mr. Larkin came to Grandeur Peak from Stephens where he was a Senior Research Analyst covering the Applied and Resource Technology sector. Previously, Mr. Larkin spent six years at Wasatch Advisors where he was a Junior and then Senior Equity Analyst. Mr. Larkin began his career at Larkin Memorial Corporation where he was the Treasurer and then Controller.
Spencer P. Stewart Portfolio Manager 2013 2017
전기 Spencer Stewart was a Portfolio Manager at Grandeur Peak Funds. There he managed GPEIX, the top fund in its category during his 3- year tenure. Before Grandeur, Spencer worked at both Sidoti & Company and Wasatch Advisors. Spencer is currently the Lead Portfolio Manager on the Ark Global Emerging Companies, LP as well as a Portfolio Manager on the Seven Canyons Strategic Income and the World Innovators Funds.
Randy E. Pearce CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2015 2016
전기 Mr. Pearce, CIO and Portfolio Manager, has been a senior research analyst at Grandeur Peak Global Advisors, with a specialty focus on the financial sector, since the firm’s inception in 2011. Prior to Grandeur Peak, Mr. Pearce was a junior and later senior research analyst at Wasatch Advisors from 2005-2009. In 2010, Mr. Pearce interned at Thornburg Investment Management as a global equities analyst while earning his MBA. Mr. Pearce has a B.A. in Business Administration from the University of Utah and an MBA from the University of California at Berkeley. He holds the CFA designation, having passed each of the three levels on his first attempt. Mr. Pearce speaks Portuguese and lived in Brazil for two years.
Robert T. Gardiner CEO 2013 2016
전기 Robert T. Gardiner, CFA® is the CEO and Director of Research for Grandeur Peak Global Advisors. Before founding Grandeur Peak Global Advisors in 2011, Mr. Gardiner had been a senior partner, principal shareholder and portfolio manager at Wasatch Advisors, Inc. Mr. Gardiner has been in the Investment Management industry since 1981 and involved in managing equity portfolios since 1986. Mr. Gardiner was a Director of Wasatch Advisors and a member of its Executive Management Team from 1994 to 2007. Mr. Gardiner graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Utah with a B.A. in Physics, a B.S. in Mathematics, and minors in Chemistry and French. He speaks French and lived in France for two years. Mr. Gardiner holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the Salt Lake City Society of Financial Analysts.
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