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Fidelity Global Monthly Income Sr F8 (0P0000YRH4)

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12.362 +0.020    +0.15%
04/10 - 닫음. CAD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 4.17B
종류:  펀드
시장:  캐나다
발행자:  Fidelity Investments Canada ULC
자산등급:  기타
Fidelity Global Monthly Income Sr F8 12.362 +0.020 +0.15%

0P0000YRH4 개요

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Global Neutral Balanced

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개시 날짜

2013년 04월 17일


주소 Suite 300
Toronto,ON M5G 2N7
전화 416 307 5200
팩스 416 307 5253

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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Jeffrey Moore Portfolio Manager 2023 now
전기 Jeffrey Moore, CFA, is a portfolio manager in the Fixed Income division at Fidelity Investments, and a presenting member to Fidelity’s Asset Allocation Committee. Prior to his current position, Mr. Moore was a fixed income analyst assigned to several sectors. Before joining Fidelity in 1995, Mr. Moore worked at Dominion Bond Rating Service in Toronto and Canada’s Department of Finance. He has been in the financial industry since 1990. Mr. Moore earned his B.A. degree with honors in economics from the University of Western Ontario and his M.S. degree in economics from the University of Waterloo
Eric Lindenbaum Portfolio Manager 2023 now
전기 Eric Lindenbaum is a portfolio manager and research analyst at FMR Co. In this role, Mr. Lindenbaum is responsible for sovereign debt research and co-manages multiple institutional strategies, including FIAM Emerging Markets Debt. Mr. Lindenbaum joined Fidelity in 2013 and has been in the investments industry since 1995. Mr. Lindenbaum earned his BA degree in international studies from Johns Hopkins University, his MBA degree from Columbia Business School, and his master of international affairs degree in international economics from Columbia School of International and Public Affairs.
Adam Kramer - 2023 now
전기 Adam Kramer is a portfolio manager in the Fixed Income division at Fidelity Investments. Fidelity Investments is a leading provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing,and other financial products and services to institutions, financial intermediaries, and individuals. In this role, he manages several multi-asset income funds, opportunistic high-yield bond strategies for institutional investors as well as a high income fund available exclusively to Canadian investors.
Michael R Foggin Portfolio Manager 2023 now
전기 Michael Foggin is a portfolio manager at Fidelity Institutional Asset Management (FIAM), an investment organization within Fidelity Investments’ asset management division that is dedicated to serving the needs of consultants and institutional investors, such as defined benefit and defined contribution plans, endowments and financial advisors. In this role, he manages the Global and International Credit Portfolios as part of the Global Fixed Income Team. Prior to joining Fidelity in July 2012, Mr. Foggin was a Fixed Income portfolio manager at Schroders from 2006 to 2012. Previously he worked
Timothy Gill Portfolio Manager 2023 now
전기 Timothy Gill is a portfolio manager in the High Income and Alternatives division at Fidelity Investments. Fidelity Investments is a leading provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing, and other financial products and services to institutions, financial intermediaries, and individuals. In this role, Mr. Gill co-manages Fidelity and Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Funds, Fidelity and Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Funds, Fidelity and Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Funds, Fidelity and Fidelity Advisor Strategic Income Funds, Fidelity VIP Strategic Income Portfolio, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Central Fund, and various institutional portfolios for U.S. and non-U.S. investors. Prior to assuming his current portfolio management responsibilities, Mr. Gill was an assistant portfolio manager and research analyst on the emerging markets debt team, where he covered a variety of sovereign credits. Additionally, he was also a trader within the High Income division covering emerging market sovereign debt. He has been in the financial industry since joining Fidelity in 2000 in the foreign trade operations group. Mr. Gill earned his bachelor of science degree in business administration from the University of Vermont. He is also a CFA charterholder and a member of CFA Society Boston.
Andrew Lewis Managing Director 2023 now
전기 Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2009, Mr. Lewis has worked as a managing director of research in the UK, research analyst, and a portfolio manager.
Alexandre Karam Research Analyst 2023 now
전기 Alexandre Karam is a portfolio manager in the High Income division at Fidelity Investments. Fidelity Investments is a leading provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing, and other financial products and services to more than 26 million individuals, institutions, and financial intermediaries.
David Tulk - 2023 now
전기 Mr. Tulk joined the Fidelity Investments organization in 2016 as an Institutional Portfolio Manager with the Global Asset Allocation Group. He is currently a portfolio manager and a member of the Global Asset Allocation Group for FMR Canada. Prior to joining the Fidelity Investments organization, he served as the Head of Global Macro Strategy and Chief Canadian Macro Strategist at TD Securities.
Nader Nazmi Portfolio Manager 2023 now
전기 Nader Nazmi is a research analyst in the High Income and Alternatives division at Fidelity Investments. Fidelity Investments is a leading provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing, and other financial products and services to institutions, financial intermediaries, and individuals. In this role, Mr. Nazmi is responsible for sovereign debt research covering Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and 18 other Latin American countries that the Emerging Markets Debt team invests in. Prior to joining Fidelity, Mr. Nazmi was managing director, sovereign analyst, and macro strategist on the Emerging Markets Debt team at Wellington Management. Additionally, he has had an extensive career in the financial industry, including positions at: BNP Paribas as director and economist for Latin America, Capital Markets group; Institute of International Finance as deputy director and senior economist, Latin America department; Bank One as director of economic research, Latin America, Banc One Capital Markets; and Central Bank of Ecuador as an international advisor in the research department. Mr. Nazmi has also held several positions in academia, including: senior fellow and visiting professor in the Center for Latin America Studies at Georgetown University; Hollender professor and chairperson of the economics department at Lake Forest College; visiting scholar at the Center for Research on Economic Development at the University of Michigan; and Fulbright Scholar at the University of Sao Paulo. He has been in the financial industry since 1998. Mr. Nazmi earned his bachelor of science degree in economics, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, from Iowa State University, and both his master's and doctorate degrees in economics from the University of Illinois. He also holds the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Series 2, 7, 24, and 65 licenses. Additionally, his extensive research in economics and international finance have been published in academic journals, editorial contributions, and a book.
Lisa M Easterbrook Portfolio Manager 2023 now
전기 Lisa Easterbrook is co-manager of the fund, which she has managed since October 2021. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2011, Ms. Easterbrook has worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager.
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  • 대화를 독점하지 마십시오열정과 소신에 감사드립니다. 다만 다른 분들에게도 자신의 생각을 표현할 기회를 드리고자 합니다. 의견은 간결하고 사려 깊게 제시하시고 다른 사람이 불편해 할 수 있음으로 같은 의견을 되풀이하지 마시기 바랍니다. 이야기나 포럼을 독차지하는 사람에 대한 불만이 접수될 경우, 해당 사이트에서 그 사람을 금지할 수 있습니다.
  • 의견은 한글로 작성해주세요.


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