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Fidelity Funds - Emerging Market Debt Fund W-Acc-GBP (0P000169US)

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1.358 -0.004    -0.29%
02/07 - 닫음. GBP 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 1.08M
종류:  펀드
시장:  룩셈부르크
발행자:  Fidelity (FIL Inv Mgmt (Lux) S.A.)
ISIN:  LU1235296180 
자산등급:  채권
Fidelity Funds Emerging Market Debt Fund W Acc G 1.358 -0.004 -0.29%

0P000169US 개요

이 페이지에서 Fidelity Funds - Emerging Market Debt Fund W-Acc-GBP에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. 0P000169US의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Global Emerging Markets Bond

총 자산




개시 날짜

2015년 06월 24일

투자 전략

글로벌 이머징마켓의 채무 성 증권에 주로 투자함으로 써 수익(income)과 자본이득 을 달성하고자 함. 또한 펀 드는 이머징마켓 발행인들 의 현지시장 채무증서, 고정 수입증권, 주식증권과 회사 채 및 낮은 등급의 채무성 증권을 포함한 다른 유형의 증권에도 투자할 수 있음. 이 펀드는 라틴아메리카, 동 남아시아, 아프리카, 동유럽 (러시아 포함) 및 중동 지역 에 투자함 (단, 위 지역들에 한정되지 아니함).


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최고 경영진

종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Marton Huebler - 2019 now
Paul Michael Greer - 2018 now
Eric Yung Wong - 2012 now
Steve Ellis Portfolio Manager 2012 2019
전기 Steve Ellis joined Fidelity in June 2012 as an Emerging Markets Portfolio Manager based in London. His role covers all asset classes in Emerging Market Debt. Prior to joining Fidelity, Steve worked as a Portfolio Manager at Goldman Sachs Asset Management. Steve holds a BSc (Hons) in Economics from Bristol University.
Louis-Filipe Martins Research Analyst 2011 2012
전기 Luis-Filipe Martins is a research analyst for Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMRCo.), Mr. Martins assumed his current position in the Emerging Markets Debt division of FMRCo. in June 1998 and later gained portfolio management responsibility for several emerging markets debt portfolios in June 2006. Previously with Fidelity Investments, Mr. Martins served as a quantitative analyst for FMRCo. beginning in 1995. In his role, he was responsible for the development of risk and analytical systems for the Emerging Markets Debt team. He joined Fidelity in 1993 as a quantitative analyst within the Fixed Income division of FMRCo. Mr. Martins received his bachelor of science degree in engineering from the Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal in 1981 and his masters and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from MIT in 1990. Mr. Martins has co-authored multiple works in both the engineering and finance fields, including articles in the The Journal of Portoflio Management and the publication New Dynamics of Emerging Markets Investments.
John Carlson - 2006 2012
전기 John Carlson is a portfolio manager in the High Income division at Fidelity Investments. Fidelity Investments is a leading provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing, and other financial products and services to more than 26 million individuals, institutions, and financial intermediaries. In this role, Mr. Carlson manages Fidelity and Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Funds and Fidelity and Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Funds. He also co-manages Fidelity and Fidelity Advisor New Market Income Funds. Before joining Fidelity in June 1995, Mr. Carlson was manager and head trader at Lehman Brothers International in London, and an executive vice president at Daiwa Securities. Previously, Mr. Carlson served as president at Security Pacific Securities, a risk manager at Merrill Lynch, and an analyst at A.G. Becker & Company. He has been in the financial industry since 1983. Mr. Carlson earned his bachelor of arts degree in mathematics from Wayne State University and his master of science degree in atmospheric physics from the University of Michigan. He was also a PhD candidate in meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is a CFA® charterholder.
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