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Credit Suisse Floating Rate High Income Fund A (CHIAX)

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6.35 +0.01    +0.16%
27/09 - 닫음. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 133.03M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Credit Suisse (New York, NY)
자산등급:  기타
Credit Suisse Floating Rate Hi Inc A 6.35 +0.01 +0.16%


이 페이지에서 Credit Suisse Floating Rate High Income Fund A에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. CHIAX의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Joshua Shedroff - 2021 now
전기 Joshua Shedroff joined CIG in 2008 as a credit analyst and is currently a Portfolio Manager for CIG with responsibility for senior loans and high yield. Previously he served as an Associate at The GlenRock Group, a private equity firm, where he evaluated and executed growth equity and leveraged buyout transactions. Prior to that, he worked in the Corporate Development Group at AboveNet, where he focused on their Chapter 11 restructuring. Mr. Shedroff began his career in the Investment Banking Division at Salomon Smith Barney. Mr. Shedroff received an M.B.A. with honors from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and a B.A. with honors in Economics from Brandeis University.
David J. Mechlin Portfolio Manager 2019 now
전기 Mr. Mechlin is a Portfolio Manager for Credit Suisse Asset Management, LLC with responsibility for senior loans and high yield bonds. He joined CIG as a credit analyst in 2006. Mr. Mechlin holds a B.S. in Finance and Accounting from Stern School of Business at New York University. Mr. Mechlin is a CFA Charterholder.
John G. Popp Managing Director 2011 now
전기 John G. Popp is a Managing Director of Credit Suisse and Group Head and Chief Investment Officer of the Credit Investments Group ("CIG"), with primary responsibility for making investment decisions and monitoring processes for CIG's global investment strategies. Mr. Popp is also a member of the CIG Credit Committee. Mr. Popp also serves as the Chief Executive Officer and President of the Credit Suisse Funds, as well as serving as Director, Chief Executive Officer and President for the Credit Suisse Asset Management Income Fund, Inc. and Trustee, Chief Executive Officer and President of the Credit Suisse High Yield Bond Fund. Previous to Credit Suisse, Mr. Popp was a Founding Partner and Head of Asset Management for First Dominion Capital, LLC. From 1992 through 1997, Mr. Popp was a Managing Director of Indosuez Capital and also served as President of Indosuez Capital Asset Advisors, Inc., and President of 1211 Investors, Inc. In 1989, Mr. Popp joined the Corporate Finance Department of Kidder Peabody & Co., Inc. as Senior Vice President, previously serving as Vice President in the Mergers and Acquisitions department of Drexel Burnham Lambert. Mr. Popp is a member of the Brookings Institute's Foreign Policy Leadership Committee and a member of the Juilliard School Council. Mr. Popp graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Pomona College and an M.B.A. in Finance and Marketing from the Wharton Graduate Division of the University of Pennsylvania.
Louis I. Farano Portfolio Manager 2006 now
전기 Mr. Farano is a Portfolio Manager for The Credit Suisse Credit Investments Group ("CIG") with responsibility for senior loans. Prior to joining CIG in 2006, Mr. Farano served as a Vice President in the High Yield department at SG America Securities Inc. Mr. Farano holds a B.B.A. in Accounting from James Madison University and an M.B.A. in Finance from UCLA's Anderson School.
Wing Chan Managing Director 2005 now
전기 Wing Chan is a Managing Director of Credit Suisse in the Asset Management business, based in New York. Ms. Chan is a Portfolio Manager of the Credit Investments Group. Ms. Chan is also a member of the CIG Credit Committee. Prior to joining Credit Suisse in 2005, Ms. Chan served as an Associate Portfolio Manager in Invesco's High Yield group. Previously, Ms. Chan worked at JP Morgan Fleming Asset Management where she shared responsibility for the management of Structured and Long Duration products. Ms. Chan earned a double B.S. in Economics and Finance from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ms. Chan is a CFA Charterholder, and holds Series 3, 7 and 63 licenses.
Thomas J. Flannery Portfolio Manager 2010 2024
전기 Mr. Flannery is a Portfolio Manager for Credit Suisse Credit Investments Group ("CIG") , with responsibility for trading, directing investment decisions, and originating and analyzing investment opportunities. Mr. Flannery is also a member of the CIG Credit Committee and is currently a high yield bond portfolio manager and trader for CIG. Mr. Flannery joined Credit Suisse in November 2000 through the merger with DLJ. Previous to CIG, Mr. Flannery served as an Associate at First Dominion Capital, LLC, which he joined in 1998. Mr. Flannery began his career with Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin, Inc., where he served as an Analyst in the Financial Restructuring Group, working on a variety of debtor and creditor representation assignments. Mr. Flannery graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from Georgetown University.
David H. Lerner Senior Vice President 2011 2013
전기 David Lerner joined Shenkman Capital in 2013. He has 30 years of experience in the bank loan industry. Mr. Lerner leads Shenkman Capital’s Loan, CLO and Structured Credit Platform and is a shareholder of the firm. Additionally, Mr. Lerner is a member of the Management Committee of Romark Credit Advisors and oversees the day-to-day operations of Romark CLO Advisors, an affiliate of Shenkman Capital. Prior to joining Shenkman Capital, Mr. Lerner was a Managing Director and Portfolio Manager in Credit Suisse’s Credit Investments Group where he was responsible for directing investment decisions and managing portfolio risk and was primarily responsible for managing the US loan and CLO platform. Mr. Lerner joined Credit Suisse in 2000 through the merger with Donaldson, Lufkin, & Jenrette (DLJ). Before working at DLJ, Mr. Lerner worked at First Dominion Capital, LLC as a Senior Vice President. First Dominion was acquired by DLJ in September 2000. Previous to First Dominion, he worked at Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation as a Vice President in the Leveraged Finance Group. Prior to that, he served as a Vice President at Banque Francaise du Commerce Exterieur in their Corporate Finance Group. Mr. Lerner began his career as an Associate at The Chase Manhattan Bank in 1990. Mr. Lerner is currently serving his second term on the board and is a Vice Chair of the Loan Syndications and Trading Association (LSTA). Mr. Lerner received a BBA in Finance from The George Washington University (1990).
Martha Metcalf - 2005 2010
전기 Martha Metcalf is a Portfolio Manager at Schroders, based in New York. She joined Schroders in 2010 Martha was Managing Director & Head of US High Yield at Credit Suisse from 2005 to 2010 She was previously a Managing Director & Portfolio Manager at Invesco Ltd from 2000 to 2005 She was previously a Vice President & Portfolio Manager at JP Morgan Investment Management Inc from 1995 to 2000 BA in International Political Economy from Mount Holyoke CFA Charterholder
Michael E. Gray Managing Director 2004 2006
전기 Mr. Gray is a Managing Director and the Head of Fixed Income & Credit for J.P. Morgan Private Bank CIO Team. He also is a member of the Global Investment Committee. Mr. Gray is responsible for coordinating the Private Bank CIO Team’s research and strategy efforts across global fixed income markets. Mr. Gray joined J.P. Morgan in 2015 and brings substantial expertise in fixed income research and portfolio management to bear for the Private Bank CIO Team and its clients. Previously he was a Managing Director and member of the executive leadership team at Hartford Investment Management Company.
Dennis Schaney Managing Director 2005 2005
전기 Schaney is managing director of the Van Kampen Asset Management. Prior to September 2008, he served as global head of Fixed Income at Credit Suisse Asset Management from October 2003 to April 2007 and prior to that, he was head of Leveraged Finance at BlackRock, Inc. from January 1998 to October 2003.
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