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CFS FC W PSup-RQI Australian Value (LP65144597)

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4.512 -0.015    -0.34%
19/03 - 닫음. AUD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 562.02M
종류:  펀드
시장:  호주
발행자:  Commonwealth/Colonial Group
ISIN:  AU60FSF10030 
자산등급:  주식
CFS FC W PSup-Realindex RAFI W Aus Shr 4.512 -0.015 -0.34%

LP65144597 개요

이 페이지에서 CFS FC W PSup-RQI Australian Value에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. LP65144597의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Equity Australia Large Value

총 자산



개시 날짜

2008년 11월 17일


주소 South Buidling 11 Harbour St Sydney
Sydney,NSW 2001
전화 13 13 36
팩스 +61 02 9303 3200

최고 경영진

종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Wang Chun Wei - 2022 now
전기 Wang Chun has 14 years’ experience in financial services. Prior to joining Realindex, Wang Chun has worked as a quantitative analyst at Macquarie Group and Regal Funds Management, and as a senior investment analyst at AustralianSuper. He has also worked as a lecturer in finance at the University of Queensland Business School. Wang Chun holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Actuarial Studies from the University of Melbourne, a PhD in Finance at the University of Sydney and has completed a Masters in Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a CFA charter holder since 2017.
Joanna Nash Portfolio Manager 2020 now
전기 Joanna has 16 years’ quantitative investment experience including senior roles at Acadian, where she was a senior portfolio manager, and Blackrock, where she was a portfolio manager within scientific equities, ran index portfolios and was Head of Sustainable Investment in Australia. Joanna is also a Lecturer at New York University. Joanna holds a CFA accreditation, has a PhD in Economics from Yale University, and was awarded a Fulbright scholarship. She has a Bachelor of Laws and Economics (Honours) from the University of New South Wales.
Ron Guido - 2020 now
전기 Ron has 19 years’ asset management experience. Prior to joining Realindex, Ron held various roles including the Head of Research at RF Capital, Portfolio Manager, Systematic Active Equities at BlackRock, Chief Investment Officer at Callisto Asset Management and Senior Quantitative Research roles at Marshall Wace, Fidelity International and SSgA. Prior to his career in asset management, Ron held a faculty position at UNSW where he lectured in quantitative finance. Ron holds a PhD in Finance and Statistics from the Australian Graduate School of Management, and has completed a Bachelor of Economics (Hons) at the University of Sydney.
David Walsh - 2019 now
전기 •Head of Acadian Australia’s investment team. Responsible for Acadian investment process including research, portfolio construction and trading. •a member of Acadian LLC’s Investment Policy Committee •formerly with Baseline Capital, quantitative investment management consulting firm which he founded. •previously Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager for Australian Equity Quantitative Team at BGI/BlackRock and Head of Equities Research, Australia for State Street Global Advisors •B.Eng, MBus, PhD (Finance)
Kieran Toms - 2017 now
전기 Kieran has 16 years’ experience, all with FSI. In his role, Kieran is responsible for index management / enhancements. He manages a range of Indexed Australian equity funds, understanding and improving the investment process and portfolio construction. Since joining FSI as part of the graduate program in 2007, Kieran has held a number of positions including analyst roles in the Global Listed Infrastructure team and the Small Companies, Core team. Kieran has completed a Bachelor of Business degree from the University of La Trobe, with majors in Finance and Management.
Raelene de Souza - 2009 2022
전기 Raelene has many years of experience in quantitative equities. Prior to joining Realindex, she served as an Associate Director and Senior Quantitative Analyst at Macquarie Securities in Sydney. She has also undertaken and published research on various equity markets including Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, US and UK. Raelene has a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance from FinSia and a Bachelor of Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Wollongong. She has been a CFA Charter holder since 2003.
Robin Castles - 2008 2020
전기 Robin has many years of experience with the industy. She joined the FSI Australian Equities, Core team as a Portfolio Manager in September 2007, and transferred to the Realindex team in June 2017. Prior to this, she worked with FSI’s investment heads and was responsible for portfolio construction and investment process review and development. Prior to joining FSI in May 2004, Robin worked for more than three years within the asset consulting division of Towers Perrin. Robin was awarded the Diploma for the AICD’s Company Directors Course in 2011. In 2004 she earned her CFA charter and successfully completed the CIMA (Certified Investment Management Analyst) program in 2003. Robin holds a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from the University of Sydney and was awarded the University Medal for her finance honours year.
Megan Ford - 2017 2018
전기 Megan has 8 years’ experience in quantitative equities, spanning research, portfolio management, implementation and investment management systems. Prior to joining Realindex, Megan was a Quantitative Analyst and Portfolio Manager’s Assistant for the equities team at Macquarie Investment Management where she was involved in the research, development and implementation of quantitative equity investment products. Megan has a Masters of Commerce from the University of Sydney, and a Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours)/Bachelor of Science from the University of Newcastle, where she also received the University Medal.
Daniel Pennell - 2012 2013
전기 Daniel has 12 years of experience in the industry and is a Portfolio Manager at Realindex Investments.  Prior to Realindex, Daniel was a Vice President of State Street Global Advisors and a Senior Investment Manager in the Global Equity Beta Solutions Group. He was responsible for managing a range of both domestic and international indexed equity portfolios, including innovative beta offerings and ETF’s, on behalf of Australian and New Zealand clients.  He has also managed enhanced offerings and was responsible for direct implementation of active strategies. He joined SSgA as an Equity Portfolio Analyst in 2001. Daniel was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree with Honours, from the University of Birmingham. He has received the UKSIP Investment Management Certificate (FSA Full) and earned the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. Daniel is a member of both the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute and the CFA Society of Sydney.
의견 지침

의견을 통해 다른 사용자들과 교류하고, 관점을 공유하고, 저자와 서로 간에 의문점을 제시하시기를 바랍니다. 하지만, 저희 모두가 기대하고 소중히 여기는 높은 수준의 담화를 유지하기 위해, 다음과 같은 기준을 기억하시기 바랍니다:

  • 풍성한 대화 나누기.
  • 주제에 집중하기. 토론 주제와 관련된 것만 게시합니다
  • 존중하기. 부정적인의견도 긍정적이고 세련되게 표현할 수 있습니다.
  • 표준어 사용: 문법에 맞춰 글을 작성합니다.
  • 주의사항: 의견에 포함된 스팸이나 홍보용 메시지 및 링크는 제거될 것입니다.
  • 저자나 다른 사용자에 대한 욕설, 비방, 또는 인신공격은 삼가하시기 바랍니다.
  • 대화를 독점하지 마십시오열정과 소신에 감사드립니다. 다만 다른 분들에게도 자신의 생각을 표현할 기회를 드리고자 합니다. 의견은 간결하고 사려 깊게 제시하시고 다른 사람이 불편해 할 수 있음으로 같은 의견을 되풀이하지 마시기 바랍니다. 이야기나 포럼을 독차지하는 사람에 대한 불만이 접수될 경우, 해당 사이트에서 그 사람을 금지할 수 있습니다.
  • 의견은 한글로 작성해주세요.


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LP65144597 코멘트

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유저님의 부정적인 댓글 내용으로 인해, 유저님은 더이상 댓글을 작성하실 수 없게 되었습니다. 유저님의 계정 상태는 관리자가 검토할 예정입니다.
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