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Allianz Azioni America (0P00000TVC)

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63.193 +0.280    +0.45%
02/01 - 닫음. EUR 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 147.18M
종류:  펀드
시장:  이탈리아
발행자:  Allianz Global Investors GmbH
ISIN:  IT0000386562 
자산등급:  주식
Allianz Azioni America 63.193 +0.280 +0.45%

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US Large-Cap Blend Equity

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1991년 03월 11일


주소 L-2633 Senningerberg
Frankfurt am Main, 60323
전화 +49 (0) 69 2443-1140
팩스 Milano

최고 경영진

종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Kristy Finnegan Investment Banking Analyst 2023 now
전기 Kristy Finnegan, CFA, Portfolio Manager of Voya IM’s large cap growth and mid cap growth strategies. Ms. Finnegan joined Voya IM in November 2001. Previously, Ms. Finnegan served as a portfolio manager and analyst for Voya IM’s large cap value strategies. Prior to joining Voya IM, she was an investment banking analyst at SunTrust Equitable Securities in Nashville, Tennessee where she focused on deals primarily in the education and health care sectors. She earned a BS in economics from Vanderbilt University, and she holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Leigh Todd MD, Lead Portfolio Manager- Growth 2023 now
전기 Leigh Todd, CFA, is a senior vice president and a portfolio manager on Voya IM’s Growth strategies. Prior to joining Voya, she was a portfolio manager on Mellon’s Large Cap Growth and Core portfolios and co-manager on their Global strategy. She earned a BS in Economics from Lehigh University and is a CFA® Charterholder.
Kimberlee W. Millar Vice President 2020 2023
전기 Ms. Millar is a portfolio manager, analyst and director with Allianz Global Investors, which she joined in 2005. As a generalist for the Disciplined Equities group, her primary responsibility is conducting company research; she also helps improve the group’s overall investment processes and contributes toward its portfolio-management efforts. Ms. Millar has 23 years of investment industry experience. She previously worked as an assistant economist at the Investment Company Institute in Washington, D.C., producing mutual-fund-industry research for investment-management firms’ research and marketing departments. Before that, Ms. Millar worked at Heiden Associates Inc., an economic consulting firm in Washington, D.C. She has a B.A. in economics from the University of Calgary, Canada, and an M.A. in economics from Queen’s University, Canada. Ms. Millar is a CFA charterholder and a member of the CFA Institute.
Jeffrey D. Parker Managing Director 2015 2023
전기 Jeffrey Parker is a chief investment officer, equity at Voya Investment Manager. Prior to joining Voya, he was a senior portfolio manager, managing director and CIO Equity U.S. at Allianz Global Investors, where he oversaw all U.S. equity strategies and served as co-manager of the disciplined equity and small and mid-cap strategies. Prior to that, Jeffrey was head of the growth team and had portfolio management responsibilities for large and mid-cap growth products. Previously, he was an assistant portfolio manager at Eagle Asset Management and a senior consultant at Andersen Consulting. Jeffrey earned a BBA from University of Miami and an MBA from Vanderbilt University. He is a CFA® Charterholder.
Steven J. Berexa Managing Director, Global CIO Equity 2013 2020
전기 Mr. Berexa is a Senior PM, a managing director and Global CIO Equity with Allianz Global Investors, which he joined in 1997. He is a PM for the Disciplined Equity, Global Fundamental and Global Insights strategies. In previous roles, Mr. Berexa was Global Head of Research, US director of research and head of the US Technology team. He has managed several Lipper Award-winning European-domiciled funds. Before joining the firm, Mr. Berexa worked at Prudential in a private placement unit, with responsibilities for the subordinated debt of renewable energy projects, as well as credit and LBOs.
Jeffrey L. Kripke Senior Vice President 2014 2015
전기 Jeff Kripke, Senior Vice President of Amundi US, joined Amundi US in 2015. Prior to joining Amundi US, Mr. Kripke was at Allianz Global Investors, where he was Co-CIO of the Disciplined Equity Group and a portfolio manager since 2014. Previously, Mr. Kripke was at Wellington Management Company from 2001–2013, where he was an associate partner and portfolio manager.
Seung H. Minn CIO 2008 2013
전기 Seung Minn is a Senior Portfolio Manager & CIO of U.S. Systematic Equities. Seung joined RCM in 1998 as a Portfolio Manager and now leads the Systematic Investment Group. He manages US Core Equity and US Value Equity portfolios, and oversees research efforts to enhance existing processes and develop new investment products. Prior to RCM, Seung was a Senior Vice President and Head of International Quantitative Research at Putnam Investments in Boston. Previously, Seung was a Vice President and a Portfolio Manager for Templeton Quantitative Advisors in New York City. He received a B.S.E. in Civil Engineering and Operations Research from Princeton University. Seung is a CFA charter holder, as well as a member of the CFA Institute and the Security Analysts of San Francisco. Seung has managed the Allianz RCM US Equity Fund since April 2007.
Massimo Morchio - 1998 2008
전기 Massimo Morchio, Chief Executive Officer More than 25 years of portfolio management experience. Chief Investment Officer of Ras Asset Management from 2001 to 2007, managing Eur 42 bil in mutual funds, private clients, pension funds and RAS insurance assets. Team consisting of 55 money managers. Head of Equities at Ras Asset Management from 1998 to 2001. Head of Specialists Funds at Allianz - Pimco from 1998 to 2001. Degree in economics from Turin University 110/110 “Cum Laude” and “Menzione d’Onore”. Honorary member of CFA Society as of June 2007. Since 2002 directly managing Ras Research, a concentrated global equity fund. The strategy employed has beaten its benchmark by 28 percentage points in the last 4 years. GIPS track record available.
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  • 풍성한 대화 나누기.
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  • 대화를 독점하지 마십시오열정과 소신에 감사드립니다. 다만 다른 분들에게도 자신의 생각을 표현할 기회를 드리고자 합니다. 의견은 간결하고 사려 깊게 제시하시고 다른 사람이 불편해 할 수 있음으로 같은 의견을 되풀이하지 마시기 바랍니다. 이야기나 포럼을 독차지하는 사람에 대한 불만이 접수될 경우, 해당 사이트에서 그 사람을 금지할 수 있습니다.
  • 의견은 한글로 작성해주세요.


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