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AB Emerging Markets Portfolio (SNEMX)

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29.91 +0.39    +1.32%
04/10 - 닫음. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 1.14B
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  AllianceBernstein
기준통화:  MSCI EM Net USD
자산등급:  주식
AB Emerging Markets 29.91 +0.39 +1.32%


이 페이지에서 AB Emerging Markets Portfolio에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. SNEMX의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Diversified Emerging Mkts

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최고 경영진

종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Ivan Kim Vice President 2024 now
전기 Vice President of the Manager, with which he has been associated since 2022. Prior to joining the Manager in 2022, he served as head of technology, media and telecom equity research at Xtellus Capital Partners.
Sammy Suzuki - 2024 now
전기 Mr. Sammy Suzuki serves as Portfolio Manager, Strategic Core Equities.
Stuart Rae CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2023 now
전기 Stuart Rae has been Chief Investment Officer of Asia-Pacific Value Equities since 2017. Prior to taking on this management responsibility for our Japanese team, he was CIO of Asia-Pacific ex Japan Value Equities from 2006 to 2017, and CIO of Australian Value Equities from 2003 to 2006. Rae joined the firm in 1999 as a research analyst covering the consumer sector, initially working in New York and London before moving to Sydney in 2003 and then Hong Kong in 2006. Previously, he was a management consultant with McKinsey for six years in Australia and the UK. Rae earned a BSc (Hons) in 1987 from
Sergey Davalchenko Research Analyst 2022 2024
전기 Sergey Davalchenko has been a Portfolio Manager for Emerging Markets Growth since March 2012. He also served as a portfolio manager on the International Large Cap Growth team from 2011 to early 2017. Before joining AB in 2011, Davalchenko was a senior international analyst at Global Currents Investment Management, a subsidiary of Legg Mason. Prior to that, he worked as a portfolio manager at Fenician Capital Management, where he was a partner. Early in his career, Davalchenko specialized in international equities in various analyst and portfolio-management roles for the State of Wisconsin Investment Board and Oppenheimer Capital. He holds a BS in finance from the University of Wisconsin. Location: New York
Nelson Yu Senior Vice President 2017 2024
전기 Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager of AllianceBernstein L.P. since prior to 2014. Head—Blend Strategies since 2017 and Head of Quantitative Research—Equities since prior to 2014. Nelson Yu was appointed Head of Blend Strategies in early 2017. He is also a Portfolio Manager and Head of Quantitative Research for Equities, with responsibility for overseeing the research and application of risk and return models across the firm’s equity portfolios. In addition, Yu manages the currency overlay strategy across equity portfolios and is an advisory member of the Global Value, Emerging Markets Value and Strategic Core portfolios. He joined the firm in 1997 as a programmer and analyst, and served as deputy head of Value Equities Quantitative Research from 2009 until 2014. Yu was previously a supervising consultant at Grant Thornton. He holds a BSE in systems engineering and a BS in economics from the University of Pennsylvania, and is a CFA charterholder. Location: New York
Henry S. D'Auria Co-CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2012 2023
전기 Henry D'Auria, CFA is a Portfolio Manager at AllianceBernstein and has been with the firm since 1991. Mr. D'Auria is the Chief Investment Officer of Emerging Markets Value Equities, a position he has held since 2002, and Portfolio Manager for the Next 50 Emerging Markets Fund. Mr. D'Auria holds a B.A. in economics from Trinity College and is a CFA charterholder.
Laurent Saltiel Senior Vice President 2012 2022
전기 Laurent Saltiel has been Chief Investment Officer of Emerging Markets Growth since March 2012. He also served as chief investment officer of International Large Cap Growth from 2010 to early 2017. Prior to joining AB in 2010, Saltiel spent eight years at Janus Capital, where he most recently led several international and global growth portfolios. Before that, he worked as a research analyst covering the materials and consumer sectors, as well as a broad range of stocks in Brazil and India. Saltiel was previously a research analyst at RS Investments, where he covered technology and healthcare. Prior to entering the investment business, he spent seven years as a marketing executive at Michelin, where he held full-time roles in Japan, Mexico and his native France. Saltiel holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP) and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Location: New York
Karen A. Sesin Member 2011 2017
전기 Karen Sesin Portfolio Manager—US Growth Equities Karen Sesin is a Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager for the US Large Cap Growth portfolios. Before rejoining the US Growth Equities team in October 2016, she spent 11 years as a senior portfolio manager on the Blend Equities team, and was head of Blend Equities from 2014 to 2016. Previously, Sesin was a portfolio manager on the US Large Cap Growth team from 1999 to 2005, and also worked with the Select US Equity team. Prior to joining AB, she served from 1992-1999 as chief investment officer for Waycrosse, a provate investment company affiliated with Cargill. Earlier in her career, Sesin worked for the The Pillsbury Company as an investment manager, with responsibility for pension and savings plan assets, and the Northern Trust Company. She holds a BS in business administration form the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and a MBA from Northwestern University. Location: Chicago
Patrick J. Rudden Senior Portfolio Manager 2009 2014
전기 Patrick Rudden was appointed Head of Blend Strategies in 2009. Prior to this appointment, he was head of institutional investment solutions within the Blend team. Rudden served as a senior portfolio manager for value equities services for over eight years, having joined the firm in 2001. He has published numerous articles and research papers, including, “What It Means to Be a Value Investor”; “An Integrated Approach to Asset Allocation” (with Seth Masters); and “Taking the Risk Out of Defined Benefit Pension Plans: The Lure of LDI” (with Drew Demakis). Previously, Rudden was a managing director and head of global equity research at BARRA Rogerscasey, an investment consulting firm. He earned an MA from Oxford University and an MBA from Cornell University. Rudden is a CFA charterholder. Location: London
Dokyoung Lee Director 2008 2012
전기 Mr. Lee joined DWS in 2018 with 24 years of industry experience. Before joining, he co-managed group funds at the global multi-asset group at Oppenheimer Funds. Prior to that, he held a series of research and portfolio management leadership positions at AllianceBernstein in asset allocation and various value equity strategies including emerging markets, Japanese and U.S. equities He earned BS in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science from Princeton University; CFA Charterholder.
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