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2017 China (Shenzhen) Forex Expo

주최자:  Interaction Pros Limited
시작: 2017년 05월 06일 09:00
끝: 2017년 05월 07일 09:00
가격: Please register at www.chinaforexexpo.com/
전화: +86-2131261015
이메일: info@chinaforexexpo.com

The fourth China Forex Expo, the live broadcast of which has attracted 100,000  viewers, was no doubt a fruitful event for both exhibitors and visitors. From October 28-29, 2016, thousands of old and new friends from home and aborad get together at Shenzhen, networking, filling their minds with innovative and state-of-the-art ideas in the industry.

The upcoming China Forex Expo will take place on May 6-7, 2017. To upgrade its influence in the region, the fifth expo will expect 30% increase in attendee numbers and it will introduce more high qualifed and trustworthy brokers to the Chinese market. Meanwhile, a various of activities such latest fintech presentations, workshops, keynote speeches, panel discussions etc will teach you how to profit by trading forex and other financial products.

To watch our last 2016 China (Shenzhen) Forex Expo video, please visit:

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