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Voya Balanced Income Portfolio Class S (IIFSX)

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10.07 +0.03    +0.30%
08/10 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 169.05M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
자산등급:  주식
VY Franklin Income S 10.07 +0.03 +0.30%


이 페이지에서 Voya Balanced Income Portfolio Class S에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. IIFSX의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Allocation--30% to 50% Equity

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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Barbara Reinhard - 2023 now
전기 Barbara Reinhard CFA, Portfolio Manager, joined Voya in 2016. Ms. Reinhard is the head of asset allocation for Multi-Asset Strategies and Solutions (“MASS”) at Voya Investment Management. In this role, she is responsible for strategic and tactical asset allocation decisions for the MASS team’s multi-asset strategies. Prior to joining Voya, Ms. Reinhard was the chief investment officer for Credit Suisse Private Bank in the Americas from 2011 to 2016. In that role, she managed discretionary multi-asset portfolios, was a member of the global asset allocation committee, and the pension investment committee. Prior to that, Ms. Reinhard spent 20 years of her career at Morgan Stanley.
Leigh Todd Senior Vice President Portfolio Manager 2022 now
전기 Leigh Todd, CFA, is a senior vice president and a portfolio manager on Voya IM’s Growth strategies. Prior to joining Voya, she was a portfolio manager on Mellon’s Large Cap Growth and Core portfolios and co-manager on their Global strategy. She earned a BS in Economics from Lehigh University and is a CFA® Charterholder.
Brian Timberlake Portfolio Manager 2019 now
전기 Brian Timberlake is the head of fixed income research at Voya Investment Management and is responsible for managing the organization’s global fixed income research analysts as well as the coordination of macroeconomic data across the fixed income platform. Prior to this position, Mr. Timberlake was Head of Quantitative Research and before that, a Senior Quantitative Analyst. He joined Voya IM in 2003. His team is responsible for macro and quantitative fixed income research and provides additional assistance to individual sector groups and the risk management team. In addition, Brian is a named portfolio manager on several global and opportunistic fixed income products. Previously, he was the head of quantitative research where he helped develop an integrated, automated tool for interest rate hedging, created multifactor risk models, and was integral to the design and monitoring of customized client portfolios. Prior to that he was a senior quantitative analyst at Voya. Brian received a BS in chemical engineering from the University of Maryland, an MS in quantitative and computational finance from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a PhD in chemical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Vincent J. Costa Senior Vice President, Head 2019 now
전기 Vincent Costa is head of the value and global quantitative equities teams and also serves as a portfolio manager for the active quantitative and fundamental large cap value strategies. Vinnie joined Voya Investment Management (Voya IM) in April 2006 as head of portfolio management for quantitative equity. Prior to joining Voya IM, he managed quantitative equity investments at both Merrill Lynch Investment Management and Bankers Trust Company. He earned a BS in quantitative business analysis from Pennsylvania State University and an MBA in finance from the New York University Stern School of Business, and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Paul Zemsky Portfolio Manager 2019 2023
전기 Paul Zemsky, CFA, Portfolio Manager, and Chief Investment Officer of Voya IM's Multi-Asset Strategies. He joined Voya IM in 2005 as head of derivative strategies.
Jeffrey Bianchi Managing Director 2021 2022
전기 Jeffrey Bianchi, CFA, Portfolio Manager of Voya IM's large cap growth and mid cap growth strategies. Mr. Bianchi joined Voya IM in 1994 as a quantitative analyst and later became a fundamental research analyst in 1995. He assumed assistant portfolio management duties on the large cap growth strategy in 2000, and was named a portfolio manager on the strategy in 2008. He also assumed portfolio manager responsibilities of the mid cap growth strategy in 2005. Jeff received a BA in economics, a BS in finance, and an MA in economics from the University of Connecticut and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Brendan Circle Portfolio Manager 2018 2019
전기 Brendan Circle is a vice president, portfolio manager, and research analyst for Franklin Templeton Multi-Asset Solutions. In this role, Mr. Circle serves as a comanager of Franklin Income Fund and related portfolios, as well as Franklin Managed Income Fund. He also specializes in analyzing investment opportunities across the fixed income markets for the Multi-Asset Solutions team. Mr. Circle joined Franklin Templeton in 2014. Mr. Circle is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Charterholder, as well as a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of San Francisco.
Matthew D. Quinlan Vice President 2010 2019
전기 Matt Quinlan is a vice president, research analyst and portfolio manager for the Franklin Equity Group. He is the lead manager of the Franklin Equity Income Fund and a co-manager of the Franklin Income Fund and the Franklin Convertible Securities Fund. Mr. Quinlan is the leader of the Consumer Research Team and he has research coverage responsibilities for the retail and consumer products sectors. He also analyzes debt and equity investments for the Core/Hybrid Team. Prior to joining Franklin Templeton in 2005, Mr. Quinlan worked in investment banking at Citigroup.
Edward D. Perks Executive Vice President 2006 2019
전기 Edward Perks is chief investment officer of Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions and president of Franklin Advisers, Inc. In this role, Mr. Perks has oversight of myriad multi-asset investment capabilities designed to meet client needs for specific investment solutions. Mr. Perks joined Franklin Templeton in 1992. Mr. Perks holds a B.A. in economics and political science from Yale University. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder, a member of the CFA Institute, and the Security Analysts of San Francisco (SASF).
Alex W. Peters Vice President 2010 2017
전기 Alex W. Peters, CFA, is a vice president, research analyst and portfolio manager with Franklin Equity Group. His previous research coverage includes the global communication and technology industries, the global utility sector, and the asset management industry. Mr. Peters holds a B.A. from University of Washington and an M.B.A. from the University of San Francisco. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder and a member of the CFA Institute. He is also member of the Security Analysts of San Francisco (SASF) and the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD).
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