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Variable Portfolio – Partners Core Equity Fund Class 1 (0P0000NCEO)

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43.910 +0.210    +0.48%
02/07 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 2.92B
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Columbia
자산등급:  주식
Variable Portfolio - MFS Blended Research Core Equ 43.910 +0.210 +0.48%

0P0000NCEO 개요

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2010년 05월 03일


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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Shawn T. Driscoll Chairman 2022 now
전기 Shawn Driscoll is a vice president of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. and T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. Mr. Driscoll has been chairman of the committee since 2013. He joined the Firm in 2006 and his investment experience dates from 2003. He has served as a portfolio manager with the Firm throughout the past five years. Prior to joining the T. Rowe Price in 2006, he was employed by MTB Investment Advisors as an equity research analyst. Shawn was also employed by MPower Communications as an information technology project manager. He earned a BA in economics and mathematics from the University of Rochester and an MBA in finance and global business from New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business.
Shilpee Raina - 2021 now
전기 Shilpee Raina, executive director, is a research analyst on the Equity Income Strategy within the U.S. Equity Group. Shilpee is a generalist analyst whose research coverage spans various industries. An employee since 2005, Shilpee has been a dedicated research analyst on the Equity Income Strategy since 2008 and was previously focused on the Mid Cap Value portfolios where she conducted research within the media sector, while also responsible for daily implementation and portfolio analytics for the broader Value Team. Shilpee holds a B.S. in Commerce with concentrations in Finance and Accounting from University of Virginia’s McIntire School of Commerce. She is a member of both the New York Society of Security Analysts and the CFA Institute and is a CFA charterholder.
Scott B. Davis Managing director 2021 now
전기 Scott B. Davis, managing director, is a portfolio manager in the U.S. Equity Group. An employee since 2006, Scott was previously a media and internet analyst in the U.S. Equity Research Group.
David Small Managing Director 2021 now
전기 David Small, managing director, is the Director of U.S. Equity Research. He was the Associate Director of U.S. Equity Research from July2015 to July 2016 and was an insurance analyst on the Fundamental Research Team from 2008 to 2016.
Jeffrey Rottinghaus Chairman 2019 2022
전기 Jeff Rottinghaus is a portfolio manager in the US Equity Division of T. Rowe Price. He is president of the US Large-Cap Core Equity and Growth & Income Strategies. Mr. Rottinghaus is a vice president of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. Mr. Rottinghaus earned a B.S. in business administration from Bowling Green State University and an MBA in finance from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He is also a certified public accountant.
Bruce I. Jacobs Principal 2019 2021
전기 Bruce I. Jacobs, Principal, co-founded Jacobs Levy Equity Management in 1986. He is co-chief investment officer, portfolio manager, and co-director of research. Dr. Jacobs’s articles on equity management have appeared in the Financial Analysts Journal, Journal of Portfolio Management, Journal of Investing, Journal of Financial Perspectives, Japanese Security Analysts Journal, Operations Research, and Journal of Impact and ESG Investing. He has received several Graham and Dodd Awards from Financial Analysts Journal, a Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award from the Journal of Portfolio Management, and an Outstanding Article Award from the Journal of Investing. Dr. Jacobs has spoken at many forums, including the Jacobs Levy Equity Management Center for Quantitative Financial Research at the Wharton School, the Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance, Berkeley Program in Finance, CFA Institute, Rutgers University, Society of Quantitative Analysts, and New York Society of Security Analysts, and he has given a Financial Analysts Journal Media Seminar and presented at conferences for Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. Formerly he was First Vice President of the Prudential Insurance Company of America, where he served as Senior Managing Director of a quantitative equity management affiliate of the Prudential Asset Management Company and Managing Director of the Pension Asset Management Group. Prior to that, he was on the finance faculty of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and consulted to the Rand Corporation. Dr. Jacobs has a B.A. from Columbia College, an M.S. in Operations Research and Computer Science from Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science, an M.S.I.A. from Carnegie Mellon University’s Graduate School of Industrial Administration, and an M.A. in Applied Economics and a Ph.D. in Finance from the Wharton School. He serves on the Advisory Boards of the Journal of Portfolio Management and the Journal of Financial Data Science, and is an Advisory Editor for the Journal of Impact and ESG Investing. He has served on the Financial Analysts Journal Advisory Council, and was an Associate Editor of the Journal of Trading. Dr. Jacobs also served on the Committee to Establish the National Institute of Finance and was a member of its successor, the Office of Financial Research Discussion Forum. He is Chair of the Advisory Board of the Jacobs Levy Equity Management Center for Quantitative Financial Research at the Wharton School, and helped create the new Quantitative Finance major at the Wharton School by establishing the Dr. Bruce I. Jacobs Professorship in Quantitative Finance and the Dr. Bruce I. Jacobs Scholars in Quantitative Finance.
Kenneth N. Levy Co-Founder 2019 2021
전기 Kenneth N. Levy, CFA, co-founded Jacobs Levy Equity Management in 1986. He is principal, co-chief investment officer, portfolio manager, and co-director of research of the firm. Previously, Mr. Jacobs was managing director of a quantitative equity management affiliate of the Prudential Asset Management Company. Prior to that, he was responsible for quantitative research at Prudential Equity Management Associates.
Jonathan W. Sage Investment Officer, Portfolio Manager 2016 2019
전기 Jonathan W. Sage, CFA, is an investment officer and a portfolio manager at MFS Investment Management. He manages blended research equity strategies utilized by the firm's mutual funds and institutional accounts. He joined MFS in 2000 as a quantitative equity research analyst and was named a portfolio manager in 2005. Prior to joining MFS, Jonathan spent two years as a supervisor of portfolio administration for Santander Global Advisors, Inc. and three years as a senior mutual fund accountant for First Data Investor Services Group.
James C. Fallon Investment Officer, Portfolio Manager 2016 2019
전기 As a Quantitative Portfolio Manager, responsible for buy and sell decisions, portfolio construction, risk control and cash management. Participates in the research process and strategy discussions., . - Joined MFS in 1999; previous positions include Equity Quantitative Research Analyst; Equity Research Associate; - Previous experience includes 1 year as Mutual Fund Custody Accountant at Investors Bank & Trust; 1 year as Financial Analyst at Bardon Trimount;. - Affiliations include CFA Institute, CFA Society of Boston,. - Boston University, MBA - University of New Hampshire, BA
John (Jed) E. Stocks Investment Officer, Portfolio Manager, Quantitative Risk Management 2016 2019
전기 - Quantitative Portfolio Manager - Investment Officer - As a Quantitative Portfolio Manager, responsible for buy and sell decisions, portfolio construction, risk control and cash management. Participates in the research process and strategy discussions., . - Joined MFS in 1999; previous positions include Quantitative Research Analyst; Quantitative Research Associate; Teleservices Representative;. - John re-joined the firm in 2001. His original start date was February 1999. - Affiliations include CFA Institute, CFA Society of Boston,. - Lehigh University, BS
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