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Semper MBS Total Return Fund Investor Shares (SEMPX)

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8.55 +0.01    +0.12%
27/09 - 닫음. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 19.88M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Semper
자산등급:  채권
Semper MBS Total Return Investor 8.55 +0.01 +0.12%


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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Vesta Marks Managing Director 2023 now
전기 Vesta Marks, CFA, an Associate of William Blair Investment Management, LLC, most recently was a portfolio manager and Managing Director of Fixed Income and Risk Management at Tortoise Capital Advisors. Before joining Tortoise in 2019, he served as Executive Director and Portfolio Manager at Palmer Square Capital Management LLC from 2015 to 2018. Prior to Palmer Square, Vesta was a Portfolio Manager at Semper Capital Management from 2007 to 2014. Vesta joined Semper Capital Management in 2003. Mr. Vesta is a member of the CFA Institute. He is also a member of the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association. Education: Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Vesta has many years of experience in the financial services industry, primarily focused on the analysis and portfolio management of securitized debt instruments. Vesta has primary responsibility for asset-backed and commercial mortgage-backed analysis and trading as well as responsibility for analysis and trading of short duration securities, non-agenc and agency RMBS. He also served as a portfolio analyst at Earnest Partners, modeling and analyzing portfolios of small business loans, GNMA project loans and RMBS. In addition, he formerly worked as a sell-side analyst at Independent Banker's Bank of Florida, where he analyzed banks' securities portfolios, worked with ALM committees, and assessed the valuation and risks of loan portfolios.
Thomas Mandel Co-Founder 2015 now
전기 Thomas Mandel, CFA and Senior Managing Director, co-founded Semper Capital Management in 1992 and was Chief Investment Officer from from 1992-2005. He remains a senior member of the investment team as well as having primary responsibility for client interface with respect to our investment strategies. Tom serves on the Risk Management Committee. Prior to founding Semper Capital, Tom served as a Principal and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager at 1838 Investment Advisors. He previously served as a Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager at Century Institutional Advisors. Tom began his career as a Portfolio Manager and Credit Analyst at Chase Investors Management Corp. Tom earned an MBA and a BS from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
Neil Aggarwal Head of Trading 2018 2020
전기 Mr. Aggarwal is Head of Trading at Semper Capital Management LP with primary responsibility as a portfolio manager and managing the firm's Absolute Return strategy. Prior to joining Semper in 2017, Mr. Aggarwal was the Mortgage Credit Sector Head and Senior Trader at BlueCrest Capital Management, LLP ("BlueCrest"). Prior to BlueCrest, Mr. Aggarwal was Senior Vice President in Mortgages at Jefferies & Company. Mr. Aggarwal earned a B.S. with honors from the University of Maryland.
Zach Cooper CIO, Senior PM 2016 2018
전기 Zach joined Semper Capital Management in 2015 as the Deputy Chief Investment Officer. He has over 18 years of experience in the structured products market. Prior to Semper Capital, Zach served as the CIO of Treesdale Rising Rates Strategy. He previously served as sole non-agency MBS and ABS trader at the PrinceRidge Group and was the Senior Portfolio Manager at Highland Financial Holdings Group LLC. Zach began his career at Deutsche Bank Securities where he developed and ran proprietary securitization models and later managed a proprietary MBS derivatives portfolio. Zach earned a BA from Harvard University.
Jay Menozzi CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2013 2016
전기 Jay Menozzi, a Chartered Financial Analyst, has been the Chief Investment Officer and a Portfolio Manager with the Sub-Adviser since October 2017. Prior to joining the Sub-Adviser, Mr. Menozzi held several positions over 17 years at Semper Capital LP. He joined Semper in 1999 as the Head of Mortgages, and most recently served as the firm’s Chief Investment Officer from 2010 until his departure in 2016, as well as Lead Portfolio Manager of the Semper MBS Total Return Fund from its inception through 2015. Prior to Semper, Mr. Menozzi spent 12 years at Atlantic Portfolio Analytics and Management. His experience included managing mortgage pass-throughs and mortgage derivatives, in long only and leveraged portfolios. Prior to managing portfolios, he spent four years developing analytical and operational systems, including one of the early CMO cash flow models. He began his career as an electrical engineer at Harris Corp. Mr. Menozzi holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a MBA from the Florida Institute of Technology.
Boris Peresechensky Portfolio Manager 2014 2016
전기 Boris Peresechensky, CFA Portfolio Manager Mr. Peresechensky has been a Portfolio Manager and Senior Trader with the Sub-Adviser since October 2017. Prior to joining the Sub-Adviser, Mr. Peresechensky held several positions at Semper Capital LP, working in research and development, structured credit trading, and most recently as a Senior Portfolio Manager/Trader of structured products. He also worked as a Risk Manager at Bayview Financial Trading Group and a Risk Analyst/Junior Portfolio Manager at HSBC Securities and at Lazard Asset Management. Mr. Peresechensky holds a BA from Columbia University.
Vesta Marks Managing Director 2014 2015
전기 Vesta Marks, CFA, an Associate of William Blair Investment Management, LLC, most recently was a portfolio manager and Managing Director of Fixed Income and Risk Management at Tortoise Capital Advisors. Before joining Tortoise in 2019, he served as Executive Director and Portfolio Manager at Palmer Square Capital Management LLC from 2015 to 2018. Prior to Palmer Square, Vesta was a Portfolio Manager at Semper Capital Management from 2007 to 2014. Vesta joined Semper Capital Management in 2003. Mr. Vesta is a member of the CFA Institute. He is also a member of the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association. Education: Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Vesta has many years of experience in the financial services industry, primarily focused on the analysis and portfolio management of securitized debt instruments. Vesta has primary responsibility for asset-backed and commercial mortgage-backed analysis and trading as well as responsibility for analysis and trading of short duration securities, non-agenc and agency RMBS. He also served as a portfolio analyst at Earnest Partners, modeling and analyzing portfolios of small business loans, GNMA project loans and RMBS. In addition, he formerly worked as a sell-side analyst at Independent Banker's Bank of Florida, where he analyzed banks' securities portfolios, worked with ALM committees, and assessed the valuation and risks of loan portfolios.
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