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Donoghue Forlines Dividend Fund Class I (PWDIX)

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9.84 +0.12    +1.23%
30/01 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 59.97M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Power Mutual Funds
자산등급:  주식
Power Dividend Index I 9.84 +0.12 +1.23%


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Tactical Allocation

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주소 One International Place, Suite 2920
Boston,MA 02110
United States
전화 800-642-4276
팩스 774-290-0006

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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Nicholas A. Lobley Portfolio Manager 2019 now
전기 Mr. Lobley was promoted to Portfolio Manager of W.E. Donoghue & Co., LLC in 2019. Mr. Lobley was previously promoted to Senior Research Analyst in 2018 after joining the firm as Analyst in 2018. Prior to joining W.E. Donoghue & Co., Mr. Lobley was an Analyst with JAForlines Global, an independent investment adviser, since 2017. From 2016 to 2017, Mr. Lobley was an Associate with Paley Advisors, LLC. Mr. Lobley holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Oberlin College.
John Arthur Forlines Co-CIO 2018 now
전기 John A. Forlines has served as Co-CIO of Donoghue Forlines LLC since joining the firm in 2018. Prior to joining the adviser, Mr. Forlines was Chairman and CIO of JAForlines Global, an independent investment adviser, since its inception in 2000. Mr. Forlines is an Executive in Residence in the Department of Economics at Duke where he teaches classes in behavioral finance and decision making. In addition to his work at Donoghue Forlines and Duke University, Mr. Forlines is the Managing Partner of the Forlines Family Office, which is active primarily in charitable support for education in the United States. Mr. Forlines enjoyed a long career with J.P. Morgan from 1985-2000, serving various roles within the firm, including Vice President of Structured Products, Co-Head of the U.S. Private Equity Group, Managing Director in the Securities Business Development Group and Managing Director and Co-Head of U.S. Tech, Media & Telecom Investment Banking. Graduating from Duke University with Honors in English and Economics, Mr. Forlines has also earned his J.D from the Duke University School of Law.
Richard E. Molari COO 2016 now
전기 Richard E. Molari is the Chief Operating Officer of W.E. Donoghue & Co. LLC. Mr. Molari is an accomplished investment management operations and global trading specialist. He has extensive knowledge of international equity, fixed income and currency markets as well as back and middle office operations, portfolio accounting and compliance regulations. Rick joined Donoghue Forlines, LLC in 2014 to manage the trading and operations team. Prior to his current role, Rick spent nine years at a multi-billion dollar Boston based global hedge fund, trading international equities and managing trade operations. He started his professional career in fund accounting and back office administration with BISYS Hedge Fund Services Inc. Rick holds a dual Bachelor’s of Science degree from Northeastern University in Finance and Entrepreneurship. He is currently an active member of the Boston Securities Traders Association and the Boston Security Analysts Society.
Jeffrey Robert Thompson Principal 2013 now
전기 Jeffrey R. Thompson is the CEO of Donoghue Forlines LLC. Mr. Thompson has served as the Donoghue Forlines LLC’s Principal and previously Senior Vice President since 1999. He currently holds a Series 65. In addition, Mr. Thompson is a corporate officer as well as a member of the Donoghue Forlines LLC’s Investment Policy Committee. Previously, Mr. Thompson worked as an Account Executive for national and super regional firms Lehman Brothers, Gruntal & Co., and Cowen & Co. from 1992-1996. There he worked with individual investors as well as institutional investors recommending and trading individual securities. Additionally, BTS Asset Management employed Mr. Thompson from 1996-1998 as a Regional Vice President providing investment advisory services to institutional clients.
Robert Shea CEO and Co-Chair 2018 2019
전기 Bob Shea is President of W.E. Donoghue and a member of the Investment Committee. He has long been instrumental in product development, tactical strategy, and idea generation crucial to model construction within the Global Tactical strategies. He keenly understands our industry relationships and focuses on supporting W.E. Donoghue’s Advisor and Broker Dealer relationships. Bob is a former partner at Goldman Sachs and was a founder and CIO of AsiaSource Capital, a partnership based in the U.S. and Singapore. AsiaSource’s investment thesis is centered on Greater China. Spending 14 years at Goldman Sachs, Bob was partner in charge of cash equity and sector based proprietary trading and served as a member of Goldman’s Equity Division Risk and Global Trading Committees. Bob also was a member of NASDAQ's Quality of Markets Committee. Prior to Goldman Sachs, Bob spent 5 years as a senior equity trader at First Boston.
William Bradley Dowler Treasurer & CCO 2013 2019
전기 William is Principal, Chief Compliance Officer, Treasurer and a member of the Board of Directors of W.E. Donoghue & Co., LLC with over 26 years of experience in the financial services industry. He is a corporate officer as well as a member of W.E. Donoghue & Co., LLC's Investment Policy Committee. As part of William's responsibilities on the investment committee he is involved in the design and maintenance of the technical asset allocation models applied to the high yield asset class and equity rotation strategies. He is also a co-portfolio manager to the Power Funds suite of 40 Act mutual funds, of which W. E. Donoghue & Co. LLC is the Advisor. Previously, William had worked as an Investment Professional with independent and national firms, such as Argentus Securities, LLC, Advisory Group Equity Services, Jefferson Pilot Securities, and Franklin Securities. There he worked with individual investors, as well as institutional investors, recommending and trading individual securities, developing portfolios of mutual funds using Modern Portfolio Theory, Risk assessment and reduction strategies, Qualified Plan design and implementation and Financial Planning. William has held Series 6, 65 and 7 licenses, as well as Life, Accident and Health Insurance Brokerage Licenses. Before working as an independent investment advisor, William was Vice President of W. E. Donoghue & Co., LLC. He was a corporate officer and a member of W. E. Donoghue & Co., LLC's Investment Policy Committee. In addition to managing client assets for the firm, he was responsible for investment research including designing the proprietary technical indicators utilized with the sector rotation models, trading, performance reporting and client relationships. Further, William was an assistant manager of mutual fund operations with State Street Bank and Trust, Co.
William Elliott Donoghue CEO 2013 2016
전기 William E. Donoghue is the namesake and founder of the firm, a corporate officer as well as a member of W.E. Donoghue & Co., Inc.’s Investment Policy Committee. Mr. Donoghue is a 40-year veteran independent investment expert, leading advocate of successful proactive investment management and sector rotation strategies which have produced world-class returns for investors in both bull and bear markets.
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