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Penn Series Funds, INC. Index 500 Fund (0P00003CGI)

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53.380 -0.600    -1.11%
07/01 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 865.37M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Penn
자산등급:  주식
Penn Series Fund Index 500 53.380 -0.600 -1.11%

0P00003CGI 개요

이 페이지에서 Penn Series Funds, INC. Index 500 Fund에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. 0P00003CGI의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

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2000년 05월 01일


주소 660 Dresher Road
Horsham,PA 19044
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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Emiliano Rabinovich Portfolio Manager 2023 now
전기 Emiliano Rabinovich, CFA, is a Managing Director at SSGA and a Senior Portfolio Manager in the Global quity Beta Solutions Group. Within this group, he is the strategy leader for their Tax Aware, Smart Beta and ESG products. Mr. Rabinovich currently manages both traditional indexing and a variety of alternative beta mandates, local and global strategies and fund structures, which include separate accounts, com- mingled funds, mutual funds and ETFs. Mr. Rabinovich joined SSGA in Montreal in 2006.
Karl A. Schneider Vice President 2016 now
전기 Karl Schneider, CAIA, is a Vice President of SSGA and SSGA FM, and Head of U.S. Equity Strategies for GEBS, where in addition to overseeing the management of the U.S. equity index strategies, he also serves as a portfolio manager for a number of the group's passive equity portfolios. Previously within GEBS, he served as a portfolio manager and product specialist for synthetic beta strategies, including commodities, buy/write, and hedge fund replication. Prior to joining GEBS, Mr. Schneider worked as a portfolio manager in SSGA's Currency Management Group, managing both active currency selection and traditional passive hedging overlay portfolios. He joined SSGA in 1996. Mr. Schneider holds a BS in finance and investments from Babson College and an MS in finance from Boston College. He has earned the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst designation. Mr. Schneider is a member of the CAIA Association.
Raymond Donofrio - 2012 now
전기 Raymond Donofrio is a Vice President within SSGA and a Senior Portfolio Manager in the Global Equity Beta Solutions Group. Ray is currently responsible for managing various equity index funds, with both domestic and international strategies. Prior to his current role, Ray was an Analyst for SSGA's Strategy and Research group within the Global ETF Group. He began his career as an associate within the Investment Operations team at SSGA. He supported the Portfolio Managers of the Global Equity Beta Solutions team, mainly focusing on international strategies.
Michael J. Feehily Senior Managing Director 2015 2023
전기 Mr. Feehily, CFA, is a Managing Director of SSGA and the Adviser and Co-Head of Passive Equity Strategies in North America in the Global Equity Beta Solutions Group. In this capacity, Mr. Feehily has oversight of the North American Passive Equity teams in Boston and Montreal. In addition, Mr. Feehily is a member of the Senior Management Group. Mr. Feehily rejoined SSgA in 2010 after spending the previous four years at State Street Global Markets LLC where he helped to build the Exposure Solutions business.
John A. Tucker Head 2008 2017
전기 John Tucker, CFA, is a Senior Managing Director of SSGA and the Adviser and Co-Head of Passive Equity Strategies in North America in GEBS. He joined the firm in 1988 and is responsible for overseeing the management of all passive equity index strategies and Exchange Traded Funds managed in North America. He is a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Previously, Mr. Tucker was head of the Structured Products Group in SSGA's London office where he was responsible for the management of all index strategies in SSGA's second largest investment center. Mr. Tucker received a BA in Economics from Trinity College and an MS in Finance from Boston College. Mr. Tucker has also earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the Boston Security Analysts Society and the CFA Institute. In addition, Mr. Tucker is a member of the Russell Index Client Advisory Board and on the S&P U.S. Index Advisory Panel.
Lynn Blake Managing Director 2008 2015
전기 Lynn Blake, CFA, is an Executive Vice President of SSGA and the Adviser and Chief Investment Officer of the Global Equity Beta Solutions Group (“GEBS”). In addition, Ms. Blake is member of SSGA's Fiduciary Committee, Investment Committee, IT Steering Committee and Executive Management Group. She also oversees SSGA's Corporate Governance and Global Proxy Voting as well as the Company Stock Group, which manages fiduciary transactions and company stock investments, including company stock ownership and 401(k) plans. Ms. Blake joined SSGA in 1987. Prior to her current role, Ms. Blake was head of non-US markets of passive equities, responsible for overseeing the management of all non-US equity index strategies, as well as serving as portfolio manager for several equity index portfolios. She holds a BS from the Boston College Carroll School of Management and an MBA in Finance from Northeastern University. She has also earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the Boston Security Analysts Society, the CFA Institute and the Boston Security Analyst Society. She also serves on various index advisory boards and committees.
Gregory T. Genung Trader 2004 2009
전기 Mr. Genung joined the Option Strategies Group as an Investment Research Analyst in April 2012. His responsibilities include strategy, security selection, and implementation of equity option solutions for the clients of Wells Fargo Private Bank. Prior to joining Wealth Management, Mr. Genung worked as a Portfolio Manager and Trader for the Wells Capital Management Quantitative Strategies team where he oversaw mutual funds and institutional accounts covering long only and long-short global and domestic asset allocation strategies as well as futures and options overlays. Mr. Genung also worked for Norwest Investment Services, Inc., now known as Wells Fargo Securities, where he traded both fixed income and equity products. Mr. Genung has over twenty five years of experience covering many aspects of the financial industry. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst and Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst designations and earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in finance from the University of Minnesota at Duluth. He is a member of the CFA Institute and CAIA Association.
Laurie R. White Managing Director, Portfolio Manager 2000 2005
전기 Laurie White is a senior portfolio manager for the Global Liquidity Solutions team at Allspring Global Investments. In this capacity, Laurie is responsible for managing all money market funds. She joined Allspring from its predecessor firm, Wells Fargo Asset Management (WFAM). Before joining Norwest Investment Management, which combined its investment advisory practice with WFAM in 1999, she was a portfolio manager for Richfield Bank & Trust, Co. Earlier, Laurie served as an investment analyst for trust investments at Bull HN Information Systems, where she managed pension assets. She began her investment industry career in 1987. Laurie earned a bachelor's degree from Carleton College and a master's degree in business administration with an emphasis in finance from the University of Minnesota.
David D. Sylvester executive Vice President, Portfolio Manager 2000 2004
전기 Mr. Sylvester is an Executive Vice President with Wells Capital Management, sub-advisor to Wells Fargo Advantage Funds. For two decades, he has maintained a steadfast discipline of rigorous credit analysis and attentive capital preservation that has earned both him and our money market funds a distinguished reputation for risk controlled cash management. Mr. Sylvester began his career as a fixed income manager at the National Bank of Detroit in 1974. He joined Norwest Corporation as a fixed income portfolio manager and trader in 1979, later becoming manager of the fixed income institutional group. Norwest subsequently merged with Wells Capital Management. Since 1987, Mr. Sylvester has specialized in short-term investments and the management of money market funds.
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