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PACE Small/Medium Co Growth Equity Investments Class P (PCSGX)

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14.46 +0.06    +0.42%
28/02 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 237.08M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  UBS Asset Management
자산등급:  주식
PACE Small/Medium Co Growth Equity P 14.46 +0.06 +0.42%


이 페이지에서 PACE Small/Medium Co Growth Equity Investments Class P에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. PCSGX의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Small Growth

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Sofia Westerlund Portfolio Manager 2022 now
전기 Sofia Westerlund, CFA, is a Research Analyst within the PACE Portfolio Management Team of Investment Solutions. Ms. Westerlund is primarily responsible for quantitative analysis and manager research. Her duties include investment and performance oversight, subadvisor due diligence and research, risk management, and portfolio construction for multi-managed PACE equity portfolios. Previously, Ms. Westerlund worked as a quantitative analyst in the UBS Multi-Asset Investment team. Prior to joining UBS in 2009, she worked for Swedish insurer Skandia as an Investment Analyst.
Shu-Han Hsu Portfolio Manager 2022 now
전기 Shu-Han Hsu is a Research Analyst within the PACE Portfolio Management Team of Investment Solution. Mr. Hsu's duties include analytical research in subadvisor selection and monitoring, risk management and portfolio construction for multi-managed PACE equity portfolios. Prior to joining the PACE Portfolio Management Team in 2021, he was an Investment Risk Officer for UBS Hedge Fund Solutions (HFS) and responsible for risk quantitative research. Before joining UBS in 2017, he worked at Cathay Life Insurance in Taiwan (2014-2016) as a fixed income analyst focusing on Greater China Fixed Income and Macro Economics. Mr. Hsu has seven years of investment experience.
Chris Andersen Head 2021 now
전기 Christopher is Head of Portfolio Management, Americas House View Portfolios for UBS Asset Management. In his role, Christopher is responsible for leading the portfolio management activities of portfolios offered to UBS Wealth Management clients that are aligned with UBS Wealth Management House Views. In that capacity, he leads a team of portfolio managers responsible for the House View Portfolios, which implement the House View’s strategic and tactical asset allocations, with passive and active pooled vehicles and individual securities. Christopher is deputy-chair and a voting member of the Managed Account Solutions Investment Committee. The Investment Committee reviews and approves investment strategies, prior to implementation, in the House View portfolios. Prior to moving to UBS Asset Management in November 2020, Christopher was promoted to Head of Portfolio Construction Americas for UBS Global Wealth Management in 2018. Christopher led the portfolio management activities of the team of portfolio managers responsible for the UBS Managed Portfolios (renamed as House View Portfolios). Christopher chaired the Investment Management Investment Committee (IMIC) and was a member of the Investment Management Research Committee (IMRC). Prior to joining UBS in 2012, Christopher spent 15 years with New York Life Investment Management (NYLIM) overseeing the company’s Investment Consulting Group. In this role, he was responsible for the independent oversight of investment activities of the Mainstay Funds, as well as manager selection across asset allocation strategies, sub-advisory mandates and NYLIM's mutual fund M&A activities. Christopher received a B.A. in economics and German from Binghamton University.  Christopher holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) designation and is a member of the CFA Society New York. He is FINRA Series 7, 24 and 63 licensed.
Ed Eccles Portfolio Manager 2021 now
전기 Ed serves as a Portfolio Manager and Co-Head of Strategy Research, Americas House View Portfolios for UBS Asset Management. In his role, Ed is responsible for managing portfolios offered to UBS Wealth Management clients that are aligned with UBS Wealth Management House Views. As Co-Head of Strategy Research, Ed is responsible for directing due diligence efforts for active and passive equity and liquid alternative strategies that are included in portfolios. Ed is a voting member of the Managed Account Solutions Investment Committee. The Investment Committee reviews and approves investment strategies, prior to implementation, in the House View portfolios. Prior to joining Asset Management in November 2020, Ed was a Portfolio Manager in the Investment Management group of UBS Global Wealth Management., where he was responsible for strategy selection, portfolio construction and management of multi-managed strategies. Ed's investment responsibilities also extended to broader asset allocation and portfolio construction work. Ed was a member of the Investment Management Investment Committee (IMIC) and was a member of the Investment Management Research Committee (IMRC). Prior to joining UBS in 2018, Ed worked at Oppenheimer Asset Management where he held roles as a senior alternatives analyst before being promoted to Director of Investment Manager Research. While at Oppenheimer, Ed was also a portfolio manager for a Liquid Alternative managed portfolio. Prior to joining Oppenheimer, Ed worked at Morgan Stanley as an investment manager research analyst. Ed received a B.A. in economics from the University of Massachusetts, at Amherst.  Ed holds the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) designation and is FINRA Series 7 and 66 licensed.
Ross Johnson - 2021 now
전기 Ross Johnson joined Riverbridge in 2010. As Chief Investment Officer, Ross is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the Investment Team and overall portfolio compliance with the firm’s investment disciplines. He is also responsible for security selection and conducting company and industry research across all sections. Ross is a member of the management team at Riverbridge, which is responsible for the strategic decision making and overall management of the firm. Prior to joining Riverbridge, Ross spent three years with Boston Scientific as a manufacturing operations supervisor and a financial analyst, and began his career working for the Rosemount Division of Emerson Process Management as an engineer. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of North Dakota and his MBA from the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business. Ross is a holder of the right to use the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation. He is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Minnesota. Ross spends most of his time outside of work with his family watching youth sports, fishing, alpine skiing, or adopting a new hobby.
Mayoor Joshi Analyst 2019 now
전기 Mayoor Joshi is an Analyst within the MMS team, focusing on equity investment strategies. Mr. Joshi is part of the team responsible for manager selection, due diligence, portfolio construction, risk management, investment oversight, and performance of equity portfolios. Mr. Joshi joined UBS AM in April 2014. Previously, he was a Managing Director at Rocaton Investment Advisors, an institutional investment consulting firm, for seven years focusing on manager research.
Bruce I. Jacobs Principal 2019 now
전기 Bruce I. Jacobs, Principal, co-founded Jacobs Levy Equity Management in 1986. He is co-chief investment officer, portfolio manager, and co-director of research. Dr. Jacobs’s articles on equity management have appeared in the Financial Analysts Journal, Journal of Portfolio Management, Journal of Investing, Journal of Financial Perspectives, Japanese Security Analysts Journal, Operations Research, and Journal of Impact and ESG Investing. He has received several Graham and Dodd Awards from Financial Analysts Journal, a Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award from the Journal of Portfolio Management, and an Outstanding Article Award from the Journal of Investing. Dr. Jacobs has spoken at many forums, including the Jacobs Levy Equity Management Center for Quantitative Financial Research at the Wharton School, the Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance, Berkeley Program in Finance, CFA Institute, Rutgers University, Society of Quantitative Analysts, and New York Society of Security Analysts, and he has given a Financial Analysts Journal Media Seminar and presented at conferences for Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. Formerly he was First Vice President of the Prudential Insurance Company of America, where he served as Senior Managing Director of a quantitative equity management affiliate of the Prudential Asset Management Company and Managing Director of the Pension Asset Management Group. Prior to that, he was on the finance faculty of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and consulted to the Rand Corporation. Dr. Jacobs has a B.A. from Columbia College, an M.S. in Operations Research and Computer Science from Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science, an M.S.I.A. from Carnegie Mellon University’s Graduate School of Industrial Administration, and an M.A. in Applied Economics and a Ph.D. in Finance from the Wharton School. He serves on the Ambassador Advisory Board of the Journal of Portfolio Management, the Advisory Board of the Journal of Financial Data Science, and is an Advisory Editor for the Journal of Impact and ESG Investing. He has also served on the Financial Analysts Journal Advisory Council, and was an Associate Editor of the Journal of Trading. Dr. Jacobs also served on the Committee to Establish the National Institute of Finance and was a member of its successor, the Office of Financial Research Discussion Forum. He is Chair of the Advisory Board of the Jacobs Levy Equity Management Center for Quantitative Financial Research at the Wharton School, and helped create the new Quantitative Finance major at the Wharton School by establishing the Dr. Bruce I. Jacobs Professorship in Quantitative Finance and the Dr. Bruce I. Jacobs Scholars in Quantitative Finance.
Kenneth N. Levy Co-Founder 2019 now
전기 Kenneth N. Levy, CFA, co-founded Jacobs Levy Equity Management in 1986. He is principal, co-chief investment officer, portfolio manager, and co-director of research of the firm. Previously, Mr. Jacobs was managing director of a quantitative equity management affiliate of the Prudential Asset Management Company. Prior to that, he was responsible for quantitative research at Prudential Equity Management Associates.
Brandon M. Nelson Senior Portfolio Manager 2013 now
전기 Senior Portfolio Manager Brandon M. Nelson is responsible for the portfolio management of our small- and smid-cap growth strategies. He draws upon more than two decades of experience in small- and smid-cap growth equity investing, utilizing the same philosophy and process employed by Calamos Timpani Small Cap Growth Fund today. He is also a member of the Calamos Investment Committee, which is charged with providing a top-down framework, maintaining oversight of risk and performance metrics, and evaluating investment process. Brandon joined Calamos Investments following its 2019 acquisition of Timpani Capital Management, the company he co-founded in 2008, where he served as Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager of the Timpani strategies since inception. Previously, he was a Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager at Wells Capital Management since 2005. Prior to that, Brandon was with Strong Capital Management, Inc. as a Research Analyst from 1996 to 2000 and as a Portfolio Manager from 2000 to 2005. He received his master’s degree in Finance from the  University of Wisconsin-Madison and was selected to participate in the prestigious Applied Security Analysis Program. He also received his BBA in Finance from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Fred Lee Portfolio Manager 2009 now
전기 Fred Lee, CFA, as the Head of Portfolio Construction & Quantitative Research within the MMS team since January 2009, oversees the portfolio construction process in determining the specific allocations to individual managers. He also leads the team responsible for the quantitative assessment of managers. Mr. Lee is located in the London office of UBS AM, which he joined in 2006 as a Risk Analyst where he provided risk assessment and monitoring for all client portfolios and enhanced proprietary risk models. Prior to joining UBS AM, Mr. Lee worked as a consultant for MSCI Barra providing advice to large investment managers across Europe on the interpretation and use of risk models and analytics.
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