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Mori Eastern European Fund C GBP (0P0000W8SA)

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Mori Eastern European Fund C GBP 과거 데이터, 실시간 데이터를 보려면 다시 검색하세요
9.070 +0.880    +10.81%
25/02 - 닫음. GBP 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 37.73M
종류:  펀드
시장:  영국
발행자:  Mori Capital Management Limited
ISIN:  IE00B762ZY72 
자산등급:  주식
Mori Eastern European Fund C GBP 9.070 +0.880 +10.81%

0P0000W8SA 개요

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2012년 05월 18일


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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Aziz Unan Head 2015 now
전기 With more than 19 years of investment experience, Aziz has been managing Mori Ottoman Fund (originally known as Griffin Ottoman Fund) since its launch in January 2006, the best performing regional fund in Emerging Europe / MENA. Aziz has been awarded multiple industry awards and ratings (Morningstar, Sauren, Euro, Euro AM Sontag, Feri Ratings and Citywire). Aziz also co-managed Mori Eastern European Fund with Juergen Kirsch between 2004-2007, and he has been the sole manager since January 2015. He started his finance career as an equity analyst at Erste Bank in 1996. He was the Head of Research at Wood & Company between 2002 and 2004 covering emerging European equities. He founded Mori Capital Management Ltd and is also the founder of Unan Portfoy Yonetimi A.S., in Turkey. Aziz holds a BA in Business Administration from the Anglo-American University.
Jesse Sherman - 2013 2014
전기 Jesse Sherman joined Renaissance Asset Managers (RAM) in January 2012 with the Griffin Capital Management Funds. With over 10 years’ industry experience, he has specialised in emerging markets investments for the last five years, with a particular focus on Russian equities. Combining both buy-side and sell-side experience, Jesse has a strong grounding in fundamental research and analysis. At Griffin, and subsequently at RAM, Jesse has also advised on investment strategy and portfolio construction across our regional portfolios. Jesse has a BSc in Business Administration from Cornell University and MBA from Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College
Plamen Monovski - 2011 2014
전기 Plamen Monovski joined Renaissance Asset Managers in 2010 as President and CIO, having built his reputation over 13 successful years at BlackRock and Merrill Lynch Investment Management, where he was Head of Emerging Markets and prior to that the co-Head of the Emerging Europe multi-billion franchise which encompassed institutional, retail and the long-short book. A highly respected and leading emerging markets investor, Plamen co-managed the BlackRock Global Funds Emerging Europe Fund. At its peak, the fund was twice the size of its nearest competitor with $9 billion under management, and was rated AAA by Standard & Poor’s. Plamen has an MSc. in Finance (Distinction) from the London School of Economics.
Thomas Fathofer Senior Portfolio Manager 2008 2011
전기 Thomas (born in 1970) joined Griffin Capital Management in October 2007. He has 10 years’ experience in fund management with a focus on Eastern European equities. Prior to joining Griffin he was a senior fund manager at BAWAG P.S.K. Invest, the investment arm of BAWAG P.S.K. Group, where he was in charge of DKB Osteuropa Fund and BAWAG P.S.K. Osteuropa Stock Fund.
Jürgen Kirsch Founder 1998 2011
전기 He founded Griffin Capital Management in 1997. From 1993 to 1997 he was a senior fund manager at Mercury Asset Management where he was responsible for research and investments in Eastern Europe. He managed the Mercury Eastern European Fund, which under his management became the largest Eastern European fund. The fund received numerous Micropal and Lipper awards for best performance. He was voted Fund Manager of the Year by the German magazine Finanzen in 1996 and 2001.
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  • 의견은 한글로 작성해주세요.


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