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Manulife S2 Ideal Income Balanced Fund 75FC (0P0000Z29K)

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18.248 +0.050    +0.29%
08/10 - 닫음. CAD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 68.39M
종류:  펀드
시장:  캐나다
발행자:  Standard Life Assurance Co. of Canada
자산등급:  기타
Manulife S2 Ideal Income Balanced Fund 75FC 18.248 +0.050 +0.29%

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Canadian Neutral Balanced

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개시 날짜

2013년 11월 18일


주소 1245 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal,QC H3G 1G3
전화 514 841 6633
팩스 514 499 4466

최고 경영진

종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Roshan Thiru Senior Portfolio Manager 2019 now
전기 Roshan Thiru, CFA, is a senior managing director and head of the Canadian Fixed Income team at Manulife Investment Management. In this role, he is responsible for the Toronto and Montreal-based Fixed Income and Money Market teams who manage client portfolios in actively-managed Canadian fixed income strategies, including fixed income balanced and other customized mandates. Previously Roshan was a senior portfolio manager focusing on investment grade corporate debt mandates. Prior to joining Manulife, he was a lead analyst with DBRS, covering the energy, project finance, and utility sectors.
James Robertson Senior Portfolio Manager 2018 now
전기 James Robertson, is a senior portfolio manager at Manulife Asset Management. Jamie is responsible for overseeing all aspects of Manulife’s Canadian asset allocation franchise. He leads Canadian portfolio management efforts across a wide range of multi-asset and multi-manager solutions. Previously, Jamie was CIO for McLean and Partners in Calgary. Prior to that, he was vice president, proprietary investments (equities) at Manulife Financial. Earlier in his career, he held executive positions at CTSecurities, JP Morgan Canada, and BLC Securities.
Patrick Blais Senior Portfolio Manager 2017 now
전기 Patrick Blais, FSA, CFA, is a managing director and senior portfolio manager at Manulife Asset Management and co-head of the Canadian Fundamental Equity Team, responsible for Canadian Core Equity strategies. Previously, Patrick was a member of the Growth Equity team responsible for the Large Cap Growth mandate. Prior to joining Manulife Asset Management, Patrick was a growth portfolio manager and analyst at KBSH Capital Management, focusing on international equities. Previously, he was a global senior equity and corporate debt analyst at Sun Life Financial.
Neil Matheson - 2012 now
전기 As Senior Vice-President, Investment Strategy, Neil Matheson contributes to macroeconomic research and investment strategy as both member and chair of several investment strategy committees in both Canada and the UK. He manages the Standard Life Canadian Dividend Growth fund and is a member of Standard Life Investments Inc.’s Executive Committee. Neil joined the company in 1989. He was appointed to his current position in 2008. Neil holds M.A. degrees from both Oxford University and Carleton University, as well as an MBA from McGill University. He obtained his CFA designation in 1991.
Marie-Eve Savard Portfolio Manager 2012 now
전기 As Portfolio Manager, Equities, Marie-Eve Savard is responsible for investment research on the Canadian Retail, Telecom, and Media sectors. She currently manages the Monthly Income Funds, co-manages the Canadian Equity Funds, and sits on the Dividend and Income Committee. Marie-Eve joined Standard Life Investments Inc. in 2002. Prior to this, she worked as an investment banking associate from 2000 to 2002 and as an investment banking analyst from 1998 to 2000. Marie-Eve holds a CFA designation and a B.Comm degree from HEC Montréal (recipient of Profile Mercure award).
Michel Pelletier Other Executives 2003 now
전기 As Senior Vice-President, Fixed Income, Michel Pelletier leads the Fixed Income team and is responsible for all government bonds, corporate bonds, private placements and money market portfolios. A key member of the Asset Mix Strategy and Investment Governance Committees, Michel contributes interest rate forecasts and asset mix recommendations. Michel joined Standard Life Investments Inc. in 2003 in his current role after 18 successful years in the investment industry. Michel holds a Bachelor’s degree from McGill University and a Master’s degree in Economics from Université de Montréal.
Antonio Maturo Other Executives 1998 2009
전기 As Senior Vice-President, Portfolio Management and Director, Mr. Maturo is responsible for coordinating the client servicing activities of portfolio managers. Mr. Maturo is a member of the Asset Mix Strategy Committee and the Equity Strategy Committee. His career spans 25 years in the investment industry. He joined Standard Life Investments Inc. in 1987 and was promoted to Senior Vice-President in 1997.
William MacDonald - 1998 2009
전기 As Senior Vice-President and Director, Bill is responsible for Standard Life Investments' bond and money market investments for client and corporate accounts. A key member of the Investment Strategy Committee, Bill contributes interest rate forecasts and asset mix recommendations. After 17 successful years in the sales and trading of bonds, Bill joined Standard Life Investments in 1981 as Portfolio Manager, Bonds. In 1988, he was promoted to his current position.
Peter M. Hill Chairman 1998 2009
전기 Peter M. Hill is a co-portfolio manager of the Bailard international and emerging market equity strategies. Prior to joining Bailard in 1985, Mr. Hill worked in the United Kingdom as the Deputy Investment Manager for the Royal London Insurance Society, Ltd., where he managed portfolios of international equities and unit trusts. Mr. Hill received bachelor’s degree in 1972 from Leeds University and is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, U.K.
Norman Raschkowan Executive Vice President 1998 2009
전기 Norman Raschkowan, Executive Vice President, Investment Management, is Chief North American Investment Strategist and lead of the Mackenzie Large Cap Dividend Team, with a dividend focus. Norman has investment experience since 1980; Mackenzie Investments experience since 2007. Norman has a BCom in Economics and Finance from McGill University, an MBA in International Business and Real Estate and is a member of the CFA Institute.
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