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AB - All Market Income Portfolio AD AUD H Inc (0P0001553K)

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8.070 -0.060    -0.74%
10/01 - 지연 데이터. AUD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 1.78B
종류:  펀드
시장:  룩셈부르크
발행자:  AllianceBernstein (Luxembourg) S.à r.l.
ISIN:  LU1127387899 
자산등급:  주식
AB - All Market Income Portfolio AD AUD H Inc 8.070 -0.060 -0.74%

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2014년 12월 18일

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Fahd Malik Portfolio Manager 2022 now
전기 Fahd Malik is a Portfolio Manager on the fixed income team, focusing primarily on Income Strategies. Prior to taking on this role, he served as a portfolio manager for AB’s Absolute Return fund. Malik joined the firm in 2006 and has extensive experience in systematic, market neutral, risk-mitigating and derivative strategies. He holds a BS in electrical and computer engineering from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art and an MS in mathematics in finance from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University. Location: New York
Karen Watkin Vice President 2018 now
전기 Karen Watkin is a Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager for the Multi-Asset Solutions business in EMEA. Along with being Portfolio Manager for the All Market Income Portfolio, she is responsible for the development and management of multi-asset portfolios for a range of clients. From 2008 to 2011, Watkin was portfolio manager for the Index Strategies Group, responsible for the development and management of AB’s custom index strategies for institutional clients in EMEA. She joined the firm in 2003, after spending three years as a management consultant in the Capital Markets Group at Accenture. Watkin holds a BA in economics with European study from the University of Exeter and is a CFA charterholder.
Daniel J. Loewy CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2004 now
전기 Mr. Loewy is Chief Investment Officer and Head of Multi-Asset Solutions at AllianceBernstein. In addition, Mr. Loewy is Chief Investment Officer for Dynamic Asset Allocation and is a member of the Real Asset Investment Policy Group and Target Date Investment Oversight team at AllianceBernstein. Mr. Loewy has been with AllianceBernstein since 1996. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University and a Master of Business Administration from Columbia University. He is a CFA charterholder.
Seth J. Masters Executive Vice President 2004 2023
전기 "Chief Investment Officer—Blend Strategies and Defined Contribution Seth Masters is Chief Investment Officer of Blend Strategies and Defined Contribution (DC) and a Partner at AllianceBernstein. He became CIO of Blend Strategies in 2002 and launched a range of style-blended and asset-allocation services that have since become a significant portion of the firm’s assets. In June 2008, Masters was appointed to head AllianceBernstein’s newly formed DC business unit. He is also responsible for overseeing research on dynamic asset allocation, inflation protection and risk-mitigation strategies. From 1994 to 2002, Masters was CIO of Emerging Markets Value Equities. He joined Bernstein in 1991 as a research analyst covering global financial firms. Over the years, Masters has published numerous articles, including “Is There a Better Way to Rebalance?”; “After the Fall: The Case for Emerging Markets Revisited”; and “The Future of Defined Contribution Pension Plans.” Prior to Bernstein, he worked as a senior associate at Booz, Allen & Hamilton from 1986 to 1990 and taught economics in China from 1983 to 1985. Masters earned a BA from Princeton University and an MPhil in economics from Oxford University. Location: New York. "
Morgan C Harting Vice President 2014 2015
전기 Morgan C. Harting is the lead Portfolio Manager for all Multi-Asset Income strategies and for the Emerging Markets Multi-Asset Portfolio. He joined AB in 2007 as part of the global and emerging-market equities portfolio-management team. Prior to that, Harting was a sovereign-debt analyst, first at Standard & Poor’s and then at Fitch Ratings, where he was a senior director. He holds a BA from Wesleyan University, and both an MA in international relations and an MBA from Yale University, where he was a graduate teaching fellow in international economics. Harting is a CFA charterholder, a certified Financial Risk Manager (FRM) and a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA).
Vadim Zlotnikov Chief Investment Strategist 2013 2015
전기 Vadim Zlotnikov is Chief Market Strategist, Co-Head of Multi-Asset Solutions and Chief Investment Officer for Systematic and Index Strategies. As Chief Market Strategist, he provides macro and quantitative research that helps identify thematic investment opportunities. As Co-Head of Multi-Asset Solutions, Zlotnikov manages the development and implementation of integrated investment portfolios for the retirement, institutional and retail markets. As CIO for Systematic and Index Strategies, he is responsible for ensuring that individual products meet investment objectives. Zlotnikov served as CIO of Growth Equities from 2008 to 2010. From 2002 to 2008, he was chief investment strategist, responsible for developing portfolio recommendations for the US market and for separate quantitative analysis and money-management research products. Prior to that, he was an analyst covering the PC and semiconductor industries; he launched the technology strategy product in 1996. Before joining the firm in 1992, Zlotnikov spent six years as a management consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton, where he conducted a broad range of strategic and operational studies for technology companies. He also worked for Amoco Technology Company as a director of electronic ventures and spent two years as a research engineer with AT&T Bell Laboratories. He has been named to the Institutional Investor All-America Research Team in the semiconductor components, strategy and quantitative research categories. Zlotnikov holds a BS and an MS in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an MBA from Stanford University. Location: New York
Patrick J. Rudden Senior Portfolio Manager 2009 2014
전기 Patrick Rudden was appointed Head of Blend Strategies in 2009. Prior to this appointment, he was head of institutional investment solutions within the Blend team. Rudden served as a senior portfolio manager for value equities services for over eight years, having joined the firm in 2001. He has published numerous articles and research papers, including, “What It Means to Be a Value Investor”; “An Integrated Approach to Asset Allocation” (with Seth Masters); and “Taking the Risk Out of Defined Benefit Pension Plans: The Lure of LDI” (with Drew Demakis). Previously, Rudden was a managing director and head of global equity research at BARRA Rogerscasey, an investment consulting firm. He earned an MA from Oxford University and an MBA from Cornell University. Rudden is a CFA charterholder. Location: London
Thomas J. Fontaine Senior Vice President 2004 2014
전기 Fontaine is a senior vice president of AllianceBernstein L.P., his employer since 2003. Thomas J. Fontaine; since July 2008; Senior Vice President of the Adviser and Vice President of the Adviser and Director since June 2008 Director of Research--Defined Contribution. Previously, he was a Director of Research for the Adviser's Style Blend Services, a member of the Blend Investment Policy Team from February 2006 to June 2008 and served as a senior quantitative analyst since prior to 2005.
Christopher H. Nikolich Senior Vice President 2004 2014
전기 Christopher Nikolich joined AB in 1994 and is the Head of Glide Path Strategies (US) in the Multi-Asset Solutions business, leading research efforts relating to effective target-date fund construction. He is the author of Anti-Depression Advice for Retirees, among other defined contribution (DC)–related research. Nikolich also works closely with clients in the structuring of their customized target-date funds. He was previously a senior investment director within DC. From 2002 to 2008, Nikolich was a senior portfolio manager on the Blend Strategies team, where he worked closely with clients on the creation and implementation of multi-asset-class solutions. From 2004 to 2006, he was based in London, where he worked with clients in the UK and Europe. From 1996 to 2002, Nikolich was a portfolio manager in the Index Strategies Group, where he managed risk-controlled equity services. He holds a BA in finance from Rider University and an MBA in finance and international business from New York University, and is a member of the Board of Trustees of Rider University. Location: New York
Dokyoung Lee Director 2004 2014
전기 Mr. Lee joined DWS in 2018 with 24 years of industry experience. Before joining, he co-managed group funds at the global multi-asset group at Oppenheimer Funds. Prior to that, he held a series of research and portfolio management leadership positions at AllianceBernstein in asset allocation and various value equity strategies including emerging markets, Japanese and U.S. equities He earned BS in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science from Princeton University; CFA Charterholder.
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  • 의견은 한글로 작성해주세요.


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