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JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe Equity Fund X (acc) - EUR (0P000019JN)

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0.300 -20.660    -98.57%
17/02 - 지연 데이터. EUR 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 3.85M
종류:  펀드
시장:  룩셈부르크
발행자:  JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l.
ISIN:  LU0143811395 
자산등급:  주식
JPMorgan Funds Emerging Europe Equity Fund X (ac 0.300 -20.660 -98.57%

0P000019JN 개요

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2004년 11월 09일


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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Luis Carrillo Head 2024 now
전기 Luis Carrillo, managing director, is a regional portfolio manager and the head of the Latin America Group, with a specialisation in Mexico, within the Emerging Markets and Asia Pacific Equities Team. He joined the firm in 1998 and is based in New York. Previously he was with several consulting firms where he offered strategic and financial advice concerning Latin America and Asia. Luis holds a B.S. degree in engineering and a graduate degree in industrial engineering from the Universidad Anahuac in Mexico. He holds an M.B.A. in finance from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Pandora Omaset - 2017 now
전기 Pandora Omaset, executive director, is a product-focused analyst covering Africa within the Emerging Markets and Asia Pacific Equities Team based in London. An employee since 1999, Pandora previously worked as a portfolio analyst in the Japanese Portfolios Group. Before joining J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Pandora was a Performance Analyst at Henderson’s Global Investors. Pandora has a BA in International Business and Finance from SNHU and University of Greenwich.
Habib Saikaly - 2017 now
전기 Habib Saikaly, executive director, is a portfolio manager for EMEA equity portfolios, with a specialisation in MENA and Turkey, within the Emerging Markets and Asia Pacific (EMAP) Equities team based in London. An employee since 2011, he previously worked as a product-focused analyst covering Emerging Europe, MENA and Turkey within the EMAP Equities team. Prior to this, Habib worked at Credit-Suisse as an equity analyst managing the HOLT EEMEA team. He has also worked at Deloitte and PwC where he did Audit, Financial Risk Management and Due Diligence assignments across different industries. Habib holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Loyola Marymount University and a Specialised Master in Auditing and Consulting from ESCP Europe Business School.
Oleg Biryulyov Vice President 2002 now
전기 Oleg Biryulyov, managing director, is a regional portfolio manager and the head of the Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Group, with a specialisation in Russia and Eastern Europe, within the Emerging Markets and Asia Pacific Equities Team based in London. An employee since 1994, Oleg was previously a portfolio manager for Flemings Urals Regional Venture Fund. Prior to this, he was an investment analyst. Oleg obtained a degree in economics from Moscow State University, Lomonosov. He is a holder of the CFA designation.
Sonal Tanna Executive Director 2007 2016
전기 Sonal Tanna, executive director, is a regional portfolio manager for Emerging Europe, Middle East and African portfolios, with a specialisation in South Africa and the Middle East, within the Emerging Markets and Asia Pacific Equities Team based in London. An employee of J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. since 1999, Sonal received a BSc. in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She is a holder of the CFA designation.
Ashraf el Ansary Portfolio Manager 2006 2006
전기 Ashraf El Ansary is an investment manager and country research specialist for Turkey and the Middle East in the Global Emerging Markets Group. An employee since 1999, Ashraf recently moved to his current role in 2001, having previously worked at Fleming CIIC Asset Management in a similar position. Prior to this, Ashraf was an analyst in the asset management division of Commercial International Investment Company, advising on Egypt and largest offshore fund as well as other discretionary portfolios. Ashraf graduated from the American University in Cairo in 1998 where he majored in Economics.
Gabor Sitanyi Portfolio Advisor 2006 2006
전기 Gabor joined Charlemagne Capital in February 2006 as Head of Research from Schroders where he ran the EMEA team and was a member of the Global Asset Allocation Committee for Global Emerging Markets. From 1997 to 2000 he was a fund manager covering EMEA with Fleming Investment Management. Before this he was with ING Barings in London. He began his career in 1991 as an equity analyst covering Emerging Europe with Creditanstalt in Budapest. Gabor graduated from University of Economics in Budapest. Gabor became Head of the Portfolio Advisory Team, with Julian Mayo, in 2009, before relinquishing his managerial responsibilities in 2011 in order to study for a doctorate.
Mark Robinson Portfolio Manager 2002 2005
전기 Mark Robinson is an investment manager with specific responsibilities for Poland and Eastern and Emerging Europe in the Global Emerging Markets Group. An employee since 1997, Mark was previously a member of the Pacific Region Portfolios Group, with specific fund management responsibility for the ASEAN, Korean, Chinese and Taiwanese stock markets. Prior to this, he was responsible for the day-to-day running of Asian portfolios (including Japan) at NPI. Mark holds the ASIP designation.
Clive Lloyd Senior Advisor to the Emerging Markets Team 1999 2001
전기 Clive Lloyd is Investment Manager and EMEA Stock Selection Specialist for GuardCap Asset Management Limited. Clive has tenure with Guardian Capital since 2003, coinciding with the launch of the Aurora strategy, which he co-founded with Steve Bates. Subsequently, in 2014, Guardian acquired Zephyr Management, the manager of the strategy, and formed GuardCap. Previously he was a senior portfolio manager at JP Morgan Fleming Asset Management, responsible for global emerging market portfolios.
Austin Forey Portfolio Manager 1999 2001
전기 Austin Forey, Portfolio Manager and Managing Director, has been at JPMorgan (or one of its predecessors) since 1988 and is responsible for global emerging markets portfolios, a role he has fulfilled since 1994. Prior to this he worked in the U.K. team, where he was deputy head of U.K. research. Before this, Austin worked as a research analyst covering engineering, and subsequently all financial sectors. Austin obtained a B.A. in Modern Languages from Cambridge University, and earned a Ph.D. in Modern Languages from Cambridge University.
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