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DWS International Growth Fund - Class S (SCOBX)

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39.87 +0.09    +0.23%
01/07 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 409.92M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Deutsche Asset Management
자산등급:  주식
Deutsche Global Growth S 39.87 +0.09 +0.23%


이 페이지에서 DWS International Growth Fund - Class S에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. SCOBX의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Foreign Large Growth

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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Sebastian P. Werner Portfolio Manager 2013 now
전기 Sebastian P. Werner, PhD, Head of Investment Strategy Equity. He Joined DWS in 2008; Previously, he served as a Research assistand for the Endowed Chair of Asset Management at the European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel while earning his PhD. He hold a MBA in International Management from the Thunderbird School fo Global Management. And he also holds a Masters Degree ("Diplom-Kaufmann") and PhD in Finance ("Dr.rer.pol.") from the European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel.
Julia A. Merz - 2019 2022
전기 Julia Merz joined DWS in 2015; previously, she served as an analyst for consumer discretionary for DWS in Frankfurt. She is Portfolio Manager and Research Analyst for Global and US Growth Equities: New York. She also has Master’s Degree (“Diplom-Kauffrau”) in Business Administration and Japanese Studies from University of Mannheim and PhD in Public Finance and Taxation (“Dr.rer.pol.”) from University of Cologne.
Mark Schumann Portfolio Manager 2015 2019
전기 MARK SCHUMANN, CFA, DIRECTOR. o Joined Deutsche Asset Management in 2003. o Portfolio Manager - European Equities: New York. o Master's Degree in Finance, University of St. Gallen (HSG), Switzerland.
Joseph Axtell Managing Director 2013 2016
전기 Portfolio Manager for Global Small Cap and US Small and Mid Cap Equities: New York Joined the Company in 2001 with 16 years of industry experience. Prior to his current role, Joseph served as a European Equities Portfolio Manager at Scudder Investments (which was later acquired by Deutsche Bank). Prior to joining, he worked as a Senior Analyst for International Equities at Merrill Lynch Asset Managers, as an International Research Analyst at PCM International and in various investment positions at Prudential Capital Corporation, Prudential-Bache Capital Funding and Prudential Equity Management Associates BS from Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota; CFA Charterholder
Rafaelina M. Lee Portfolio Manager 2013 2016
전기 Portfolio Manager for US Small and Mid Cap Equity: New York Joined the Company in 1999 with 15 years of industry experience. Prior to her current role, Rafaelina served as a senior research analyst. Before joining, she worked as a Latin America market strategist at J.P. Morgan Securities. Previously, she was an equity strategist at UBS Securities and a research analyst in the portfolio strategy group at Goldman Sachs. Rafaelina was a Deutsche Bank Ambassador from 2011 to 2014 BA in Mathematical Statistics from Columbia University; MBA in Finance from Stern School of Business, New York University
Nils E. Ernst Portfolio Manager 2013 2015
전기 Nils E. Ernst, PhD, Director. Portfolio Manager. Joined Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management in 2004 after two years of industry experience as an Investment Consultant at FERI Institutional Management GmbH, while completing his doctoral studies. Portfolio Manager for Global Equities: Frankfurt. Completed Bank Training Program (”Bankkaufmann”) at Landesbank Hessen-Thueringen, Frankfurt; Master’s Degree and PhD in Business Administration (”Diplom-Kaufmann” and ”Dr. rer. pol.”) from Otto Beisheim Graduate School of Corporate Management with semesters at Georgia Institute of Technology and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Martin Berberich Portfolio Manager 2013 2015
전기 Martin Berberich, CFA, Director. Portfolio Manager.Joined Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management in 1999 with three years of industry experience; previously, he served as an Institutional Portfolio Manager. Before joining, he worked in the Treasury Department at Robert Bosch GmbH. Senior Portfolio Manager for Global Equities and Deputy Portfolio Manager for the DWS Top 50 Welt: Frankfurt. Completed Bank Training Program (”Bankkaufmann”) at HypoVereinsbank Wuerzburg; MBA (”Diplom-Kaufmann”) from University of Wuerzburg; CFA Charterholder.
Reid T. Galas Portfolio Manager 2013 2014
전기 Reid joined GW&K in 2014 to lead the development of our small cap international investment capability, building upon GW&K’s established track record in domestic small cap equity management. He is a portfolio manager for GW&K’s International and Global Small Cap Strategies and is a member of the firm’s Investment Committee, lending an important global perspective to our economic and investment strategy discussions. Prior to joining the firm, Reid was a portfolio manager for the Deutsche Global Growth Fund, as well as a senior analyst for the Deutsche Global Small Cap Equity Fund. He spent his early career working as a supply chain consultant for two different technology companies before joining Deloitte Consulting. At Deloitte he managed consulting assignments that included creating models and developing/implementing business solutions for forecasting, new product introductions, manufacturing and distribution processes for domestic and international companies across industries. In 2008 Reid leveraged his deep knowledge of global business operations and finance and transitioned to the investment industry becoming a member of the Global Small Cap Equity team at Deutsche Asset Management. Reid received a BS in Engineering from Cornell University and an MBA from the University of Michigan. He earned the CFA designation and is a member of the CFA Institute.
Oliver S. Kratz CEO 2003 2013
전기 Oliver Kratz, PhD Founding Partner Portfolio Manager for the Global Thematic Equity, Bottom Billion and Long Duration Equity strategies 20+ years investment experience MALD, PhD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University BA, Tufts University and Karlova Universidad
Steve M. Wreford Director 2002 2005
전기 Steve Wreford is a Portfolio Manager/Analyst on the Global Thematic Equity team. He began working in the investment field in 1995. Prior to joining Lazard in 2010, Steve was a Partner and Portfolio Manager with Hampstead Capital. Previously he was a Portfolio Manager with Scudder/Deutsche Asset Management, Equity Research Analyst with CCF Charterhouse, and Chartered Accountant with KPMG. He has a BSc (Hons) in Computer Science from Aston University. Steve is a member of New York Society of Security Analysts.
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