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AB - Asia Pacific Local Currency Debt Portfolio IT USD Inc (0P0000VJR6)

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AB SICAV I - Asia Pacific Local Currency Debt Port 과거 데이터, 실시간 데이터를 보려면 다시 검색하세요
11.270 -0.000    0.00%
25/03 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 23.58M
종류:  펀드
시장:  룩셈부르크
발행자:  AllianceBernstein (Luxembourg) S.à r.l.
ISIN:  LU0736558387 
자산등급:  채권
AB SICAV I - Asia Pacific Local Currency Debt Port 11.270 -0.000 0.00%

0P0000VJR6 개요

이 페이지에서 AB - Asia Pacific Local Currency Debt Portfolio IT USD Inc에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. 0P0000VJR6의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Asia Bond - Local Currency

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2012년 02월 08일


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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Diwakar Vijayvergia Portfolio Manager-Asia Fixed Income 2022 now
전기 Portfolio Manager—Asia Fixed Income Diwakar Vijayvergia is a Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager on the Asia Fixed Income team, focusing on Asia Pacific and emerging-market fixed-income strategies. Prior to this he was a senior credit analyst on AB’s Credit Research team specializing in Southeast Asia and India corporate credit. Vijayvergia has worked as a credit analyst since 2006 and has covered multiple regions, sectors and capital structures. Before joining the firm in 2018, he was a senior vice president and head of credit strategy at Jefferies International, focusing on high yield and distressed credit in Asia. Prior to that, Vijayvergia was a senior desk analyst for eight years at RBS, covering global distressed opportunities, private financing and performing credits. He holds a BCom (honors) in accountancy from the University of Calcutta and an MBA in finance from the Indian Institute of Management. Location: Singapore
Christian DiClementi Vice President 2018 now
전기 Christian DiClementi is a Vice President and Portfolio Manager at AB, focusing on local-currency emerging-market debt portfolios. He is a member of the Emerging Market Debt and Global Fixed Income portfolio-management teams, and a member of the Emerging Market Debt Research Review team. Prior to joining the Emerging Market Debt portfolio-management team in early 2013, DiClementi served as a member of the Economic Research Group, focusing mainly on sovereign fundamental research for the Caribbean, Central American and Latin American regions. Previously, he worked as an analyst in the firm’s Quantitative Research Group, focusing primarily on global sovereign return and risk modeling. DiClementi joined AB in 2003 as an associate portfolio manager, responsible for New York–based municipal bond accounts. He holds a BS in mathematics (summa cum laude) from Fairfield University. Location: New York
Brad Gibson - 2012 now
전기 Brad Gibson Portfolio Manager—Asia-Pacific Fixed Income Brad Gibson is a Vice President and Portfolio Manager at AB, focusing on regional Asia and Australian global bond portfolios. He is a member of the Global Fixed Income and Asia-Pacific Fixed Income portfolio-management teams. Prior to joining AB in 2012, Gibson was the head of Rates Strategies at ING Investment Management Australia, where he was responsible for the management of a range of domestic, international, diversified, nominal and inflation-linked bond portfolios. Prior to that, he spent three years at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia as head of Global Markets Singapore and head of Financial Institutions Domestic Sales, New South Wales. Gibson started his investment career with AMP, working in portfolio management and the trading of Australian fixed-interest, interest-rate, currency, inflation-linked bond and derivatives instruments. He was previously a member of both the interest-rate options and bond committees of the Australian Financial Markets Association and has lectured on fixed-income portfolio management for the Securities Institute of Australia (now FINSIA). Location: Hong Kong
Jenny Zeng Co-Head—Asia Pacific Fixed Income 2016 2023
전기 Jenny Zeng is Co-Head of Asia Pacific Fixed Income and a portfolio manager. She manages Asian Income Opportunity, RMB Income Plus and other Asian strategies. Zeng is also a member of the Emerging-Market Debt Portfolio Management team. Prior to her current role, she was the head of credit research in Asia, specializing in Asian high-yield credits. Before joining the firm in 2013, Zeng was at Citigroup for seven years, most recently serving as a vice president and credit-sector specialist covering Asian corporate credit. During her years with Citigroup, she was ranked as one of the top three research analysts for overall credit research in the Asiamoney Fixed Income Poll. Zeng is a CFA charterholder. Location: Hong Kong
Hayden Briscoe - 2012 2016
전기 "Director—Asia Pacific Fixed Income Hayden Briscoe joined AllianceBernstein in August 2009 as Head of Australian & New Zealand Fixed Income and was appointed Director Asia Pacific Fixed Income in March 2011. He has 20 years of experience in the industry and was previously a senior member of the Fixed Interest team at Schroders Australia for nearly three years. Briscoe was responsible for domestic fixed-income funds and global core-plus funds. Prior to Schroders, he spent six years with Colonial First State Investments, managing domestic, global credit and core bond funds, with tactical asset-allocation responsibility across the cash funds. Briscoe teamed with another portfolio manager to set up a global bond fund investment process. He spent nine years with Bankers Trust (BT) in investment banking, starting out trading bonds. Briscoe moved to Macquarie for a short time after the BT merger before joining Colonial First State. He holds a BA in economics from the University of New South Wales. Location: Melbourne "
Douglas J. Peebles Senior Vice President 2012 2012
전기 Douglas J. Peebles is the Chief Investment Officer of AB Fixed Income and a Partner of the firm. As CIO, he is also Co-Chairman of the Interest Rates and Currencies Research Review team. Since joining AB in 1987, Peebles has held several leadership positions, including director of Global Fixed Income (1997–2004), co-head of AB Fixed Income (2004–2008) and Head of Fixed Income (2008–2016). He holds a BA from Muhlenberg College and an MBA from Rutgers University. Location: New York Mr. Peebles is expected to retire from the AllianceBernstein L.P. effective December 30, 2020.
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  • 풍성한 대화 나누기.
  • 주제에 집중하기. 토론 주제와 관련된 것만 게시합니다
  • 존중하기. 부정적인의견도 긍정적이고 세련되게 표현할 수 있습니다.
  • 표준어 사용: 문법에 맞춰 글을 작성합니다.
  • 주의사항: 의견에 포함된 스팸이나 홍보용 메시지 및 링크는 제거될 것입니다.
  • 저자나 다른 사용자에 대한 욕설, 비방, 또는 인신공격은 삼가하시기 바랍니다.
  • 대화를 독점하지 마십시오열정과 소신에 감사드립니다. 다만 다른 분들에게도 자신의 생각을 표현할 기회를 드리고자 합니다. 의견은 간결하고 사려 깊게 제시하시고 다른 사람이 불편해 할 수 있음으로 같은 의견을 되풀이하지 마시기 바랍니다. 이야기나 포럼을 독차지하는 사람에 대한 불만이 접수될 경우, 해당 사이트에서 그 사람을 금지할 수 있습니다.
  • 의견은 한글로 작성해주세요.


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0P0000VJR6 코멘트

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유저님의 부정적인 댓글 내용으로 인해, 유저님은 더이상 댓글을 작성하실 수 없게 되었습니다. 유저님의 계정 상태는 관리자가 검토할 예정입니다.
잠시만 기다리신 후에 다시 의견을 작성해 주십시오.
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