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Trading On The Mark Trading On The Mark

The path to becoming a successful trader can be difficult, and everyone who attempts it encounters challenges during the journey. We founded Trading On The Mark in 2008 to help traders overcome some of those challenges and learn to trade profitably. TOTM provides subscribers with trading guidance and analysis of stock indices, currencies, bonds, metals, and energy products on time frames ranging from intraday to years.

TOTM’s technical approach is grounded in Elliott wave and Gann techniques, while also making use of Fibonacci relationships in price and time, historical cycles analysis, proprietary technical indicators, and other more esoteric approaches. Chief analyst Tom Pizzuti has spent nearly two decades exploring popular as well as esoteric approaches to technical analysis that help subscribers identify low-risk entry points that have high reward potential in a given time frame. Tom has a talent for explaining how to translate analysis into trades, and he leads the discussion in TOTM’s intraday trading room.

Find us on Twitter at @TradingOnMark

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