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🤯 퍼피션트(Perficient)는 +53% 상승했습니다. 프로픽 AI는 3월에 매수 기회를 포착했습니다.
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Squared Financial Squared Financial

Drawing on many years of experience in the industry, Squared Financial® was created by professional traders, for professional traders.

As an independent full-service broker, we provide precision FX trading technology and services for professional traders.Our FX trading platform, SquaredTrader®, gives direct access to 6 of the world's top liquidity providers, with complete transparency and total neutrality throughout the trading process.

In addition to providing a premium trade execution service, our team is committed to providing the highest levels of personal service for clients at all times - throughout the trading, confirmation and reporting processes.

Our clients include high net worth individuals, and financial-institutions including brokers/dealers and money managers, as well as partners in the form of introducing brokers.
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