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Private Equity Insights Private Equity Insights

Private Equity Insights is a dedicated Private Equity platform operating across Europe and South East Asia. At our distinguished, regionally-focused events, we gather together the most significant players from throughout the Private Equity industry for a day of enriching panel discussions, inspiring keynotes, and highly valuable networking opportunities. We now organize eleven conferences per year in Germany, France, Benelux, Poland & CEE, DACH, Switzerland, Iberia, Italy, UK, the Nordics, and South East Asia.

 We bring together over 50 speakers at each event and more than 250 attendees from Private Equity Funds, Limited Partners, Funds of Funds, Venture Capitalists, CEOs of Private Equity-backed companies, startups, Business Angels, and many more. With 80+ Limited Partners, 60+ General Partners, and 60+ CxOs, our conferences are providing real networking opportunities and opening doors throughout the global Private Equity market.

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