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Robeco US Conservative High Dividend Equities N.V. EUR G (0P00011HCC)

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62.040 +0.460    +0.75%
02/01 - 닫음. EUR 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 63.77M
종류:  펀드
시장:  네덜란드
발행자:  Robeco Institutional Asset Mgmt BV
ISIN:  NL0010619748 
자산등급:  주식
Robeco US Conservative High Dividend Equities N.V. 62.040 +0.460 +0.75%

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US Equity Income

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2013년 12월 10일


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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Jan Sytze Mosselaar - 2013 now
전기 Mr. Mosselaar joined Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. in 2004 and is a Portfolio Manager within the Conservative Equities Team. His responsibility is RIAM BV’s low-volatility strategy ‘conservative equities’. He started his investment career in 2004 at RIAM BV and worked for 10 years as a Senior Portfolio Manager in the RIAM BV Asset Allocation department, managing multi-asset allocation funds, quant allocation funds and fiduciary pension mandates. He was also part of RIAM BV’s Asset Allocation Committee.
Pim W.N Van Vliet Head 2013 now
전기 Pim Van Vliet, PhD, Executive Director, Portfolio Manager Mr. Van Vliet is a Portfolio Manager within the Quantitative Equities team. His primary responsibility is Robeco’s Low-volatility strategy ‘Conservative Equities’ for which he coordinates innovation and promotes thought leadership. Pim joined Robeco in 2005 as a Senior Quantitative Researcher with responsibility for asset allocation research. He has published in the Journal of Banking and Finance, Management Science, the Journal of Portfolio Management and other academic journals. He is a guest lecturer at several universities and advocates low-volatility investing at international seminars. He is the author of a number of academic research papers and a book on the topic of low-volatility investing. Pim holds a PhD and MSc (cum laude) in Financial and Business Economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam. Mr. van Vliet joined Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. (RIAM BV) in 2005 and is Head of the Conservative Equities Team and a Portfolio Manager. He is also Co-Head of Quant Allocation. Mr. van Vliet joined RIAM BV as a Researcher with responsibility for asset allocation research. Mr. Vliet began his investment career in 2000.
Maarten Polfliet - 2013 now
전기 Mr. Polfliet joined RIAM BV in 2005 and is a Portfolio Manager within the Conservative Equities Team. Until March 2017, his responsibilities were RIAM BV’s quant value strategy and conservative equities strategy. Since then, he is fully dedicated to the conservative equities strategy. Previously, Mr. Polfliet was a Client Portfolio Manager within quantitative equities at RIAM BV. Prior to joining RIAM BV, he worked at Bank Insinger de Beaufort as a Portfolio Manager for its Dutch Equity Fund. Mr. Polfliet began his investment career as a Portfolio Manager for private and institutional clients at SNS Bank Nederland in 1999.
Arnoud Klep - 2013 now
전기 Mr. Klep joined Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. in 2001 and serves as a Portfolio Manager within the Conservative Equities Team. His responsibility is RIAM BV’s low-volatility strategy ‘conservative equities’. One of his areas of expertise is sustainability integration within quantitative equities. Previously Mr. Klep was Head of Structured Investments with RIAM BV, managing various quantitative investment strategies. Mr. Klep began his investment career in the RIAM BV Quantitative Research department in 2001.
Arlette E.F. van Ditshuizen - 2013 now
전기 Ms. van Ditshuizen joined Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. in 1997 and is a Portfolio Manager within the Conservative Equities Team. Since 2007, her primary focus is RIAM BV’s conservative equities strategy. Previously she was Risk Manager with RIAM BV for two years and held a position as Portfolio Manager and Head of Derivatives Structures with RIAM BV for six years. Ms. van Ditshuizen began her investment career in 1997 at RIAM BV.
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  • 의견은 한글로 작성해주세요.


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